

Have a concern about my art assets and could use an opinion.

@Sana. Yeah, I'm working on that. The artist originally was delivering the battlers with colored backgrounds and whatever color I change it to, even if I make it transparent, the outline remains afterwards.

Have a concern about my art assets and could use an opinion.

Hi all!

I'm building up some resources to make a demo for my game and recently I've begun to have some concerns that I might be digging myself into a bit of a hole. I have commissioned some talented artists to make custom battle backgrounds, battlers, etc for my game but as the work comes along I'm starting to worry that maybe it won't mesh well with the more standard pixel art that will be making up the game outside of battle... I will fess up to not being super experienced about these matters and was hoping I could get some opinions.

Here's an example of the art out of battle:

Here's an in battle example:


RM20XX android port tests

I would be SO interested in this. You should really crowdsource it or something. There would be a considerable audience for an engine that could port RM games to Android. I'd donate to it!

Artist looking for Interesting Project

Tried sending an email to the address listed and received an error message. Perhaps you wrote it incorrectly? I sent you a PM.

Artist looking for Interesting Project

Aside from the one the others have critiqued, I liked a lot of these. Nice sprites! I'll shoot you an email.

Odd issue as a result of scripting (XP)

Realizing I probably should have put this in the Help forum. Apologies. Silly mistake.

Odd issue as a result of scripting (XP)

Hi all.

I've recently been playing around with the Sacrifice HP script made by LockeZ along with a script that removes SP from the game.

The problem I'm having, and I can only guess that it's as a result of my adding these scripts to the game is that when a character's HP hits zero, they can now perform actions. If all player characters die you still get a game over, but until that happens death is fairly inconsequential! Kind of puts a damper on the experience!

The two scripts can be found below. They were made to work with one another. I'm just hoping someone with more experience than I could take a gander and see if there's anything present that could be the root of the problem.

module LockeZ
# Do not remove this line
HP_Sacrifice_Action = {'Skill' => {}, 'Item' => {}}
# Do not remove this line

# Below here are the lines you can change to control which actions
# cost HP, and how much.

# Format for each line:
# ---------------------
# HP_Sacrifice_Action =

# And here is what each of those things means:

# action_type = Should be set to 'Skill' or 'Item'
# id = ID number of the skill/item that costs HP
# chance = chance of damaging self
# formula = How the amount lost is calculated. Must be 'integer' or 'percent'.
# amount = Amount of HP lost, based on formula. If formula is set to
# integer, this is the actual amount lost. If it's set to percent,
# this is the percent lost.
# anim_id = ID of the animation shown over the user; leave nil or 0 for
# no animation
# pop = true or false, whether the sacrificed amount pops up visually
# over the user's head like damage.
# can_kill = true or false. If false the skill will not reduce the user below
# 1 HP. If true it can kill the user.


# ** Don't modify anything below this point.

# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
include LockeZ

# These 2 methods makes the script compatible with the default battle system.
alias make_skill_action_result_hp_sacrifice make_skill_action_result
def make_skill_action_result
action = @active_battler.current_action
if action != nil and HP_Sacrifice_Action.include?(action.skill_id)
sacrifice_hp(@active_battler, HP_Sacrifice_Action.dup)

alias make_item_action_result_hp_sacrifice make_item_action_result
def make_item_action_result
action = @active_battler.current_action
if action != nil and HP_Sacrifice_Action.include?(action.item_id)
sacrifice_hp(@active_battler, HP_Sacrifice_Action.dup)

# This method makes the script compatible with Atoa's Custom Battle System.
if respond_to?('step4_part3')
alias step4_part3_hp_sacrifice step4_part3
def step4_part3(battler)
action = battler.now_action
if action != nil and HP_Sacrifice_Action != nil and
sacrifice_hp(battler, HP_Sacrifice_Action.dup)

# Sacrifice HP
# battler : active battler
# action : action
def sacrifice_hp(battler, action)
if action >= rand(100)
if action == 'integer'
hp_sacrificed = action.to_i
elsif action == 'percent'
hp_sacrificed = (battler.maxhp * action / 100).to_i
if action == false
hp_sacrificed = .min
if hp_sacrificed != 0
if !respond_to?('step4_part3_hp_sacrifice')
# This line happens only in the DBS
# Atoa's CBS does this automatically for all damage
battler.hp -= hp_sacrificed
battler.damage = hp_sacrificed
battler.animation_id = action.nil? ? 0 : action
battler.damage_pop = action

class Window_Base < Window
def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)

class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable
def draw_item(index)
skill = @data
if @actor.skill_can_use?(
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
x = 4 + index % 2 * (288 + 32)
y = index / 2 * 32
rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)
opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 204, 32,, 0)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 232, y, 48, 32, (LockeZ::HP_Sacrifice_Action?LockeZ::HP_Sacrifice_Action:0).to_s, 2)

Star Wars Episode VII (as well as VIII and IX!)

It is true.

I am on the fence about this. I LOVE the Star Wars movies, but with Disney now being the parent company of Lucasfilm, I am worried that we may be exposed to more Jar Jar Binks sort of nonsense. The up-side to this? This one will be set AFTER Return of the Jedi. Awesome.

It's still a few years away, but this is massive news. First Marvel and now Lucasfilm... Disney is becoming an unstoppable beast that consumes everything in its path. Disney = Tetsuo.

I'm not worried so much about Disney trying to shoehorn Jar Jar-esque junk to appeal to kids. They owned Marvel during the production of The Avengers and that came out alright.

My sincerest hope is that they'll embrace Star Wars as it was in the 80s. Those films were kid friendly but they also appealed to adults because of the care and craftsmanship put into them.

My dream? A new Star Wars trilogy made entirely with practical effects and old fashioned models, a la the original trilogy. Give me the Battle of Endor over the CGI fireworks show of Revenge of the Sith any day!

Changing the battle screen layout (XP)

Just a curiosity.

Is there any way, script or otherwise, that people know of to alter the layout of XP's standard battle screen? I like simple turn-based combat but I'm looking for a battle screen that's a tad different from the standard one. Any recommendations would be appreciated! :)

What happens when you share your favourite games with people?

My wife named Cyan "Beardy" when I tried to have her play Final Fantasy VI...