I'm a webcomic author. One of my webcomic stories is going to be in the form of an RPG maker game.



[RM2K3] Game launcher

Would a batch file (.bat) work? Or is that too bodge-y.

I know Yume Nikki has a launcher as well. They must be simple to code, if you can learn a few lines of C/C++.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

I am loathe to be that person, but I have a request.

Vertical shake! :)

Can you guys List of RPG Maker Games that you guys beat

I tend to start a bunch, but don't finish them. I remember beating Phantom Legacy and Born Under the Rain best—both great works.

Masking Sprites

Hi, thank you, although it's not the programming problem I'm talking about. It doesn't have to do with creating light effects, but confining the visibility of an overlapping image to the visibility of another sprite.

Masking Sprites

I suppose that this is a complicated subject... I just can't think of how it's done.

How is masking done? Having two images overlap each other, and one image acts as a mask for another. Wherever a pixel on the masking image has an alpha value that isn't totally transparent, the masked image's corresponding pixel shows. But everywhere else, those pixels won't show. In this way, a sprite can itself become a viewport for another graphic.

This is typically done to show special effects only inside the visible area of a sprite.

I'm watching someone play a game called Pokémon Uranium, a game made in RPG Maker, and there's masking in that, so I know that it's possible. The pokemon are increasing their attributes, and this wavy graphics flows through their sprites.

Ratings On Screenshots

I'm with Dyhalto. Bring back 10 random images.

I think the package is still there somewhere on the site, stuffed away on some page. A random images page. But put it back on the front page.

Farmers say that it’s their job to grow food. Last time I checked, food doesn’t need a person to grow, it just grows. What exactly are these people doing in the middle of those big fields? Interesting how the questions just keep piling up and we aren’t ge

Wake up sheeple! The government is using farming subsidies to conveniently make sure all our food is grown in one place, and using chemtrails to disperse lizard DNA into the soil!

Thisssssss issssn't true.

Do you ever cringe when realizing realizing you doubled the verb in your status?

I never do do because I am ecxellent proofreader

The Death Penalty

An obvious answer for 2017 might be something like what the shmup Border Down does: change the game for each death. (In Border Down, the game actually becomes harder with each death. There are 3 levels, and you get punted to the next lower level (of hell) with each death, until you punt out of the lowest level and die for good.) That would be a lot of work, though...

[RM2K3] Looking for a tutorial for making a custom, turn-based battle system in events

I've done this. I don't have a tutorial, but here's a list of things that are involved:

-Decide what kinds of stats you want the game to comprise. Since you're designing this battle system yourself, you get to decide what each stat does. Keep in mind that you cannot use the database for things like weapons and items, since the whole point of weapons and items is to modify stats. Unless there are commands in the Event Editor that allow you to have database entries interact with variables, you'll need to keep your own database somewhere in the Common Events.
-Making variables for each "slot" that gets occupied, each enemy or player. Things like: "Max HP", "Current HP", "STR", "INT" etc. Also, if your characters have weapons and other equipment, you'll need to use variables to keep track of those, too.
-Determine the turn order. How you do that depends on what you want to happen. Is the turn order random? If it isn't, you have to find a way to determine it. The way I did it, is I had turn order based off of its own stat, and I compared everyone's stat to each other of this stat.
-Now the sequence starts. There's a calculation part, and an animation part. In the calculation part, the calculations that govern what each slot is doing are executed. In the animation part, the animation for that execution is played, including the damage numbers, if applicable.
-After each turn, check to see who is alive and dead. If all opponents are dead, the player wins! If all player characters are dead, it's game over. Repeat the cycle until one of these conditions is met.

And that's it. Since it's totally customized, you can even do things like counterattacking, and stealing. Weird magical effects. Summons. Virtually anything.