

Pikasprey plays Suiren DEMO

"What the hell is tyrian purple. I don't think I've ever heard that term before." My thoughts exactly. I looked it up (which I do whenever I see an unfamiliar word) and as you'd expect, it's a shade of purple.

A brownout is just when the lights flicker out and then back on.

Nope, the guard won't notice you if you're right next to him diagonally. He doesn't have cone vision so he won't see you unless you're directly in line with him (which is why you're safe up there in the corner left of the paintings). Yeah, it's weird but if it saves your life, who are we to complain?


...There must be something wrong with me if just reading the word 'bear' makes me want to punch one.


Here, we have Mirror Boy reflecting on the poor choices he has made in life. (I had to do it)

Please tell me there's a mirror boss with a passive effect that allows it to counter attack you with the same attacks you strike it with.

If giving Mirror Boy a spot in BOSSGAME was your plan of enticing people to play the game he originated from, well, I think it made a difference however small it was, you crafty fox.


So does it change to upset if you're low on HP?

Consider that Painted Heart boss idea (with accha's permission). References/cameos to past games are usually well-received after all if Mirror Boy is any indication.

By the way, I thought accha was a male 'cause her site (accha.carbonmade.com) said Antonio Clark. That's what happens when I make assumptions. :(



Personally, I think that it looks painful for animals to eat bones. Looks like Emily is one of those bosses who will kill their own minions to heal themselves. 'Course, being a Lich she can probably summon more at no cost. Better kill them skellies before she can do that!


Please always treat your barista with kindness.
Especially if they have tentacles that can shred you apart and a taste for human flesh.


At first, I thought widow was a term exclusive for females whose spouse had died. Then I learned that the male equivalent is called a widower. Yay for video games teaching you something!

Also, Mirror Boy looks like he doesn't want to be there. That face screams "Oh god, I don't want to be here. This is gonna suck."


Exactly one pair of hot bishounen twins
I'm sold. Now how can I successfully flirt with them to bag me two hot bishies... err, I mean lower their guard so I can defeat them with ease!

featuring original character art by accha!
His game art is beautiful, especially Painted Heart. Corbin ! Mirror Boy looks adorable too.

Who knows, maybe fighting all these bosses will teach these guys how to be... LIKE A BOSS!

...Now I'm imagining Corbin/Zophie/Agiel from Painted Heart making a cameo and you having to fight them.

Looking at the screenshots, it's neat how the battle character portraits can change (if they're in critical condition/statused/out of SP?).

Dead Illusion

Wait, six-year old? I don't think that at that age he can really understand reasons why his sister would die. The fact that his sister (going by the images of Ms. Teethy) is younger than him makes me question how there's anything of worth in the tapes she has recorded. Never mind how she would even get the idea to record her 'cause of death, let alone have the forethought to hide them for him to find.

Hypothetically-speaking, can you imagine a toddler recording videos detailing the reasons for them committing suicide? I can't. That's more mature than they should be.

I'd just like to say that the "creepy" image of goldilocks over there looks downright silly to me. Big teeth don't always = scary. FNAF will tell you that much.

And about jump scares, they are cheap. They might initially surprise the player but their effect is fleeting (like FNAF for example) while a creepy atmosphere sticks with you longer. Though that's not to say jump scares can't be used successfully. Just don't throw in one every ten seconds 'cause that will get annoying/tiring fast.


Now that I think about it, those seem to be all command skills besides Magic Realignment/Certificate of Tankability. Are there equipment that give passives (I'm not talking about element resist)?