


Grunt's armor... eh, could be worse. At least it's not a red shirt. Please tell me there's a meat shield.

Wonder what tortures they had to go through to get that certificate of authenticity.

Yay for weapons that give you skills while they're equipped!

Through DETERMINATION, Elsa managed to endure and survive that attack with 1 HP!


Luiishu... wait. That's the person who made Castle Oblivion on this site!

Dungeon Crawl, party of four!

The silly custom face portraits remind of of Subterranean Starfield. That dungeon crawler is like the opposite of this since it had non-silly custom character art but the monsters were cartoon-like.

Hmm, can we rob a shopkeeper and then get killed 'cause they turn out to be a powerful optional boss? It ain't a dungeon crawler/rogue-like unless you can shoplift and die!


The Fallen Child, after the events of Undertale, dyed their hair blonde, put on a non-manly bandana, and started an adventuring group to fight spear-wielding fish people.

Help Me (Game)

The maid that asks for your passport keeps looping her dialogue if you don't have it.

The blonde guy in the starting compartment says your're. Should be you're. Why does the girl next to him get a portrait when everyone else in there doesn't get one? The RPGmaker NPC portraits (guy selling food, the aforementioned girl, and Emily) kind of clash with the art style of the main character.

The maids creep me out. No, it's not their custom? portrait but rather how they move so fast to intercept me. Especially the one in the dining room who stops me from sitting at any of the tables. Their un-capitalized sentences also don't help their case either and they're not the only ones with that issue...

When you choose the sit option at the bag, you just stand there facing the right. This applies at the beginning right when you start the game. Later though, when I gave the brooch to the girl, I came back to sit and I actually did.

You 'pick' your passport. > Should be 'take'.

"I found something on my bag." Why would you tell someone checking for your ID that? It makes it sound like it's not yours; that you stole it.

The whole wrong name on the passport is a bit farfetched to me.

The depth perception of some things is strange. Like you go underneath the red chairs in the soda machine room if you approach them from the bottom. You can also walk right next to the Maid in that room and then walk across the shelves to the right. The red couch booth seats also have that problem if you sit at the bottom of them.

Chef: I don't want back to the cook. > I don't want to go back to cook.

The red-haired guy in the next seat: maybe you re crazy. > There's a space between you and re. Should be you're.

Purple-haired guy in the next seat: I never heard it > I should be I've.
Also, 'second' is cut off.

You should check out all words that use apostrophes ' since words like dont look weird without them. Emily's dialogue and others are noticeably lacking in capitalized sentence starters. Some don't even have punctuation.

Why can you talk to your bag?

When you play a song at the piano, it becomes silent afterwards; the bar song stops playing.

There's no way to tell what you're supposed to do. You just get dumped onto a train, the MC mentions a dream (it would help if his portrait looked like he was just waking up for that bit), and then you just wander around aimlessly talking to random people. It's obvious you give the brooch to Emily but you get no indication of what to do next.

So far, it's not shaping up to be a very good demo as harsh as that sounds but then in a way I suppose a demo is meant to let people find errors and fix things. The MC portrait art is nice though.


No Links were fed in the making of this game.


Hmm, you've reminded me that flying enemies can pick up things like rocks or bombs to drop on your head.

And a shield... doesn't necessarily have to be held in hand. Misery, from Cave Story, has shields that revolve around her. Not only do they block your shots but they also damage you on contact since she launches them at you kind of in a spiral pattern.

Normally, projectiles disperse when they hit the ground/wall but the really deadly ones will bounce instead. A fireball you can just jump over and forget about it. A shot that ricochets however tends to be quite effective for bosses to use in their enclosed arenas. The player has to watch and see where the shot will arc next and move carefully.

Acid or lava spit also tends to be really nasty. My experiences in a flash game called Phoenotopia taught me that much. Consider playing it since it's a platformer fighting game. It has food, a variety of enemies, somewhat difficult bosses, a good plot, and some humorous dialogue from NPCs. Err, but back to acid and lava breath. The idea behind it isn't unique since many games use it. Basically, even if you avoid the spit shot at you, it will land on the ground and leave a puddle which will damage you if you step in it. The puddles stay for a good amount of time but the real danger is the boss attacking you while they're there. Not only do you have to avoid the boss' attacks but you also have to make sure you don't jump into the puddles while doing so.

Ugh, now I'm reminded of the Kungji Elder boss in an MMORPG called Grand Chase. He has an attack that creates a whirlwind vacuum of swirling leaves in a spot that will shred you apart if you touch it. It's the same premise. But what made him really nasty is the fact that his whirlwinds take a long time to disperse. It's hard to move around when they're everywhere and he has attacks that will blast you right into them if you don't dodge them.

Monsters throwing bombs is a pretty viable tactic since they blow up in your face if you slash them and they still have a decent explosion radius even if you dodge them but don't move out of range fast enough.

A mini-tornado isn't that deadly compared to other projectiles. Well, until it either pushes you off a cliff or launches you right into an enemy/bomb/spikes. Monsters with big lungs that can suck you in with their breath are a true-and-tried threat. When I was younger, I played Donkey Kong Country and I got killed a lot. To me back then when I wasn't as good at gaming, I thought it was a real accomplishment just beating the final boss. I'd say he's still considerably challenging by today's standards. That musket of his defies logic... Blue shots freeze you, red ones slow you down, and purple ones... purple ones are the worst since they reverse your left/right keys.

Wonderboy 30th Anniversary/What's New Part 2

What does the extra Buffalo sauce do? :O


I like the bats, (long) snake, and dragons. I hope the enemies aren't too simple to kill that you can just slash or blast (ranged characters) them to death before they even reach you. I suppose the monsters with shields can block your attacks (and maybe even reflect projectiles) but I don't see many that can shoot you.

The yetis could roll snowballs down hills or just throw them. I can see the skeletons/mummies respawn indefinitely unless you destroy their graves/tombs. Maybe that shady mole in the bottom left corner can burrow underground and pop up right beneath you. The Rock head probably has an attack that causes rocks or stalagmites to fall from the cave ceiling. I can see the Queen Bee summoning bee drones during her fight.

When I saw that Indian Snowman in one of your screenshots, I thought it was weird. It still is but I suppose it has a charm of its own.

The cloud with shades though is bringing back memories of Lakitu (Mario) and Kracko (Kirby). I feel like it's going to rain down lightning bolts like Kracko and do so from high above like Lakitu so that the player will have a hard time killing them (since they'll just move higher if you don't hit them fast enough when you're climbing up).

Chibi Dungeon

Hmm, you're right. Though I think Chaos17 said he downloaded the character art from a free resource site. Anyone can use if that's the case.