I'm an indie videogame developer from Germany and I've been making games for several years now.

Find all my games here:
Harpy Lady Lyd
Solve a series of block puzzles to help a harpy find a magical energy source.



In other news, today's my brithday!

Got an idea out of nowhere. As for reviewers, we should have gamerscore as well.

Still, if you have thoughts, do share them. We have a suggestions forum for a reason, after all!

Sure, I will. :)

Got an idea out of nowhere. As for reviewers, we should have gamerscore as well.

Makerscore is made to encourage people to make stuff for the site. To engage in the community. To share your stuff with others. There's no need for gamerscore.

Okay, if you say so. Then it's fine.

Anyway, thank you for discussing the idea. :)

Got an idea out of nowhere. As for reviewers, we should have gamerscore as well.

Uh you really need to elaborate on this, no one has any clue what you're suggesting TwoFace lol.

No problem, I do.

Imagine you write a review and others can rate it based on how helpful or well-written they find it (or based on whether they think your review sums up the game's content in a proper way). Whenever your review is rated by others, you get gamerscore for it, which is a separate value displayed next to the makerscore on your profile.

Pretty much, what two means is. 5 star review gives you x points, 4 start gives you y, etc.

Nope, that's not what I mean.

Got an idea out of nowhere. As for reviewers, we should have gamerscore as well.

Like makerscore?

Yes, exactly like that.

I'm adding emojis to the site. Just cos.

This status has now become the "Show your favourite emoji status"


My average review score

You frogged.. pardon, dropped some really nice reviews in the past. Some of them are quite entertaining. Whenever you write a review, I like to read it.

How often have you been in the cinema this year? What movie did you last see? Do you also use movies as inspiration for your own games?

I've seen quite a lot of movies this year. Don’t know if I can still list them all so I'll list those I can still think of and give them a rating of between one and five stars. For example, Aquaman (★★★★★) was definitely the best movie I've seen this year. The worst movie was Cold War (☆☆☆☆☆). I saw Mortal Engines (★★★☆☆) which was quite well done, but I have a slightly different idea of a dystopian future. I saw Robin Hood (★★★★☆) while being in the sneak preview and it was one of the most valid movies I've ever seen there. What else? Venom (★★★★☆), Fantastic Beasts 2 (★★★☆☆), Deadpool 2 (★★★☆☆), Red Sparrow (★★☆☆☆), Mission Impossible – Fallout (★★★★★), The Equalizer 2 (★★★★☆), Rampage (★★★☆☆), The Commuter (★★★☆☆) and many more. Unfortunately, I missed Pacific Rim 2. I'll have to catch up with that someday.

Guys, we have 1/3 of the Misao nominations that we had last year. C'mon! Nominate! Go! Go! Go!

I've just learned what the Misaos are a few moments ago. I think I'll probably nominate a few projects that I found interesting. I've played quite a lot RPG Maker games this year.

Edit: Did it!

I had a dream of a game about climbing a waterfall by drinking the water faster than it fell.

Maybe you were thirsty when you fell asleep.