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Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

You can find it here.
I remember of a web (flash ?) game that emulated the first game.

Also, scitydreamer published Vaporwave Simulator.

Yeah, I only have it posted to itch because the game's mapping does not meet this site's standards, and well, I can't exactly fix that.

Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

Hey, so update, I actually managed to track down the original creator and talked to them over tumblr! I guess you can expect Vaporwave Simulator to be up here.

Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

Here's some screenshots I posted on Twitter. It's not likely to be a prototype, because this is a game with an actual story as opposed to the solely exploration based game on Steam. I also tried looking through the game files to see if there's any attribution, but there's only credit given to resources used. Along with the screenshots, I'm putting a screen of the readme that came with the game:

Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

Howdy, does anyone know about a game called Vaporwave Simulator? I was recently uploading stuff to my dropbox when I found a copy of the game on there. It released back in 2016 and it's attributed to a tumblr link that no longer exists. What further mystifies me is that there's no creator attributed to it (as far as I can find) besides the game's own old tumblr. I'm planning on uploading this thing on here and itch, but I'd want to know who originally created it to give more proper credit.

[RMVX ACE] Help trying to figure out boss gimmick

Sorry for doubleposting, but I think this thread could just be closed now. I discovered this odd issue in that using a switch condition in the battle events to get the boss to revive enemies, it actually uses it the turn after ie. 7. As a result of this weird thing, the boss only revived minions on the turn before it uses cannibalize. So I ended up moving the revive into the battle events instead of leaving it in the move list. It does kinda expose how rude the initial pattern was in terms of fairness.

[RMVX ACE] Help trying to figure out boss gimmick

So, this is how the cannibalize skill is set up. It targets one ally and because I'm paranoid of the boss Eating Itself, I put conditional branches to check to see if each minion is alive before it uses the skill. That said, I've tried a test run without the conditional branches and the results are the same. I could try recording a video to give a better visualization of what's going on, if that would help.

[RMVX ACE] Help trying to figure out boss gimmick

Howdy, so, I'm trying to figure out how to make the gimmick of this boss work. The thing with it is that every few turns, it'll eat all the currently living minions to heal, and a few turns later, it's supposed to revive all of them. I've set this system up through the troop event pages because I don't know how to implement this cannibalize skill without having the boss target itself.

To be more specific, the boss revives its minions on turns 6+5x?. In the event page, the boss uses cannibalize on turns 3+5x?.

The problem is that the boss seems to be ignoring the turn condition on the event pages, because immediately after its minions are revived, the cannibalize event page runs. I have no idea what's wrong and I'd like to know how to get this gimmick working right. Ideally it'd be nice to know how to set it up in the skill set without having the boss target itself.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

I haven't really shown off progress on here before, so here's some third stratum stuff from my game, Slimes.

Also ooh, I really like your art style, orange!

Year-End 2019 Misao Discussion.

I was looking forward to the end-of-year Misaos to figure out what kinda stuff to check out and I was pleasantly surprised to see Slimes up here! I'm grateful that you guys think it's worth an award, and I hope y'all liked the second demo!

I particularly can't wait to check out Dead Again and No Delivery, those games look cool!

Wrote a thing on the Misaos

Neat write-up!
Have you thought about submitting it as an article to the site?
Hey, It was a pleasure to read your article. Pls, publish it here.

Alright, yeah, I've been thinking about publishing this and my RPG Maker preservation and John Clowder articles here.
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