

The Tiamat Sacrament

This was a pretty fun game, most of the characters seemed predictable, but it was still fun. I didn't see one of the twists near the end coming.

Puzzles were mostly good. I found the leafpad puzzles confusing to the point I cheated past the last one with the editor, though. All of the skippable minigames were pretty good, too. Tactics battles were fun - easy to win, hard to win with a lot of points.

Of note: if you inhale water once, and then end the battle with the water still inhaled, you can heal your entire party up to full for free by spamming it. Could probably be solved by making it and all healing breath skills battle-only skills. Combined with Sublimation, it made resource use issues pretty much non-existent. (You can also regen+focus after killing all but one enemy, but that's... slower)

Grave Spirit

Okay, so I finished the first dungeon, and I was like wait... that guy wants me to get to <Spoiler>, and said he's using me as a <Spoiler>.


So then I went back and walked over spikes until I died.

Nonstandard ending!
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