My name's Kasey Ozymy. I'm a game designer from Texas. I made Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass and am currently working on Hymn to the Earless God.

Check out Hymn to the Earless God:

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Hymn to the Earless God
Live and die on a hostile world.



A Very Long Rope to the Top of the Sky

I haven't heard of that, no! I probably just went with Solomon at the time because of the Biblical figure (I"m guessing that author did, too--kind of low-hanging fruit for "someone who is wise").

Hymn to the Earless God

*EmilyBigBoobs872811 likes this*
For real?! This might be my chance...

Hymn to the Earless God

Feel free! Ten years from now, maybe I'll have a lot of followers on Twitter, so I'll make sure to let all of the bots and Elon Musk death cultists know about your games before migrating to bluesky and having to start from scratch.

Hymn to the Earless God

grats! think this might be the first KS i ever funded. so let this pressure you

I won't let you down!

I just want to point out that I backed this before the game page on RMN was even up. I promise you that more than 5 people from this site came out to support you and this project.

Oh, definitely! RMN's been very supportive--always has been, even when my games sucked!

Hymn to the Earless God

Thanks! Kentona, I know you're joking, but in a roundabout way rmn is kind of responsible for me as a dev. If this place didn't exist, my first game would have been played by like five people on a tiny forum and I wouldn't have been able to really get critiqued and grow as a dev enough to get to this point. I really have a lot of love for this place; I wish I would have come here when I was younger so I would have had the time to do a bunch of game jams and made joke games.

Oh, and Kickstarter's metrics said that 5 backers were referred from the link here!

Hymn to the Earless God

So, uh...


Still got like a day and a half left on the clock if anyone's interested in some cool swag or hitting the stretch goals!

Hymn to the Earless God

Thanks for the feedback! We're definitely going to make it clearer who is currently acting and who is being targeted in the future, so I'll see if we can fix the positioning vs. face graphics issue as well.

Hymn to the Earless God

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

Unity, thanks so much for the write-up; I've been excited about this game for so long, and it's so cool to see other people getting excited, too! It's been a while since I've been blessed with Unity feedback! I'm going to respond to your hidden text below:

-We weren't able to get all of the polish we wanted done in time and focused more on getting the core gameplay across. We do want to make an outlined version of the font we're using for damage pop-ups, but we decided to just get the demo out and worry about that later.
-We should definitely add the character levels on the HUD. I think we also don't have names because it created some weird blank space, but the level would totally fill that.
-Devour's going to have a lot of weird nuances to it over the course of the game, so no worries there. That said, your characters do auto-devour after combat, but the fastest get first pick, so devouring is generally useful for slower characters to build up their HP once their reserves get depleted. You'll also be able to gain a buff called "Satiated" for three turns if you eat while full--it's the buff Starving Wretches get when they eat a corpse. Actually, now that I think about it, not including that in the demo was a bit of an oversight, haha.

Kickstarter for New Game: Hymn to the Earless God

Hey, it happened! Thanks, Kentona!

Check out the new page!

Kickstarter for New Game: Hymn to the Earless God

Thank you! The page is in the queue as we speak!