always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.

Instagram: @jslongstreet

3DS Friend Code: 4828 - 4707 - 8405

"Chill" -Gov'ner Arnold Schwarzenegger

Poodle Can-Can by NewBlack

Audacity ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
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introverts are just assholes who resent having to waste their precious time on other people. Extrovertas are assholes who can't stand being alone and make everyone do what they want
Atom Pulsar and the Rust...
A surreal adventure on a nearly deserted island!


Request Time! Random Encounter!

Hey all, time for another Request Time, where I draw for you. Why, you ask? Because. That's why.

This time on Request Time, we're going to create a host of Random Encounter monsters for a videogame!
These will be included in the group project that me and the Singing Deerheads are working on. For now, we'll just focus on the creature design.
(I should note that this is a modern/fantasy game about a headless sailor going from element-themed island-to-element-themed island in search of a powerful enough head to help him defeat the whale he's fishing for prior to the game.)

Name: (keep it short!)
Description: (describe what the creature image will look like! Bare in mind that this will be shrunk down to fit as a monster "sprite" in RPG Maker VX. So if it's too detailed, it may not work as a condensed image. I'll do my best to make sure this is avoided.)

That's all! Where these enemies appear, and what skillsets they have will be decided by us at a later point.


Name: Fauning
Description: A bratty-looking half-goat, half-boy creature playing a fife. He is dressed up as a pirate.

Calling All Singing Deerheads!

Alright, we all had a good laugh during the recruiting process. Now, let's get to work.

The Singing Deerhead First Project

The Story:
You are a sailor; after a recent whaling accident, you've lost your head. Before you can go back and finish the whale off, you need a new head. You hear a rumour the tavern of a singing deer head, far to the north in the deepest wood, mounted on the wall of a creepy cottage. The rumour speaks of a legend that the deer head is a source of great evil powers, and the source of all evil in the land. You must get this head. With its powers you could finally slay your nefarious whale!

Ideas So Far:
-You have access to a ship (your whaling ship) to get around the world map. But if you stray too far into deep waters, the whale will surface and try to kill you. Best save that fight until you gain the Singing Deer Head.
-Each head you obtain you can use to "change your class" like a job system. Each head will have certain types of skills or spells it can learn. You gain special points for your head by wearing that head in battle.

The Maker

The Discussion:
Is apparently in irc mostly!

[Recruitment] Thank you sir, may I have some respectable colleagues?


What's Required to join? Welp, not much. We just accept any of the following qualities:


It's important to have one or many Dudes in an operation. This is the guy who either tosses half-ass ideas around to get things going. Or just smokes the drugs and doesn't shave. It is possible to be a full-blown Dude, or a Dude mixed with any of the other job postings. Like a Dude-Mack. Or a Dude-Bro. Requirements for this field of work are:
*smoke the drugs.
*come up with half-cocked ideas.

Fellow Dudes/Dudettes:

We all need a bro, in these hard economical times. Even if that bro is a babe. A bro is required to do the following:
*Be a bro to fellow Respectable Colleagues.
*Be a bro to people outside the group, even if they're being totally rude.

Fellow Bros:

A mack, is the kind of dude who sits against the wall, quiet and cool. He's there to talk to when you need a person who probably won't respond. Occasionally a Mack is called on to agree with someone during a confrontation. For example:
*"Hey, you don't wanna be messin' with my Bro! Ain' that right, Mack?"
*"You best believe me. I saws it. Ain' that right, Mack?"

Fellow Macks:

This is essential to any group. Also, one of the hardest tasks. Is the task of being "That Guy". He shows up unannounced and no one really knows his name. Though, you can always count on him for being around... even if no one knows what he does. Requirements:
*Milling about the place, keeping busy.
*Giving an acknowledging hello wave to people.
*Spreading rumours.

Fellow Guys:

To complete the package, we need a Brain. This is the kind of straight-and-narrow person who has the answers and intellectual side of thinking things through. When the Dude or the Bro are making rash decisions on the fly, they rely heavily on the Brain to be their grounding. Unless a Brain is around to bring an idea back to earth, it could float off into space and become frozen and die. Like an alien being sucked out the open cargo hold of a spaceship. Needs:
*Being reasonably smart. At least smart enough to pass your driver's test.
*Having glasses are considered a perk.

Fellow Brains:

Open your eyes, I see, your eyes are open. Wear no disguise for me, come into the open. When it's cold, outside. Am I here in vain? Hold on the night, there will be no shame!
*I wanna be with you
*And make believe with you
*And live in harmony harmony, oh love!

Fellow RUA Experts:

The job sometimes requires extreme compassion. We rely on this, and cannot work functionally without it... To bring us true compassion, we need Mr. Compassionate Tactician Extraordinaire. Requirements:*Engrave the compassion
The Only Mr. Compassionate Tactician Extraordinaire:

There can be Brains in the world, but there will never be a replacement for the kind of guy who just sits there looking wise. This technique requires a physical possesion of a quality goatee. The Goatee is known to stroke his goatee during intellectual conversations between a Brain and other Dudes, occasionally posting topical images. Requirements:
*A manly beard, the kind that is above manatee manliness.
*Knowledgable wealth of humorous images.

Fellow Goatees:

This is the kind of manly man who is defeated by kittens in an epic Join the Party battle. Dramaticly jumping over a cliff can't save the Handy Snowdong however. Fate awaits those with:
*Defeat at the hand of a Dude.
*Kitten weaknesses and 0% Reproductive Stat.

Fellow Handy Snowdongs:

He destroys all who know too much. Requirements are pretty high for this job:
*Must be a mod.

Fellow FFCI Agents:

Some kind of funny description with requirements like:
*and That
*And This, and uh
*I'm sayin' like this
*and That
*And this And uh!

Fellow Darken's As To Yet Job Titles:

To really fit into this category, you must first fit into the Dude and Bro category. Afterward, amp your skills up with a hint of shenanigans to fill the spot. True requirements:
*Be a Dude.
*Be a Bro.
*Partake in shenanigans.
*Fight the thirst.

Fellow Shenaniganians:

If you have suggestions or complaints about the Singing Deerhead name- please respond here or here!

[words]Duron in Space

Log 1
Day 1
This is Captain Darren, we have prepared the ship Manatee for take off. The crew is happy, and no one has complaints. It is the greatest desire of any man obviously, to leave Mother Earth. Tomorrow the ceremony will commence and Manatee will be off.
- Captain Darren

Log 2
Day 2
The ship succeeded in its journey past the earth's atmosphere, and past Jupiter. We will be setting coarse for Pluto next morning when we pass Saturn. The first humans to set foot on Pluto. Lieutenant Walla is very excited by this, as since a child she loved Pluto. This is a great new step for mankind.
- Captain Darren

Log 3
Day 3
We have set coarse to Pluto, all is well. There is however, one set back. Our engine room crew has reported a leak in the warp core, but they've managed to seal it in that deck. When we land on Pluto tomorrow, we will lock it down. Not to mention stand the United Nations flag on Pluto's surface. The ceremony will be video-linked with the Nations of Earth Broadcasting back home.
- Captain Darren

Log 4
Day 4
The reactor leak has moved into the next chamber, but the crew is working hard to lock it down. As for the video link, we've been having technical difficulties. Manatee will not broadcast nationally like we originally planned. Instead the footage will be revealed upon our return to the NASA base on United Earth.
- Captain Darren

Log 5
Day 5
We've managed to seal the warp leakage, by freezing the decks around it. This will make our return to United Earth much harder than we had anticipated, but with the back up thrust boosters, we should be able to make it. On a more personal note, I have been noticing Lieutenant Walla eating something she calls ‘Cheesies'…
- Captain Darren

Log 6
Night 6
The freezing process has achieved the goal we had originally planned and we are using the thrust boosters, now that we have re-routed the power supply of the warp drive. We will be leaving Pluto tomorrow morning.
The ceremony recording is strange. We have watched the footage to make sure that nothing is wrong, and to our unbelievable surprise there was something wrong. The entire tape was not of our taping, instead it was a cheesy. For ten minutes just sitting there. Black and white, like an old 1950's television show. I have Lieutenant Walla under temporal arrest, as she is the only possible culprit at this time. We have just begun the questioning.
- Captain Darren

Log 7
Morning 7
I have just returned from breakfast. I received eggs, bacon, ham and… a side of cheesies. Someone is plotting something, and I know now that it is not Lieutenant Walla, she will be released with a full pardon. This investigation will have to wait, as we are about to depart from Pluto. I will update again tomorrow.
- Captain Darren

Log 8
Day 8
I have increased the mobility of local police, as last night my bed was full of cheesies, all spread out, crunched and smeared under my blanket. I will have my revenge for this sick joke. There have been foot prints found, but unfortunately we are unable to match them to anyone's as they are heavily covered with cheesy powder. Lieutenant Walla seems to have no clue as to what is going on. We are truly lost at sea in this mysterious case.
- Captain Darren

Log 9
Day 9
There are rumors from civilian deck 665 that the freezing process, utilized on deck 666, are causing a dead chill on their level. We are splitting the units of police to investigate both cases. On the cheesy account, I have found my bathtub full of cheesies. Who could be doing these strange and unwanted things? And why?
- Captain Darren

Log 10
Night 9
The investigation on deck 665 has been pushed back to 664. The freezing is as mysterious as the cheesy puzzle, and is moving as fast as a locus. We have tried utilizing thermal heating units, but nothing can stop it. There is reason to believe that the warp core has ‘enhanced' the ice, somehow causing it to react offensively onto any amount of warmth. At the rate it is freezing, and the speed the thrust boosters are moving us, Manatee will be completely frozen by the time we reach Io.
- Captain Darren

Log 11
Day 10
Decks 100 to 1200 have completely frozen. We are rounding on Jupiter, and are altering our coarse to match the fastest coarse possible. Though passing through Jupiter's atmosphere is a dangerous thing to do, we can't risk going around it. I have been seeing cheesies littering the ship. Does no one clean up?
- Captain Darren

Log 12
Day 11
I regret to say the amount of frozen life on Manatee is upwards on 14,000. I have ordered that everyone remain in their units with doors locked. After they have obeyed my orders, I manually over-rite the system and forced an unbreakable code onto the door's locking systems. People have are freezing to death on decks 10 and 3000. I won't let their freezing disease infect the rest of any able crew members! Doctor Levingston claims that this is irrational and that there is no ‘sickness' per say. I disagree, and was one deck 12 one hour ago.
- Captain Darren

Log 13
Day 12
All that remains unfrozen now is the cockpit. Our engines have frozen over and we are floating dead in Jupiter's atmosphere. It is likely we will crash, and also that the ship will shatter upon impact. The cockpit is knee-deep in cheesies. I hate them. The smell. On the freezing note, we have noticed a strange pause in the freezing. It seemed to have stopped at our location and is unmoving.
- Captain Darren

Log 14
Night 12
I had to kill all of the remaining crewmen. They were eating the cheesies to fulfill their growing hunger.
- Captain Darren

Log 15
Morning 13
I woke up to find that there were no cheesies, or corpses of crewmen.
- Captain Darren

Log 16
Day 13
The computers say that the ship Manatee is now out of Jupiter's atmosphere and on a new coarse that will take us past the Sun. I don't know how or why we are on this coarse, but I cannot access the computer's controls.
- Captain Darren

Log 17
Night 13
While unable to control my own ship, I have managed to get a data analysis of the ship's current status. For one thing, that I had earlier figured out, our ship is no longer frozen. And the warp drive is completely intact. The Manatee is as it was when we left United Earth. The strange thing besides that, is that are only three life forms left on board. I am going to investigate manually as to who is behind this, and for that matter, who is alive.
- Captain Darren

Log 18
Day 14
Armed with a plutonium blaster and thermal scanner, I have adventured from the cockpit to deck 3500. I have a long way to go, but soon I hope I will find something.
- Captain Darren

Log 19
Day 19
It has been five days since I last left the cockpit. None of the elevators are functioning, and I am on deck 667. I fear what may be on the warp drive deck. As that is where I believe the source of this problem started. I would like to note that every hallway, every room, and every kitchen is completely perfect. No corpses, no messes, no cheesies. Everything is completely normal. It's unnerving for me.
- Captain Darren

Log 20
Day 20
I bunked in a room on deck 667. I will be descending to the lower level tonight, and will make another log tomorrow morning.
- Captain Darren

Log 21
Morning 21
…What did I find…? Cheesies. Walla. And a mountain of corpses. I think I am going to be sick.
- Captain Darren

Log 22
Day 22
The scene downstairs is still plastered into my mind, but none-the-less, I getting over it. And yes, I saw Walla. Lieutenant Walla. I wonder what she has to do with all this. But more so, I wonder why her head was that of a small Jack Russell dog.
- Captain Darren

Log 23
Day 23
I was visited in the night by the dog headed woman. She barked for an hour, I couldn't stop her. I tried to kick her and knock her down, but she just took the blow and continued. I felt so weak. I couldn't do anything, so I hid in a corner.
- Captain Darren

Log 24
Day 24
The dog headed woman came again. This time for two hours. I can still hear the breathless barking, ringing in my mind.
- Captain Darren

Log 25
Day 25
I can't stand this. Now this deck is knee-deep in cheesies. The dog woman comes every hour for five minutes, and at midnight she stays until dawn. I think I'm loosing my mind. I was fearing this, so I went to the hatch to the next level's ladder… it was not there. I am trapped. I am going to die here.
- Captain Darren

Log 26
Day 28
Everyday. Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! She will not stop. I even stabbed her in the heart. Nothing will kill her.
- Captain Darren

Log 27
Day 30

Log 28
Day 34
- Captain Darren

Log 29
Day 39
I had to look up my name on this to remember it.
- Darren

Log 30
Day 45
i must kill her
- darren

Log 31
Day 46
if i destroy the warp thingy she dies then i will be alone again
- darren

Log 32
Day 47
i went into warp thing and find dog she dead now hahaha
- darren

Log 33
Day 50
the corpses taste good its all thats left on ship on floor i on eat to survive
- darren

Log 34
Day 55
cheesie my friend
- darren

Log 35
Day 56
cheesie and darren go for walk
- darren

Log 36
Day 57
we not happy. no more corpses to eat, only cheesies. i eat cheesies to survive.
- darren

Log 37
Day 58
cheesie not happy. i eat his friends, so he leave me. i don't need him anymore.
- darren

Log 38
Day 59
i find cheesie. he mad at me for eating cheesie friends. but he laugh. say “I have now opened the gate to oblivion!”
- derony

Log 39
Day 60
cheesie is after me. i hide in room, but he come. i wet my pants. i say ‘go away', he say ‘no' i cry.
- dooru

Log 40
Day 90
cheesie yummy. old friend. old eat. leg good too, both. i no walk. have to crawl.
- danny?

Log 41+
Day 91+

Analysis of former Captain Darren. He has been committed due to this log data entering. He will be replaced with Captain Hotusu, and launch of the Manatee to Pluto will commence in five days.
- Sergeant McGreggor,
Secretary of Internal Affairs.

Random Art Topic

Hey, do you have some random art you drew, and don't feel like making a topic for it? Slam it down here, and get C&C. To get things started, here's a pikapoo.

and maybe a polar bear and alligator fight!


Stupor Heroes Comics

The Stupor Heroes Comics are a little side-project I've been doodling since grade 6. The style has been refined over the years, though has mostly remained unchanged. The focus of the series is on the Legion of Zeroes. A group of Stupor Heroes who squat in a semi-demolished apartment building, collecting government Stupor Hero cheques. Here's a few example pages, followed by comicbook links (don't want to bog down this OP!)

The usual cameos:
Stupor Man
Olympic Torch
Hammer Boy
Olympic Flame
Blunder Woman
The Sulk
The Evil Underlord
Jug Dread

Legion of Zeroes:
The Lash
Silver Cable
Dumb Devil
Blue Lighthouse
Broken Arrow
Frank the Zombie Landlord

Prof. Y?
Grey Jeans

Stupor Heroes Comics - Issue #1
Stupor Heroes Comics - Issue #2
Stupor Heroes Comics - Issue #3

Inking Class - Progress

Comic Book Inking: 4 Perspectives!
A course from Toronto Cartoonists Workshop.

This is a progress report from an inking course I've been taking. At first, I considered not posting this here; however, I miscalculated how many cool projects there would be!
This course is taught by four different comic artists...
Teachers so far:
Pat Davidson (first two classes: taught brush work. How to handle the tools, and some great application techniques. Fundamental stuff.)
Ty Templeton (second two classes: taught line weight, three-dimensional shading, organic vs inorganic material inking, textures, depth theory, and many other useful techniques!)

**if you are interested in seeing my lines more clearly, I suggest going to my deviantart at http://slaymanexe.deviantart.com**

On to the art!
Knowing that I'd be starting an inking course -and- missing the first class, I took it into my own hands to start practicing. The resulting monstrosity ensued...

First week, I unfortunately had to miss for work. :( Sucked! However, the assignment was inking Hulk vs. Thor (pencil by Ed McGuinness) Here is the progress in three stages. Learning, applied, and finished.
Learning how to handle my brush and quill:

-note the X's on his body. Those are areas to fill in with black.

Applying my learned brush work: (Brush is now my tool of choice. Brushpen is equally as awesome)

Finished Project

Next project, I do not know the penciller for this. If anyone can figure it out, that would be much obliged. Unlike the Hulk vs. Thor, this features a full comic page, rather than a splash panel (full page image). There are therefore minute details and more to pay attention to.

WIP Project 2

*That is not quite as far as I am on that page. However, I have paused work on it for now.*
This was the last bit from Pat Davidson; Now we move on to Ty Templeton.

Between the last class with Pat, I met someone at work (Pearson Toronto Airport) who apparently inks professionally with an airbrush as a hobby! I was -not- expecting to meet this guy... However, you really never can guess what people do in their time away from work. Even met a philosopher once. He helped me through a tricky part of my life. This is rambling... >_>
Alright, so this guy saw me inking a picture for fun; and gave me some good pointers about shading at night.

-The colours across the board will have a blue tinge. K-hos has in the past noted this to me. (see: here)
-Shadows will cast very far away from the light source.
-The shading on the figure will be heavy, away from the light source, followed by a thinning hatching (explained later) or darker colour.
-In daylight however, the shadowing on the figure would be lighter with very little black areas. The shadow on the ground, in daylight, is small and below the feet.
My co-worker elaborated by showing off cast shadow; esp. when strong light. (here as headlights or a flash light)

-Note the heavy black away from the light source
-Note the cast shadow on the wall becomes nearly a replica of the object/person.

The image I was inking for fun, was this:

(Do not know the penciller)

On to Ty Templeton...
Before we got started really, Ty taught us hatching. Lines in a row to create a sharktooth black/white effects. When reduced in size, the lines become a 50% grey grade, or more depending on how many times you hatch over an area. Also, to prepare for working on an image, the inker should have a spare page of paper for testing out the tools. You need to find your line with each marker, pen, brush or quill. No two tools are the same. Ty repeated the thoughts of another artist (whose name escapes me) saying that he asked, 'what brush do you use?' the other artist said, "whichever one I pick up."
(or something to the effect.) So, we get my craptacular hatch sheet:

One of the first assignments was to simply demonstrate line weight and depth.

-Note the heavier lines in the foreground, medium lines in the mid-ground, and smaller lines in the background.
-Note the heavier lines on the bottom (heavier and darker) than the top of the leafs. The side closer to the light source (see: small sun icon) is lighter in weight.
-Note the unrealistic shadow that covers the leaf or stems below the image in front of it. This is a comicbook inking 'cheat'. It lifts the images defining depth to the eye.
Since the purpose of comics is "art to be read", art takes a backseat to storytelling. That's why you will see these cheat shadows all through comicbooks. It helps show the story, rather than the art, if you get me.

We were given some hatching assignments to work on, here is what I managed before time was up:

After this, we looked at using big, dark shapes to move the eye through the comic page. IE:

-Note the heavy lines point your eyes towards the right panel across the top. The shadow then pulls you down into the middle of the next panel, and again into the next.
-The eye looks for big, dark shapes first. This is a common technique, something I am still struggling with in some cases. Though, it is getting easier.

Next, we learned some textures. Our assignment was to do an object in six different textures. Thanks to a certain game, I failed this small homework task.

-Glass, Rock
-Fur, Metal
-Sponge, and that last one was going to be rubber.

Ty handed out some example sheets for textures to pull off with a brush-pen. There were a lot of interesting looking lines I hadn't imagined.
Shown, here.
Another example sheet gave us an idea of inking water. These were inked by different artists.
Shown, here.
Lastly, showing trees (by different artists).
Shown, here.

He followed this by showing us how to use thick, medium and thin lines to ink inorganic objects (like metal).
I don't have the example he drew for us, unfortunately. However, I do have a car I was working on using a french curve.

-Note the thick lines on the outside, and areas unaffected by other lines.
-Note the medium lines for lines that overlap an area.
-Note the thin lines for details and minor things.

To end the class, we were given a pile of art to ink (optional though I hope to finish) and the project of drawing and inking a 'starving artist' picture. Essentially, it's a scene with a tree, river, a cabin, and mountains. I pencilled this in a few minutes, and inked it in 30-45 minutes.

(Ty wanted the cabin on fire. For him.)

The following is just stuff I've been doing for the hell of it.

-Batsoft, the Economy Batman.

-Killer Whale, the Templar Knight enemy.

New teacher today. One J. Bone <-click name for his blog!
Apparently there's a tutorial on his blog about making proper masks after you've scanned an inked image. I'll fill you guys in when I figure it out this week (I have it off of work, so definitely going to be logging some inking hours!)
So, I have to make an apology for starters. Ty Templeton has been a major influence on my comicbook learning curve. He was the man who initiated me into it, and I've had him a second time (as you can see a few paragraphs up). Unfortunately, I was unaware that he is verymuch a MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY type of fellah. Do not misunderstand however. He -does- make valid, truthful points in inking and comic design. However, the art of comics is, like any art, up to the artist's style. There really is not RIGHT or WRONG. So, while I do feel a little jaded about some of the linework in my Hulk vs. Thor image... it is by no accounts WRONG. Ty was very ready to tear it apart with criticism, and to his credit, they were in his style of inking, valid. I could too learn to adopt his pointers in turn; however at that point in my learning curve, it was my style.
So do not be discouraged if you start thinking you're doing it wrong. The language of comics is robust and variable. No way is wrong.
Now, enough rambling, on with today's lesson.
J. Bone took this teaching more hands-on. The start of the class was a lot of Q & A about his personal choice in tools and practices. All of which were polar to Ty Templeton. For example: Ty uses brush-pens, Bone uses cheap brushes. Ty practices for 45 minutes on his linework, Bone goes straight for it.
That last point is something to clarify too. Instead of working out the bad lines on a piece of paper, Bone's technique was to use the page to get out his lines. Like, drawing unimportant hands or black areas. Once comfortable, he moves on to the important stuff; like eyes and main figures.
His point of view is that there are two kind of artists, the same way there are two types of actors. There's method actors, and actors who just show up and act.

He began inking the work on the page I'm about to show you. There is a video that the guy in charge of this course took; and I will get that to you ASAP. Apparently he's been taking videos throughout the course, so hopefully you will have some drawing pros to watch on video soon!
Anyhow, here it is (my WIP) of Poison Ivy seducing the Chief(?) I don't know this old man's name actually.
(Pencil by Darwyn Cooke for the Batman/The Spirit one-shot. Characters Copyright DC Comics)

-Note I am "trying" to apply the lineweight techniques taught in the previous class.
There are a few mistakes, though I'll clean that up with white-out once the page is finished (IE: on her cheek someone bumped my table. Damn it all!)

As I've noted, this week is 'vacation' of sorts. So expect lots of updates!

Decided to goof around in Photoshop tonight instead of homework.

Fullsize Deviantart view
If anyone asks if Inking is just tracing, they haven't read the topic.

Request Time! Templar Knight Enemies!

To see what this request jargon is all about, check the previous topic to get an understanding of it... http://rpgmaker.net/forums/topics/5718

For this, we're going to design a bunch of Power Ranger-parody super villain monsters. Sent from a yet-announced Main Badguy/girl to terrorise Tideshore City... secret homebase of the Templar Knights. Protecting the final gateway to hell from opening.

This time, we request monsters. That means, pretty much anything goes. So try and think your request through before jamming on the keyboard and ultimately confusing the eff out of me.
After all, you request it--I draw it. So help me out!

---Longwinded OP last note: You can request either a chump one-time villain or one of those lingering bastards who always run away when they're beaten. Everyone only gets 1 request total, otherwise I'd be SWAMPED. Okay, onward...

1. Name: of creature / character
2. Power: Either special skill attributed to body parts (such as spikes) or weapons, or energy attacks. Describe just what your creature / character can do. There's really no such thing as Over-Powered, so long as they cannot one-hit kill something, blow up a planet or something equally stupid.
3. Desc.: Describe what the creature /character looks like, or is wearing. If not wearing anything, that's fine.

That's all. These are baddies, and do not have avatars, colour co-ordination, or any over-all standards in design. So, have fun!

**NOTE** if your character is an ex-Knight, then you may request a Hell version of the knight, provide the former avatar, and colour if this is the case. Or they may simply allign with a villain who gives them a special power / ability. Under the new devil pact, they may get new powers and weapons as you see fit.

Name: Avante Lergent (ChaosProductions)
Power: Former black templar, he was ousted when he began to use his ability for personal gain. Making a pact with an otherworldly entity, he regained his former power.
In his former place in the Templar Knights, he attacked his foes with a long, curved blade. After his pact; he has infused that blade into himself, and can unfold it from his arm at will - much to his tailor's dismay.

Name: Dr. Malkair (Solitayre)
Power: Malkair is a normal human, but his intellect is incredible and he often uses his genius to craft powerful and deadly weapons and genetic experiments to combat the Templars. His goals are to discover the source of the Templars' power and use it against them. In one such attempt, he created mutant versions of each Templar's animal Avatar to fight them. Despite his incredible talents he is usually defeated either due to the stupidity of his minions or his own hubris. Lacking any real combat ability, he will generally flee when his Creation of the Week has been defeated.

Name: The Killer Whale (Ark)
Power: The Killer Whale was once a rival professor of Doctor Elliot Atma, but his increased delving into Gene splicing on himself transformed him into a less human and more Orca like being. He fights using his massive strength and a large anchor from a ship.

Name: Xenophobia (Mr. Nemo)
Power: An undefinable being, spawned from unfanthomable nightmares, Xenophobia feeds on the despair of all living things around it. It is uncertain where it came from or what it really is - do we really want to know? As stated, in feeds on nightmare and fears, which means it gets stronger whenever someone nearby is frightened (by it or otherwise) or is having nightmares. Xenophobia triggers horrific illusions and may cause opponents to fall asleep. It's many legs means that it can defend itself agains multitudes of foes pretty well. Xenophobia relies heavily on it's many eyes (that sees most angles around it) to control it''s many legs if these are somehow disrupted or damaged, the attached leg will cease to function. loosing too much vision and control over the events around, the creature will go mad and the previous illusions and visions will become even stronger.

Name: Sortlu (AznChipmunk)
Power: basically not really incredible powers or anything. BUT he is a giant yellow talking octopus and some quirkly dialogue.

Name: Gwarriors (Kentona)
Power: Kinda strong, kinda agile, vicious, but generally inept. Completely fearless, if not a little insane.

Name: Alfred Furor (Rei-)
Power: Alfred is the lord of the skies and seas. When he encounters his enemies, he preys them either in the sky or the sea. He has a kite he uses to fly and it's connected to his belt with a fishing line for whenever he needs to take it off to dive into the sea - it will float above him in the sky. Alfred's weapon is a long twohanded cattleprod which releases massive electrical shocks.

Name: Larch Birchplank (tardis)
Power: He can turn his arms into two two-by-four planks at will. Also, he can grow his legs super long (also planks of wood) and walk around as if on stilts.

Name: Cet (Dudesoft)
Power: Behemoth summoning, dark energy attacks, endurance. Enough to hold her own against Rainbow Gorilla Knight. She can teleport, but it is a lengthy process.

Name: Pineappal (Dudesoft)
Power: Can shoot parts of his pineapple body outwards at high velocities. Also, can grow three tenticle-like vines to attack the Knights with.
Desc: basically a pineapple with big legs. A mouth full of jagged teeth and one evil red eye are on the mid-section of the pineapple creature. He is clumbsy and awkward in movement.

Name: Masked Carlton (Manifesto)
Power: The ability to shapeshift into any creature. Although he can shapeshift, Carlton's mask is still visible in the creature's face. Carlton's mask has the ability to change people's morals (good into bad) for a set period of time.

Name: Smarfs (kentona)
Power: an individual smarf is small and weak BUT they can work and cling together as a unit to act like a single entity. Kinda like how in WB cartoons a swarm of bees would fly into a shape of a hammer and then whack someone. So smarfs would cling to each other to form things like big hulking behemoths, hammers, bridges, and whatnot.

The Ulyanov Brothers: (Shinan)
Vladimir, Ilya and Joseph Ulyanov
Three vodka-drinking brothers from a circus act transported from 1960s Soviet to present day.
Joseph is the strongman, a tall big man with a Borat-moustache. He's as strong as Pippi Longstocking.
Ilya is a small ratty man with round glasses and wearing an Ushanka with the flaps down. He has a tactical nuke strapped on his back and uses it as part of his circus act as he can do all sorts of acrobatic stunts with it. (all with the added suspense that it might detonate if he fails!)
Vladimir is the leader and a gloomy man with an evil beard. He's a magician, though he does not have the common top hat since it's a symbol of capitalist scum. Instead he's wearing a worker's cap but he can still produce animals from it. (including but not limited to all sorts of attack animals. He has said he could conjure an elephant from the cap if he wanted to.)

Name: Burger Prince
Power: Has a burger-shooting blaster arm, and a bag of nails. A teenager who loves hamburgers more than Wimpy and Jughead put together. He sold his soul to get another hamburger, and became one.

Power: Enkeriru was woken up when the Templars started using their power.Now he can't get any sleep with that energy going around. Naturally, he wants them to shut the fuck up so he can go back to his 600 year rest at the bottom of the bay.He can cough up smoke and some fire, do some super human acrobatics, hit hard, break to pieces and reform, and pull some weird tricks.Will most likely team up if given the option.

Request Time! Templar Knights!

The Templar Knights are a group of secret super heroes that come out of the woodworks to save humanity. When hell demons or alien demons from outer space come to attack the windy city of New Covenant City, Templars spring to action. Led by the wise and very old WIP.

Here are the Knights!

Name: Terry Fitzgerald
Avatar: Bat
Colour: Purple
Weapon: Club

Name: Kaira Carmine (SorceressKyrsty)
Avatar: Lion
Colour: Dark Red
Weapon: Whip

Name: Samson Sigfried (ChaosProductions)
Avatar: Mule.
Colour: Black
Weapon: Retractabe foot-blades.

Name: Laurel Hardell (Liberty)
Avatar: Frog
Colour: Green
Weapon: Naginata

Name: Richard Clive (Feldschlacht IV)
Avatar: Wolf
Colour: White
Weapon: Longsword

Name: Mark Lakeman (Nightblade)
Avatar : Panther
Colour: Grey
Weapon : Oversized, Jagged Katar.

Name: Winston Worthington (tardis)
Avatar: Axolotl
Colour: Tan
Weapon: Sword-Gun

Name: Joana (Archeia_Nessiah)
Avatar: Snake
Colour: Yellow
Weapon: Super Poison Darts

Name: Ace Winfield (Darken)
Avatar: Golden Eagle
Colour: Gold
Weapon: Boomerang

Name: Elliot Atma (Ark)
Avatar: Narwhal
Colour: Light Blue
Weapon: Knuckledusters

Name: Marty "Tubbs" Tuberwinkle (kentona)
Avatar: Rhino
Colour: Pink
Weapon: Hammer-Flail

Name: Matthew Stump (Little Wing Guy)
Avatar: Beaver
Colour: Brown
Weapon: Axe

Name: Jimmy Lee (Manifesto)
Avatar: Hummingbird
Colour: Cyan
Weapon: Throwing Stars

Name: Alexander 'Rex' Muldoon (Geodude)
Avatar: Komodo dragon
Colour: orange
Weapon: tekagi-shuko

Name: Nicholas "Nickie" Launder (Shinan)
Avatar: Squirrel
Colour: Silver
Weapon: Bazooka

Name: Peter Lau (AznChipmunk)
Avatar: Hawk
Colour: Sapphire
Weapon: Dual Scimitars

Name: Deacon "Deke" Whipples (uh)
Colour: Puce
Avatar: Paramecium
Weapon: Colt 1911

Name: Bastion Powers (WIP)
Colour: Rainbow
Avatar: Gorilla
Weapons: Kusarigama, short sword, and throwing shield

Request Time! Misfit Carebears!

This time for Request February we'll try something new.

Remember that old kid cartoon Carebears? If not, watch this

I realise there's new Carebear series' out now, but those crappy things aside, we're making fun of the original one.

Request process:

Name: (usually something to do with their symbol)
Symbol: (the little icon that goes on their belly)
Careabout: (who they are best at caring for)

That's it! You can add what colours you want, but I'll probably just base it off the symbol.

Name: Redheart
Symbol: Gunshot wound
Careabout: Children whose parents were killed in driveby shootings

Then I'll draw it up and post it here. IE:

Name: Atom Bear (Lennon)
Symbol: That classic atom symbol (I'm sure you know of it.)
Careabout: Children who have been in microwave oven accidents.

Name: Waterhead (Ark)
Symbol: No-drinking while pregnant
Careabout: Children born with fetal alcohol syndrome

Name: Tinfoil (uh)
Symbol: Eye of Providence
Careabout: The threat imposed upon everything you know and love by the New World Order/Planet X/Bilderberger/Trilateral Commission/etc conspiracies.

Name: Booze-a-lot (Liberty)
Symbol: Smashed beer bottle
Careabout: The victims of drunken violence/negligence. Usually a cheery fellow when tipsy.

Name: Statutora (tardis)
Symbol: Icecream Truck
Careabout: Well, it's a statutory rape bear, so naturally, the youngin's.

Name: Bryce (WIP)
Symbol: No Condoms Allowed
Careabout: Has a message for girls who don't want to wait for marriage to have sex.

Name: Wangta Bizzle (Feldschlacht IV)
Symbol: Backwards cap
Careabout: Poorly emulating cultures he knows little to nothing about to the point of near mockery

Brandishing a microphone, cheap silver (?) chain around his neck, and spouting rhymes that fluctuate between rhyming and not actually rhyming, this bear discovered his new found identity after a sojourn into Bedford-Stuyvesant in the mid 80s.

Name: EmoBear (AABattery)
Symbol: A knife
Careabout: Wearing make up and hating their lives even though they have a nice family and everything...

Name: ChemoBear (S. F. LaValle)
Symbol: Green awareness ribbon
Careabout: Kids with leukemia that need a hug and a "Hang in there, sport"

Name: Otakubear (Rei-)
Symbol: striped panties
Careabout: daydreams of kids obsesessed with japanese pop-culture products and idols.

Name: HappyBear (Sarevok)
Symbol: Marijuana Leaf
Careabout: drug awareness. Not prevention, just... awareness.

Name: Bearcandy (Archeia_Nessiah)
Symbol: candy can and chocolate bar
Carebout: People with healthy or rotten teeth, depressed children, lolis.

Name: HitlerBear (AznChipmunk)
Symbol: Swastika
Careabout: burning jews, invading poland, the usual