Author of: Dragon Quest - Legacy of the Lost
Dragon Quest: Legacy of ...
Fangame inspired by Dragon Warrior 7 and Dragon Warrior Monsters



Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

where is the dragon for the ??? necklace

With the necklace, you can find the dragon in the top right corner of Erdrich Forest as a random encounter.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Glad you were able to get it figured out! :)

I probably did make the drop on teal medals a little high! Originally, they were super hard to get, and it was probably better that way (could only get them in certain battles or in some chests).

I didn't really think about people deciding to farm medals for the metal menagerie though!

As for Melody, she does only peform a check up to a certain level (again, me not expecting one to raise in level past 26 before they unlocked Arcanist).

I plan on working on a patch for the game that adds some post-game content, the patch will fix that issue. As for now, I'm happy to adjust her skillset to what it should be if needed. (HealUs is meant to be there though!)

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Do you mean the catacombs (dark area) or just the part with the guards. If it's the catacombs, don't forget to buy torches in town.

Here is a map though!

Why isn't there an E3 topic?

Can't wait to see Final Fantasy XIV at E3! :)

I would also love for SE or Nintendo to release the remake of DW7 and/or DWM: Terry's Wonderland.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

orias i fine rosa in the pub but she run off were to if to the arena is it in the pass and what class is she in if i have to fight

Go check with Melody's father in Crescende first, and then go to the past arena. You won't have to participate in a class.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Well, both sets of seeds can be attained in other methods. Defense Seeds are the easier to get of the two - as Mimic monsters can drop them with about a 25% droprate. As for strength seed, they are a bit annoying to get more of. A monster called Yeti in Wyuto can drop them at a 1% chance (Wyuto is a fantastic grind site though :P).

I do understand your frustration. Please do understand that I did my best to construct the guide when I had time. I completed the "unknowns and extras" first with all of the most important aspects, then I worked on the complete walkthrough as I could.

I do think I may make some video guide later for some things too. If you do want to keep playing and missing the treasures bothers you, I would be happy to edit your file giving you the items that were missed.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost


I apologize, when I read your statement earlier, I did think you were talking about Olian. I agree - that is the one secret in the game that is just hidden, with no way for a player to find it unless they just stumbled upon it. It's one of those things I've seen done before, and it's just a nice to find kind of thing.

Was it bad design choice? I think so. I could have done something to make it alluded to and I apologize. You didn't miss out on a great deal though, as the treasures are "nice to have", but in no way would detract through a play-through (no achievement related to it either).

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Norman, are you're sure in the boss' room? The boss won't be there unless you have:

Fought Rosa in the Yardrick Arena. To make this happen to the Yu'Tolio pub and try to open the door where Rosa is hiding, then follow the events that occur.

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

I beat last boss, and saw ending, thanks for great game.

Also, I guess you seem to love Tactics Ogre, played it.
In Japan, Tactics Ogre is popular but I didn't hear not in overseas...

Glad you enjoyed it!

Tactics Ogre happens to be my favorite game! I do prefer the PS1 version to the PSP remake that Square Enix released, but that new version sure did have some awesome music. :)

Flickering screen in FULL SCREEN

Is it all RPGMaker games, or just a few of them? I know on my computer, RM2k and 2k3 games do that, but any other version of RPGMaker doesn't.

It's not a solution though - as I don't know how to fix it! The problem does make me less likely to play 2k and 2k3 games though.