*blows dust off ancient readme.txt*

Currently working on: The Machine that Breathes https://store.steampowered.com/app/1126210/the_machine_that_BREATHES/ (Please wishlist!)
the machine that BREATHE...
A tunneling machine finds itself injected into a body resembling a human.



RMN Snews - Issue #12

I think the recognition part is misdone because the quote specifically said the game looked nice also RMRK seems pretty dead so any 'project of the month' nomination would seem voted by 1 person/friend or something.

I can't blame you for being RM Miyamoto but sometimes I think Hidden Gem should be based on 'played' recognition and have more games that aren't shiney on the outside but hard on the inside. It's just a suggestion, maybe it's my fault for not reviewing that game in the first place.

RMN Snews - Issue #12

More proof that Hidden Gems are based on screenshots alone. (I'm saying Astyanax: Wrath Steel really sucks).

How to Finish a Game

This articlie would be kind of cool if you yourself finished a-

oh wait fuck

Redd's Awesome Guide To - RMXP EVENT COMMANDS

This tutorial has a terrible layout, you should space it out more so it isn't a literal giant wall of text.

The BASICS of making a cutscene

I'll be writing an advanced version of this, a "sequel" if you will.

The Body, Mind, and Soul of Gamemaking

this article needs yoga images

Elevation Made Easy

its just F-G whining.

The Body, Mind, and Soul of Gamemaking

I was going to make a stupid rpg maker joke but I guess TFT beat me to the pump.

This is actually a good guide for those who think the only way to make an epic gam is to destroy their humanity temporarily. Also that flux thing is rad.

A Look at the Crazemind: Unique Skillsets


RMNCast #9: Release Something VII: Advent Children

Journey of the Cursed King please, that game is awesome, and you should feel awesome if you played it