"It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff."
Sidhe Quest
When everything goes wrong, it's up to our heroes to go and do a bunch of other stuff!



[SCRIPTING] [RMVX ACE] Victor's ATB - gauges displaying funny.

I can't check the code right now because my work network blocks mass storage sites like Google Drive, but that looks like the ATB gauge is being overdrawn by the actors below it (you'll note that the cutoff point is the pixel directly above the border of the selection rectangle). The reason the bottom one is "thick" is because there's no actor underneath to be drawn on top of it. It's not that your other bars are 1 pixel high, it's that the contents of a later actor are being drawn over the top of them.

Edit: Sorry, didn't notice the bit at the top of the post. What was it?

McBacon Jam 4

I blame our team's failure to complete the event on the lack of motivational dragons.

The Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

Holy crap, you are an actual wizard.

McBacon Jam 4

My team basically vanished into the ether so I don't think we'll be submitting our entry in time for the deadline. :P

Request Time! Reverse-Pokemon!

Name: Zanzar Duraya
Sex: Male
Age: 22 in appearance, unknown in reality
Description: An enigmatic individual shrouded in mystery. Tall but looks less so as he walks bent over leaning heavily on a cane to give the appearance of frailty or weakness. Features are obscured by his cloak/cowl (see clothing)
Species: Demon
Clothing: More literally shrouded in a heavy cloak he never takes off with a cowl that hides his face in shadow. The portions of him that are visible are covered in eldritch tattoos that burn to look at.

Monster name: Tweedle
Monster-bestowed power: shapeshifting
Monster species: Ant

[RMVX ACE] Detecting Death of an Actor

Yeah, a parallel process common event will run alongside all other processing as long as its trigger switch is turned on.

[RMVX ACE] Detecting Death of an Actor

If you make it a parallel event it'll just update the variables every frame without having to do anything further.

[RMVX ACE] Detecting Death of an Actor

starting_var = 20
for i in 1..$data_actors.size - 1
  $game_variables[starting_var] = 2 if $game_actors[i].death_state?
  starting_var += 1

[RMVX ACE] Detecting Death of an Actor

Are your variables all in one block and is the operation always going to be the same regardless of actor?

[RMMV] Boss keeps spamming moves.

Do the other abilities have costs he can't pay?