*blows dust off ancient readme.txt*

Currently working on: The Machine that Breathes https://store.steampowered.com/app/1126210/the_machine_that_BREATHES/ (Please wishlist!)
the machine that BREATHE...
A tunneling machine finds itself injected into a body resembling a human.



Princess Princess Review

F-G has a weird pride thing when it comes to reviews. It's almost scary, I think it will consume him one day. Like he'll get a mohawk and stalk roger ebert.

Princess Princess Review

As someone who uses 100% custom graphics, I really don't see how you should factor them in the rating. Even with custom graphics you can still risk your game looking like shit. I just take graphics at face value, then again I don't really equate graphics of a game to a numerical value ever.

Wither Review

@DE: It's hard to reach a delicate balance between enough criticism and obsessive criticism. There's definitely a want for banal perfection from some folks here, I can understand why that's bad. The attitude has been around RMN for quite some time and causes people to forget that this is a simple hobby, or a stepping stone at best. I've crossed the line a few times and even took part in this "EVERYTHING SHOULD BE RIPPED APART" mentality way back. At one point I realized it's fuckin RPG Maker, and usually it's just a 13 year old kid just harmlessly wanting to show off his DBZ fangame or something.

Looking back at a lot of games made by Max getting slammed by "some people." I get why he felt victimized. Like his games were forever under the magnifying glass. p much everyone believed these harsh reviews were supposed to help him improve when really they just demotivated him through all this drama and shittyness. Like how is someone supposed to deal with all that? Yup he's just going to read and accept every complaint like its gospel and keep trucking. It's not even about the negativity, it grows into something much more hurtful. Though Craze's review is no where near the impact I just described (hell this review is barely related), it's just that more people should just review a game for what it is and keep in mind it's not made by professionals.

I think this really only applies to like what, 10 vocal people here (and me)... 2 or so years ago? But I guess it still persists once in awhile. It won't change through RMN staff policy or some magic trick. It's just a very difficult issue to tackle with so many people with so many different reasons for using rpg maker in the first place.

Wither Review

I'd have to say DE does have a point, even if he's going overboard about what this means to THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY AT LARGE!!!!MORE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!! This place isn't that bad. Chances are if you really spite this community that much you're part of the problem.

All I can really say to Craze is, dislike the game all you want, just have some tact.

Wither Review

I wouldn't call Wither slightly different from the norm. You have to admit, RPG Maker is filled with a lot of... well straight forward RPGs. It's only natural that you'd fit 3 games with heavy themes of death and abstraction along side each other.

Lost Legacy: An Animania Story Review

it's not in english, and it's really short. How did this get accepted?

The Legend of Zelda : Final Apocalypse Review

AFTERMATH VX - Version 0.4 Review


it's not about the assumption that the player half assed it. It is the idea that the player was not being entertained in the first 30 minutes in the game, why should he continue even if he's promised something good "somewhere at the end of the demo"?. max's criticism on the lack of a bad guy was due to the fact that the story had no interest at the beginning and suggested that it could have used a bad guy or something. max went the extra way to get through parts he didn't like. this is what psy wombats was referring to.

do you know what i am talking about

AFTERMATH VX - Version 0.4 Review

im pretty sure psy wombats meant that the start of the game should be interesting in order to motivate the player to get to the so called interesting bad guy that you promised. you can't go "oh well you didnt see the interesting bad guy because you didn't spend enough time on uninteresting part of the game" it really has nothing to do with dissing the common RM player effort, psy wombats was just mentioning that max prob spent more time than most.

Valkyrie Stories - Escallion Rising Review

A positive doesn't always necessarily have to be followed by a negative.

lol yet so many people here believe a negative should be followed by a positive. This review lacks any insight or detail on what actually happens in the game gameplay/story wise. and no, saying the monsters are cute does not equal gameplay.

pentagonb pretty much nailed it