Why Y'all Suck
i wonder if nightblade is so mean in real life :(
(answer: no)
It was meant as an actual question; but yes, most people would consider me mean in real life, or at least that's the vibe I get; even though I don't go out of my way to portray myself in this way. My negativity seeps into everything I touch, for example... Why the hell am I even going over this with you?
I'm not sure what to even think of what I'm seeing here. Some guy makes a painfully bland game and expects people to go out of their way to post feedback and / or advice. If this thread is really about response, and not about the amount of people fellating you, you should look to a few other noteworthy games for your answer.
Grave Spirit, Exit Fate, even The Way have some pretty good exposure outside of the circle jerk. If graphics and presentation aren't your forté; you need to find a way to bring your strengths to the front and to better entice people to give your game a shot. Before you guys yammer on about graphics being too important, Dwarf Fortress is a very popular independent game; and that game looks like some kind of life form shit out some binary.
Why Y'all Suck
Discuss what... exactly? Should we comfort you? Should we give you advice? Do you want some juice in a sippy cup? You want more feedback?
Aww, were the mean forum goers mean to you? I mean, you had 4 posts there and everything!
What hell is even the point of this topic? Is this another "You guys dont play games enough" whine?
Release Something! Day VIII: Journey of the Cursed King [Discussion]
What Shall I Do?
I recently had a fight with a good (internet) friend, because he told me that I was acting too naiv. Then I over - reacted ( which I do quiet often ) and told him that his goofness is why he has no chesthair. Then I went offline. The next day I wrote him an excuse, but he didn't reply until today. What should I do? Should I just forget our friendship? If not, what should I write to him? :-(
PSP - Why didn't I buy this earlier?
Jeanne d'Arc.
It's so much better than that terrible version of FFT. That thing is so bad, even with the remade dialogue and cutscenes. Jeanne d'Arc is the best RPG on the PSP. Brave Story and Crisis Core are also good.
Well, I was supposed to be working with VX but I really got an urge to make this oldschool type of thing...
... yeah
The proportions are all out of whack. The doors and lamps are all twice as big as people.
Worst Video Game Titles
Let's talk about cards, guys.
Color Theory, you should go ahead and look that up. I feel kind of bad saying this after you've designed so many, but a lot of those cards are difficult to read.