Projects to finish before leaving rpg maker:
1)Left Behind 2 - A game about love (A remake, the original was only 80% finished)
2)Route Through Peaks - A game about letting go (60% finished, currently on hiatus)
3)Burnt Ones - A game about criminals (10% finished, I probably will start anew)
4)Chain of Love - A chain game (0% finished)



I'm entering the 2020 Valentine Day Event! Wish my luck.

Happy birthday, My Luck

gaaams hype

I guess I wrote this on my phone. But I'm hyped for the spinoff too!

gaaams hype

I always get really excited about something and now, among other things, I'm super hype for several games. KR0, Wild and Unfortunate, Emily is Away 3 among many.

Stop whatever you're doing. Drink water. Make a backup of your game.

Stop whatever you're doing. Drink water. Make a backup of your game.

Fight for your right to drink water

Why am I always so conflicted about my life?

For me it's more like a branching path. I can either focus on visual art, teaching and life or stay more digital and focus on writing. Most of the time the former is an obvious choice, but sometimes I just want to return to gammak. And right now I have ideas. Maybe one day, I'll take few months off.

Hey all! I have 2 podcasts coming up and I need questions! Read this status for more info.

Why no Tuckie on podcast 2?
No Tuckie because Tuckie no free!

tuckie for money?

Hey all! I have 2 podcasts coming up and I need questions! Read this status for more info.

Why no Tuckie on podcast 2?

Does anyone still like games with just the standard RTP?

From time to time. Not a 25 hours long epic, tho

My one regret about 2019 Mafia is that I never got to use this:

#lynch Alaskan Emily