

Games that nobody remember?

Winback: Covert Operations

An early progenitor of the cover shooter. In retrospect it was pretty average in terms of quality, but I played the hell out of it.


A game that should have been 80s action flick. Easily the most metal thing on the N64.

Star Wars: Battle for Naboo

As much as I loath the prequels, I have to admit I liked Battle for Naboo. It was basically Rogue Squadron set during the Phantom Menace and featured some awesome space battles.

Conquest: Frontier Wars

Probably my favorite RTS outside of Homeworld. Frontier Wars was such a cleverly strategic game and was designed in such a way that a significantly weaker player could hold off a much stronger one if they managed their defenses properly. Plus...WORM HOLES!

The Hobbit

Should be fun.

...on a sort of related note. I was re-watching the LOTR films recently and I'm wondering, am I the only one who liked the theatrical cuts better then the extended editions?

One more for the evening...a move route issue.

Brilliant! Thanks so much!

One more for the evening...a move route issue.

This is probably another simple fix. I'm trying to get some characters to exit the screen on its right side. One of them does what I've scripted, but the other is ignoring the Move Route command. I've posted a YouTube video below of the entire scene as it stands at the moment, including the event scripts.

Would someone be willing to take a peek at this? Thanks!

Back! With a small problem....

Many thanks good sir!

Back! With a small problem....

Howdy all. The requirements of making money to pay for food, a roof, heat (and an inbound infant) unfortunately left me with little in the way of free time for the past few months.

With a brief lull however I wanted to try and get some work done. I'm trying to make a demo of a project and I keep having a problem in the intro scene. I have positioned a character so that they should be looking over the side of a cliff. When I test play however they're standing off in the empty space.

I've attached some pics to demonstrate!

Uploaded with

Skyrim Hype Thread: Undead Chicken Soup for the Dragon's Soul

I've been playing a fairly law abiding citizen up to this point but that religious cook outside of Dragonreach has consistently been annoying me so I cut his head off. Worth it...

Also, try playing Skyrim while listening to Turisas. Two scoops of epic!

Wanted: writers, designers and artists to create RPG

I'll drop you a line later today.

Deleted a map and now I can't play test. Help?


Thank you.

Deleted a map and now I can't play test. Help?

I swear to Odin if that's the reason I've been frustrated the last hour I will toss my sec...