I hate RPG Maker because of what it has done to me
"College is fun as long as you don't die."
- L, Death Note
Ruby Quest: Undertow
Guide a lost rabbit out of hell.




Happy to be the object of nitpickiness :]


There was going to be an alternative where you can pay the beggar to get him to leave. But I couldn't think of a way to make this option "discoverable". I.e. if there were simply a "Pay" action available immediately, everyone would instantly go "oh, you're supposed to choose that". And it wouldn't feel as much like a "bending the rules" option. Also, I recall having a fit that day over how much work this game was and whether it's worth putting in branching events that would have to be scripted and animated annnnnnnnnd.


wow you're almost done the chapter.

did you say Longing Ribbon Easter eggs? wait. you'll find it.

I hate the way damage is calculated in RMXP. There's an additive component to it, which means that unless everything is tuned perfectly, damage can "zero out" if an enemy is too weak, which sucks. I could change the formula, but that means 100% of all balancing would be undone and I'd have to re-balance the entire game from the start ;_; Should I maybe just do this

No, I didn't know the candied torchbug thing would happen. Lol. Maybe I'll leave it in as a jokey use-the-fishing-rod-on-Ganon gag. But it's against a helpless beggar who dies in one hit anyway.

When you give Normenthe the elegant alembic she starts being able to crash Strong potions. Perhaps it's not very noticeable that this changes?

At least nothing bad happened during the horse ride or Copper Bay Bridge fight, I take it? YAY!

Please take this replacement barn which will let you proceed.
This evening I will have to make a proper patch.


The barn is the giant barn.
Oh no broken game again argggggh
And it's 11:22 pm so I'll have to look into it tomorrow morning.


Yes, the Vulturefins have a "Do Nothing" directive some of the time. Which means most of the time, sometimes.

Yes, the claymore should be 1-handed. Which means it can't be a claymore. Wooooo

I'm glad you enjoyed the mine and also threatening children and also looting Gaben's room. No, there is no long-term consequence for doing so.

The fact that dryskins can't swim really complicated things what with the necessity of party switching. But I'm happy that it's working.

Thanks again for the many feedbacks. 100% of feedbackers have tried to dig in the cemetery so I suppose that needs to be a supported action. I'll work them into the next update


all your skills have atrophied over time. but don't worry in chapter 3 you switch back to your chapter 1 progress.

I know you can't approach the ooo group. It's because the sitting woman actually fills that spot in front of the bench for sprite-ordering purposes and if you stepped into that space you would go underneath this sprite. I think. I hope I can just get away with that one. And 100% of feedbackers have complained about not being able to talk to the merchant across the counter.

The Longing Ribbon

You can make all battles skippable by inputting a top secret code. I think it's choosing "End Game > No" five times in a row without taking a step on the map. It says in the Readme.


The patches are for upgrading a previous version of the main download to the current main download. If you take the main download then you always have the current version.

PS. No bug reports allowed today since my PC is in the shop until Monday and I won't be able to fix them.


I go snowboarding only 1 day each year. ;_;