Play List | User | Description |
Play List | cyancat | Default Playlist |
Play List | Maddiedeathrose | Default Playlist |
Rpg Games | Devon14X | Role Playing games |
Play List | GoldenHarpy00102 | Default Playlist |
Play List | StevieRayBones | Default Playlist |
That default playlist | Frogge | That default playlist that no one uses |
Play List | Chainedreaper | Default Playlist |
Play List | jomarcentermjm | Default Playlist |
to play | dizzydwarf | |
Games I want | NocturnMyst | All the games I want to play |
Play List | AshPash209 | Default Playlist |
Play List | nispinggrov | Default Playlist |
Play List | DarkMannertainted | Default Playlist |
Games that I like or have | RogerJr | Just interesting for me games |
Review List | Elder71 | Things I have or may in the future review. |
Play List | Zun | Default Playlist |
Rpg Maker Games *-* | Seitaro | Horror ;3 Rpg *-* Puzzle ç-ç Action 'u' Etc... o/ |
Must Plays | AeroFunk80 | Default Playlist |
Play List | Cartylove | Default Playlist |
Play List | iozzilemu | Default Playlist |
Play List | fujimiya | Default Playlist |
Play List | Bossy704 | Default Playlist |
Play List | ooelsonhass | Default Playlist |
Play List | hiccupheadphone | Default Playlist |
Play List | rncobernroxan | Default Playlist |
Play List | VampirePrincess | Default Playlist |
Favorites | Kyattchan | |
Bookmarked | HikiNeet | ... |
Play List | DelicateLopunny | Default Playlist |
Play List | Warprincess116 | Default Playlist |
To Play | Griffonmender | Games I'm Going to Play... Eventually. ^ ^; |
Play List | Joneithevius | Default Playlist |
Long Games Play List | synthesis | 7+ hours of gameplay |
New Games | mnkyking | For new completed games to play and review |
C_C's RMN Feedback 2.0 | Clareain_Christopher | Games I've reviewed, or looking into doing so. RMW games are excluded from this list. |
To be played | yukiri01 | Will maybe play later |
maybe play? | KenzieAce | |
Interested in playing | Rose_Guardian | Games I should try |
to playy | lil_dragon | |
Other miscellanous games | TheRpgmakerAddict | other games I played and liked! |
To Play | button | Game I intend to play sooner or later. |
To be Played | aquatorrent | I'm going to play these games |
Awsome Games | Cartylove | Games that are awsome, of course |
To Play | AtelierAni | planning to play |