Though I may not look it, I'm really untelligent.
Valor Emblem
TRPG made with Sim RPGMaker95



Dream or Nightmare

Cap'n Levels

Level caps exist so that all of the game's challenges can be surmounted by a weak player via grinding, while still preventing grinding from defeating optional supercontent.

This says it all.

Otherwise, I could see level caps being used in episodic games. Ara Fell capped it at 20, but unfortunately there would be no new episodes after that ;-;

Which of the 7 deadly sins do you most relate with?

It's Level 6, the City of Dis for me.
Purgatory - Very Low
Level 1 - High
Level 2 - Moderate
Level 3 - High
Level 4 - Very Low
Level 5 - High
Level 6 - Very High
Level 7 - Low
Level 8 - Moderate
Level 9 - Moderate

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Those colored orbs could use some actual runes in them, even if you just make up a bunch of nonsense-symbols.

Back again... with a definite release date.

I was wondering where you'd gone :|
Glad to see you've returned in full glory.

New rule: Stop posting shitty blogs

There is a reason this community has a reputation for being elitist, stuck-up snobs.

This is because of the community's ridiculously high standards for hobby-gaming, not because of over-moderation.
But I do agree with over-moderation in regards to the forums. Why do we even still have General Discussion?

New rule: Stop posting shitty blogs

I should point out that all I wanted was a minimum character limit to lower the number of content-less blogs. Maybe 500-chars or so (youtube comment max).
Image/video links have lots of characters in them by nature, plus the author's adding "look. new video is new" meets the prereq. "No homework this weekend. I'll be working on this" doesn't.

Forcing kentona and deckiller to make arbitrary judgements was never in my thoughts :x Or since they're calling for community help in enforcing, maybe their diabolical plot is to have all the Charles Bronsons exhaust themselves in a week or two, letting this all go quietly into the night.

Runic Cipher

It was done, in a way. Done for.
(went from Cancelled to Hiatus)

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Going back to the leather underwear Belmonts, I see.
And not much else.

Which of the 7 deadly sins do you most relate with?

Very Greedy and Slothy, the Sloth being slightly more. I'm a lazy prick who just wants a free lunch :|
Low Pride and Envy, though. Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with who I am.