I like playing RPGMaker horror games. I think puzzles are enhanced by having to solve them while scared, and the simple graphics of RPGMaker games generally mean they aren't *too* scary.

I write reviews for games that I think need them - either because they don't already have a review, or because I disagree with the previous reviews. But whether I love it or hate a game, I think it'll be a great game for somebody. And I appreciate the developer of any game for putting in the effort to make something for other people's enjoyment.



Ayumi: Enhanced Edition

This game needs more downloads!

Pocket Mirror Classic (2016)

It's a shame that the rating for this game is dragged down by the reviews from when it was still a demo. It (apparently) got a lot better when it was finished. While I don't usually like the idea of "rating for the current version", I'd support it for this game.

One Of You

Well I feel silly.

I tried 0412 and 1215 and 1217 and 0001 without thinking that all the numbers should be put together in that order.

Thanks Josiah1221.

One Of You

Heya ZeroDigitz. I've played through the game and gotten 4 of the 6 endings (excluding scenario C), but I have no idea how to find the password for the computer, even though I know what the computer says thanks to the scripts that come with the game. None of the current year, 15 years ago, the time of the hanging, the time the gas was delivered, the date, or any other numbers I found highlighted in the game worked, so I've given up on getting 100%. (Never mind, I read your previous comment and found ending 6 - silly me not seeing it before. But then what's the password on the computer for?)

But overall I was disappointed in this game. Compared to your first game, this one was much better made, had a tighter story, and was altogether better. Good job doing better than before. The intro to scenario A even got me interested in what was to come. But in the end, I thought it wasn't particularly scary, interactive, or fun.

There's a large number of decisions we have to make in the game, but almost none of them mean anything. None of the dialogues matter, except the one per scenario that determines which bad ending you get. You can't actually fail the "minigames," and they never come up again after the first time they appear in a scenario. In fact, every time "hit Z" or similar appears, it only serves to slow down the pacing of the plot, rather than provide meaningful interaction.

Along the same lines, I didn't feel like I was playing a game, so much as traveling from one part of the plot to another. The difference between a story and a game is player interaction, and I felt like this game let me down on that front.

The "use chair on bookcase" puzzle was the only thing that stood out as a puzzle, and it somewhat fails in that department because every time you examine the chair, it references that puzzle, whether you mean to or not. Why not instead make the Z button move the chair?

More egregiously, the "use tape on leaking gas container" puzzle didn't actually do anything. You can pick up the tape from the table, and use it to seal the leaking poison container, but the following scenes play out exactly the same whether you do or not. Why should we have inhaled too much poison if I spent less than 10 seconds in the room/hallway where it was leaking before I sealed it off? And why does nothing change if I don't seal it off?

Most egregiously, the name of the game is "One of You," but the main monster was not one of us. It spent the entire game out of sight/knocked out, and didn't threaten us in the least. I saw "C - clue" in the keyboard bindings at the start of the game and got excited, thinking I would have to put together clues a la the Jedi test in Knights of the Old Republic, and use the C key to view my clues or something (especially once I knew the game revolved around a shapeshifter), and that never happened. So the biggest plot point never mattered!

And even the camera ended up not meaning anything! There was all this static, the hanging video was made very prominent, we were actually filmed in the one room, and none of it ever mattered. That was a big let down.

Along the same lines, the first thing that caught my eye in the game was the book in the basement that outlines the rules/punishments. I thought the Dad would be the main antagonist, but he wasn't, and the book was pointless, except to explain some backstory. Really, you needn't have bothered making the protagonist his son - it made no difference to the plot. Please don't forget about conservation of detail in your games - if something (a fact, a person) isn't absolutely necessary for the plot/game, get rid of it. Obviously backstory and epilogue get some leeway with this, because explanations are great, but in general the tighter a game is, the better it is.

On a different note, scenario B felt very fragmented. It seemed to assume you played scenario A, and just showed you Maria/Mia's side to the story. But it added nothing to the story, because everything in scenario B - including both the beginning and the ending - was already shown (or at least implied) in scenario A, with the exception of the guy shooting Dad and the demon killing him for that reason. In my opinion, those 2 revelations didn't justify the rest of the scenario.

Also in scenario B, I unlocked the storage room in the basement, but I wasn't able to do anything with the gas canisters, even after I read the computer logs that said the Dad used gas to stun the creature. Why not?

Similarly, scenario C felt less like a game and more like an epilogue. There was no real gameplay (adding "search here?" to every square does not a puzzle make) and no ability to change anything. Further, it seems to assume you took the "go with Maria" option from scenario A, because the demoness has the picture from the locked room (that Fred took the key for).

I noticed that the date in the game was the same as the date it was released. That was cute, but I don't really see or feel the impact of it.

I also noticed the description for the game is wrong now:
Three individuals wake up inside a cabin with no knowledge of who they are or how they got there. To make matters worse, the cabin has been bolted shut to prevent anyone from escaping. After several failed attempts to escape, the trio eventually discovers some disturbing footage. The video appears to be a snuff film or murder caught on camera, and was shot in the same house that they are now trapped in.

The first sentence only applies to scenario A, and it's only 1 individual. The rest is implied/in scenario B. The trio find the video immediately, not after several failed attempts to escape. And in scenario A at least, the newspaper clipping gave you the same story long before the video.

Not that the newspaper clipping does anything either. Why is it highlighted if there's no point in reading it?

Finally, some other minor issues made the game less fun than it otherwise could have been.

1. Please stop using SRD_SkipTitleScreen. I've only seen it in your games, and I've also had the worst game-startup experiences with your games. Convenience matters more than presentation in a game you have to play multiple times, and is nice to have anyway. The quicker I can get to "Continue", the more fun the game is. And it's especially important to me that when I hit F12, I go back to the title screen so I can restart quickly when I want to do something different.

2. When you finish the game, it autosaves your progress on slot 10. But loading slot 10 sends you back to the title screen. That kind of thing should be in the background and out of sight of the player.

3. In scenario B, Fred goes upstairs. But when I immediately went downstairs, he was already there swinging the hammer. That was jarring, and I accidentally finished the scenario after that. At least put some quest in-between him going upstairs and him being downstairs to trigger the change.

4. In each scenario, the doors that the other person had the key for remained locked even after they would have needed to unlock them. When I played scenario B, Fred had the hammer, meaning he had unlocked the study. But the study was still locked when I went back upstairs. Likewise in scenario A, there's no reason for the door to the basement room to still be locked after Fred gets the hammer, because Maria's already been down there.

On a positive note, I noticed you eschewed the save system of the last game and let us save anywhere in this game. That's great, and it made the game so much better. Thank you for listening to my feedback on that.

From Next Door

Hey, congratz on making the front page!

2016 Misaos (Fin)

Have I already made nominations/votes in my profile, or do I need to post them aomewhere?


Well I want to see a full version of this game. I looked at it because of the Hallween contest (I'm surprised a demo did so well!) and I like it so far. With a bit of polishing, I think it'd be a great one. Here's some bugs I found:

Both the red and scarlet music boxes are the correct solution (the bear was lying?)

If you pick the wrong music box, the dialogue enters a loop where it asks "reach in and grab it?" And when I pick "no," it doesn't let me leave, but instead just asks again.

In the bloody room after the first blue flame flashback, you can walk through the back wall opposite the portrait.

You can also run onto the table after taking the jar of bugs off it.

There's no walls in the final room.

Also, if possible, could there be less blood on the ground? As with "The Convent" I think it detracts from the atmosphere.

A Ghost's Lullaby

This game won the Halloween contest, so of course I'm going to try it.

After finishing it, I think that in terms of how well it was made, this game is excellent. I thought had good atmosphere too. But in terms of overall spookiness, I felt it kinda fell short.

I was able to boldly walk through the school without fear of anything, because there was nothing in the school to be afraid of. The only way for me to get hurt or killed was by going to the roof.

And I think there may have been some translation problems, because in English there's a very big difference between what's on the computer screen and the information we need to solve the puzzle. So much so that I couldn't get any clues out of it, except that the vampire was involved in the solution somehow.

In fact, I kept trying "Pumpkin at the top, then ghost-bat-witch in some order, then vampire", because that's the order they appeared in the note.

If I were to leave a hint like that, I would write something more like this:

A girl met death, and he gave her a choice. Holding out his hands, he asked her to put her spirit in one, and her body in the other. Whichever she put in his right hand he would take, but she would keep that which she placed in the left.

"How can I choose between my spirit and my body?" She asked. "My spirit is who I am. But my body is one with my love, and I cannot live without him."

Death flashed a jack-o-lantern smile.

"If you cannot choose, then you must stay here until another chooses for you. To your left creatures will fly through the sky, but you will be unable to join them. To your right you will see your true self, carried by another."

And that was how she stayed.

And then I'd run it past a bunch of other people to make sure they could figure it out. But I'm not terribly good at picking up clues, so that's just me.

On that note, it wasn't clear to me what I was supposed to do in the game. It seemed like the main character gave up on finding an exit door key, but I wasn't sure what motivation was replacing it.

And I never found out what the metal key was for, even though I got the best ending.

Other than that, a well done game!

Fear Society

Haha, I'm starting to get known for not pulling punches, so there's no problem there. But what I really want to do is let you developers know that I love the effort you put into making games, and that I want to help you make your games better. And the "Are you Afraid of the Dark" framework is fairly original for horror games, so that was neat.

Anyway, I'll respond to your comments bit by bit as well.

Did you like the bloopers?

I didn't watch them. I thought they were really out of place actually. Bloopers are comedy, and usually only shown during/after the credits. In horror games, I've seen things like that in the bonus rooms after the game is over. But you had it right there in the main game - an obviously out-of-character feature at a point when I was in-character. The juxtaposition was really bizarre, and broke my suspension of disbelief in the game. I had to actively ignore the bloopers when I was playing the game, and (maybe in part because of that) I wasn't interested in watching them afterwards.

**Spoiler Alert**
Tyler story did make sense. Think about it like this, the last two scenes of that story-line was real. Everything else was just a mirage or fantasy world that Meredith created. If you ever watched the movie Shutter Island then you know what I'm talking about. The very first scene is irrelevant and there for shock value.

I haven't seen Shutter Island, so I don't get the reference. But your explanation kinda falls flat to me. "It was all a dream" is a tool that I think should be used carefully and precisely, and certainly not within a story that we already know is a story (because Mike is telling it to us).

And then the ending still doesn't make sense to me. As I understand it, Meredith supposedly went crazy because she lost her son in the womb/in childbirth. But she actually does have a son, who's living with his dad. That's a contradiction.

Q:Also, this game needs an ending
A:This isn't the last installment of the series. I will do sequel, and hopefully that will answer some of your questions.

Please no. I hated The Matrix Reloaded's ending, and I hate when any other movie ends the same way. It extends to games too. "To be continued" is what I call an unacceptable ending, because it means the developer had more material that should have been in the game, and didn't put it in. In other words, the developer released an incomplete game. And on the other hand, if a sequel is just a continuation of the first game, then it's an incomplete game too.

Q:Why was The Rector in 2 stories?
A:I liked the character so much so I decided to find a way to give him more screen time if you will. Who's your favorite character?

How odd, I didn't care about the Rector at all. My favorite character was, I guess, Abigail, because she was new to the group. It's a weak reason, but I didn't really like anyone that much. I actively disliked Penelope*, so you did something right when you made her.

*Because she was willing to kill someone and then sold her soul. "Infiltration" my butt - she joined the cult!

Q:Do the group do anything after you vote a tie and all of them leave?
A:This has never happened before, but in the event that this does happen. Last years winner(Mike) gets the final choice or vote, and you probably know who he would voted for.

Wait, what? That's not what happens in the game though. I did create a tie, and the group left together when I did. And you programmed the game that way. So what are you talking about?

Q:Do they individually do anything with the wolves?
A:This was added for humor purposes just like in the are you "Afraid Of The Dark" TV show when they would leave certain members out in the woods alone by themselves from time to time.

I can appreciate a bit of humor in a horror game, but I think the fact that I was still waiting for the scary twist meant that the humor was lost on me.

**Spoiler Alert**
Q:And 1-4 does not equal 3!
A:The puzzle in the game was to subtract the first number(4) from the third number(3). This number is second so this would give 4-1 not 1-4.

That doesn't make sense; for 2 reasons:
1. The game says "subtract the first number from the third number." In English, that means if you have 4 numbers in a row, labelled ABCD, then the answer is C-A.
2. The password was 4311, so third number was 1. So the answer would be 1-4 = -3

**Spoiler Alert**
Q:The second girl to join the cult screamed because she got to stage 3, and didn't have a choice about who to kill, so she automatically failed and died?
A:No, she screamed because she wished for her deceased mother to be brought back to life. The mother that came back to life was not the same mom she knew and loved.(Zombie)That part of the story was a nod to the Monkey's Paw.

Yeah, that was a bad joke on my part. But she screamed the exact same way as Penelope, so rather than what Roger said, it makes more sense to me that it was for the exact same reason - she had to give up her soul before getting her wish granted.

I know there a lot of things I need to work on, and I'm still learning as I go.

I'm happy to help in any way I can, and I encourage you to ignore anything I say that's not useful. Please don't be discouraged, but continue making steady progress.


I respectfully disagree. It's used so much in games/shows/movies that it's become cliche, and it doesn't sound realistic to me.