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The Linear Game
Walk from point A to B.




Okay. Looking further into it it looks pretty interesting. I'd say that judging from screenshots it looks like Lisa: The first but I could be wrong.

Eh, I'd say I took more inspiration from the likes of OFF and .flow :)
I've played Lisa: The First and, well, aesthetically the game is quite different. For once, it's pretty colorful and grotesque, while .defrag goes pretty much the opposite route :D
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the experience


yume nikki fangame?



I like the look of this.

Thanks! =)


Uploading it as we speak! Just a little bit of patience, thanks! =)


Where are the knives.


I added some purple/lilac shades to the grass stems plus added a couple of extra floral tiles.


Uuuuh... Granted I'll change the parallax since it's one of the default ones... I still prefer the aqua hues, to be fair. I could, however, take the blue grass and give it some purple hue or something.

Still picking up my jaw

Anyway, call me crazy, but, if I were you, I'd be highly tempted to take a screenshot of this game being in the top spot of the buzzing section.

Done, haha :D


Haha!! Acid _fade ftw :'D

You could also experiment with different shades, like have one be a darker magenta purple while another is more blue-ish - still falling in the spectrum but adding a bit of variety.

Yeah, I'll get my hands on the graphics again once I'll finish coding the main puzzles :3 I initially went for a single color/three shades output, but drawing a more complex vegetation doesn't sound like a bad idea.


I did a quick colour shift set to get an idea of what they'd look like in different colours.

I rather like the aqua, red and pink/purple hues myself. Granted, it's not exactly as it would appear with a recolour, but it does give a general idea.

Oh that's very interesting! Thanks for experimenting on your own!
I agree about purple, teal and red. Red probably gives a bit too much of a "dangerous" vibe to an otherwise relaxing area. I think purple probably sets the balance between the two hues. It almost makes it look sophisticated, while not terribly original, it's still an interesting sight in my opinion.