Designer, producer, cool dude
Master of the Wind
An episodic superhero role-playing game



X-Noir Review

I also appreciate all the effort you put into this review. You certainly went beyond the call. I must admit I really like this format too. Being able to watch and listen to you play gave me a lot of added insight.

You mentioned the repetitiveness of environments. For case 3 there was going to be the town of Birchwood to walk around in but that got cut for the demo. That will probably appear in the full version of the game. Case 4 will also have a new area to investigate. But I like to think of the city as the hub so you'll always be coming back to it.

For the combat, we designed a completely custom system with the help of fomar0153. It has some inherent problems being a 2d tile-based shooter. But it is fun as you mentioned despite being somewhat clunky. Some of the issues such as the shooting through walls and the enemy pathfinding are things we are working on. I'll be looking at reducing enemy respawns and boss health and perhaps reducing the frequency at which you can use healing items as well. I don't think it will ever be perfect but there are certainly things we can do to improve it.

Thanks again for all the feedback. You gave me a lot to think about. :)

Forlorn Manor Review

Obtuse actually is probably a better word to describe it.

Forlorn Manor Review

The way you describe your frustration with the puzzles reminds me of the abysmal sliding puzzle in Silent Hill 5. I spent over a hour on it and got it out of sheer trial-and-error. Then I went online to read about how people had solved it in 5 minutes. It was upsetting to say the least.

I actually managed to complete this game which is apparently quite an accomplishment (without the FAQ mind you). It definitely has some really great ideas later on. I especially enjoyed the boss battles which involved puzzles to solve. Unfortunately, I doubt many people will ever see the later stages of the game since the beginning is so difficult.

Master of the Wind Review

You know I'm starting to think you guys are running out of things to complain about if all you can go after now is the font.

Master of the Wind Review

It's supposed to look like a comic book font since a lot of the story and characters are inspired by American comics.

Master of the Wind Review

We actually use Anime Ace.

Master of the Wind Review

I'm making assumptions about what might have happened while you were playing the game. You didn't make an assumption. You clearly stated information that you couldn't have known since I never said that any of that. You can say what you want about the balance of the game but I prefer you don't put words in my mouth.

Master of the Wind Review

I appreciate the fact that someone got around to writing a review for us on here. I just wanted to set one thing straight though. I've never made any note of the enemies in the beginning of the game being overpowered. I've admitted in the past that the beginning of the arc is difficult, and I have gone over it several times during the production of the game to find that magical balance. I'm guessing you ended up dying a few times too many early in the game and gave up soon after. It's a shame you had a bad experience early on, but please don't pretend to know what I was thinking.
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