I'm not comfortable with any idea that can't be expressed in the form of men's jewelry
I made this site and it's awesome. But I don't run it anymore. Now I'm just a plebe like you.


Writing, Events and More

The main navigation has seen a slight update to compensate for the growing site.

Writing is the new area for articles and tutorials. This page should be a quite a bit nicer than the previous article and tutorial homes.

Events is where all the site events will be. Currently Game Chill 2009 is the only event listed but keep an eye out for more!

For some other updates, viewing your notices will now clear all your unread notices. That should fix all the annoying glowing top bars!

Comments should be a bit more browseable through pages. It'll now jump to the comment area for the different pages!

The event system will now send out notices to participants when comments are posted. The event system still needs some more tweaks so expect more in the future!

EDIT: Also added a small bar for "The Latest". I am testing this out to see how I feel about it.

Game Chill 2009: Winter game compo!

The system isn't totally integrated into the site yet so I felt I needed to make a forum topic about this.

Check out the Game Chill 2009 event right here:


Some may notice there is now a main navigation link to view the Misaos over the years. The system has been updated to work with RMN3 and there are some new surprises with it!

First, you can now view your previous votes in the Votes section of your Account pages. You can see everything by year.

Second, the overall system for Misao voting has changed. I didn't feel like we were getting enough out of the previous system, so the staff and I (mostly the staff) thought up ways to change it.

Misao voting now takes place across the entire year. Throughout the year, there will be a quick button on every game profile that allows you to vote for that game in our specified Misao categories. This vote is saved until the end of the year, where the results are checked and displayed. A new round of voting then commences for another year.

But wait! What if you voted for a game in April for Best Graphics and then a game came out in July that knocked your socks off? Well you will be able to change your vote throughout the year at any time. You can easily change your vote to this new game whenever it shows up!

As a consequence of this tight integration with the website, the system no longer allows outside votes. I wanted to tune the system more into handling just the games here rather than dealing with a lot of outside data.

Now here's the big question: due to the redesigning of the system taking place over the course of an entire year and it being near the end of 2009, how should the system be activated? It was my initial idea to just turn it on now and let people fill votes out for the remainder of 2009.

Game Profile Customization FAQ

This topic will continue to evolve as more tips and tricks for customization are discovered. I am basically just letting people go hogwild and free with their customizations. Note that Game Profile Customization requires some knowledge of CSS.

Following is your little bit of documentation:

Background Image
#body { background: #FFFFFF url("yourfilelocationhere.com") !important; }
That #FFFFFF is the new background color you want. Replace yourfilelocationhere.com with the URL for an image. I would suggest using your Locker to host images. You can use a combination of both to create a brand new background.

#body { background: #FFFFFF url("yourfilelocationhere.com") repeat-x !important; }
This will put an image and color on the background. The background image will repeat across the top and the rest will be filled with the color.

#body is the main tag to control the smooth gradient area on the site. You won't want to put any other styles here.

Game Profile Content Area
#game_frame is the ID you want to attach your styles to. This is the main white block on each game profile page. If you are hip with CSS, this is what you are looking for.

#discussion div.message.even {
background: black;

#discussion div.message.odd {
background: blue;
#discussion is the block that has all the comments displayed. This will change the background colors for the alternating colors.

Game Profile Customization and More

Developers now have the ability to modify the CSS used for their game profiles. This is a "use at your own risk" kind of feature as there is little documentation and can really explode your profile page.

You can put almost anything into the Profile CSS. However, do not remove or change the topbar, logo, navigation, or footer. I will not look kindly on this.

There will be more documentation added showing people easy ways to customize their profiles. See the Game Profile Customization FAQ for more information.

I have also cleaned up the game submission and management forms so there are less "Date Available Casualties". For the record, if your game was approved and never shown on the site, please modify your game's Date Available in the management page.

Lufia DS! Remake of Lufia 2!

Gonna be showed off in the next Famitsu. It's for the DS. Apparently it is being handled by the original Lufia creators (the ones that did 1 and 2).

We'll see if this one can pull off a Lufia 2.

EDIT: Lufia 2 Remake
- remake of Lufia 2 (including Maxim, Gades)
- action on the top screen
- map on the bottom screen, as well as faces of party members
- tap a face panel to swap out party members
- swap characters mid-combo while enemy is tossed in the air
- boss fights take place on both screens, but your character stays on the bottom
- puzzle-driven dungeons that have you switching characters for specific elements
- due out Feb. 25th in Japan

Steel from Gaming World has passed away

A long-time member of Gaming World has passed away. Those of you who knew, Steel from GW had been fighting cancer for a while now and things took a turn for the worse. It was announced earlier today that he had gone.

Steel was never a part of this site, but he was still a young man who left far too soon. The RMN staff hopes and prays for his family and his memory.

This topic is purposely locked. Please post your responses in the thread at Gaming World.


Notice System & Subscriptions

The first version of the notice system is now up and live! All of you who have game subscriptions will now be notified whenever someone comments on subscribed game or the developers post any new content.

In the future, you'll be able to customize what kind of notices you see on your game subscriptions.

For developers, you will automatically get a notice when someone reviews your game or comments on any uploaded content (image, blog, video).

If you encounter any bugs with the system, please post them in the RMN3 Bugs Topic.

ika developments topic

I don't really have anywhere else to post this, so...

I worked on getting toolbars implemented and also map zooming for the map editor.

This is a view of the map editor zoomed out to 50%. The pink tiles are obstructions and the blue areas are zones.

Next things:
1) Show zoom level somewhere.
2) Implement the other tools.
3) Rework the side panel that is currently showing layer info. Going to be trying to emulate a Photoshop-esque interface.

I didn't work on this part, but Swordsman (cool dude) tweaked the OpenGL code, drastically improving the map editor performance. This means we can actually zoom out and not get terrible performance. Next up is working on tools and undo/redo.

Update on Submissions System

I just updated the site with some modifications to the submissions. (Sorry no notices yet, Magi)

Basically, I made it so different submittable items require approval or automatically go live on the site.

Requires Approval

No Approval
Videos (not completely done yet anyway)

Reasons for this: I want people to try and use RMN's game hosting for image stuff and felt the need to get things approved hindered this. So now people are completely able to put up as many images as they want, whenever they want.

Submission moderators are still able to deny live images. And new game submissions will still require three images uploaded before approval.