

I Just Bit My Cat

Man, biting cats SHOULD get bit back. That's what would happen if it pulled that on another cat! Only reason I don't do it myself is because of hairballs, like Mr. Nemo said. Plus other concerns like fleas and the fact that I don't know if cat spit is antibacterial, so I imagine as "clean" as cats are, they're not that clean.

So yeah, I'm seconding Ankylo.

High Power=Low Tier?

author=trance2 link=topic=1189.msg17962#msg17962 date=1211928965
author=Shadowtext link=topic=1189.msg17855#msg17855 date=1211866804
In Pokemon terms, it's your Blissey or Rhyperior.
I beg to differ. :o Stone Edge with STAB and Earthquake FTW. Then again, Rock Head kind of does make it a bit of a tank. It's much more of a damage dealer, though, than Blissey or, dare I say it, Curselax. This isn't a Pogeyman thread, though, so I'm not going to spam too much with that.

Though, I will say that there are some games, not necessarily RPGs, where this equation applies. Ganondorf, for instance, is one of the strongest characters in the game: every hit of his has the effect of a Smash attack. However, because of his slow speed and the way his attacks work, he's lower-mid to bottom tier, iirc (I can never be quite sure on the SSBM rankings; it's been a year or so). I wouldn't necessarily call him a "tank," but he certainly has high power.
Rhyperior is noted as borderline broken specifically because he fills too many roles well. He's a sweeper AND a wall, and that's why we hates him. At least when he belongs to the opponent...

...point is, a tank can multiclass as other things, but what makes a tank a tank is his unkillability. Technically a character with high evasion could probably count if you just can't damn-well kill them. Of all people, in Super Robot Wars: Original Generation one of my best "tanks" (in the sense of drawing opponent fire and never taking any damage) was Latooni in a jet or a Real. No, she may not have high defense or HP (depending what she's in), but she fills exactly the same role as a really effective tank....low HP actually makes her more effective, since everyone attacks her then.

High Power=Low Tier?

author=Neok link=topic=1189.msg17908#msg17908 date=1211913226
Man, comparing Sabin to Relm is like comparing a fighter to a black mage. Obviously the black mage is going to get all the really awesome stuff. But who's gonna make sure that black mage survives long enough to get that awesome stuff? Ain't gonna be anyone but the fighter.
If this were any game but Final Fantasy 6, you'd probably be right. But this is not a game where mages are squishy, nor does attacking offer any real benefit to make up for how much less damage it deals than magic, nor is MP enough of a commodity to make dedicated fighters even slightly relevant once you get access to Espers.

author=Sir Craze the Unhinged link=topic=1189.msg17900#msg17900 date=1211907421
EDIT: Oh and I want an RPG where there is a character with no actions except DEFEND.

Earthbound: the various Teddy Bears. They just skip a step and you don't actually have to tell it to defend, since it doesn't have any other choice.

High Power=Low Tier?

By the way, a quick terminology lesson:

"Tank" generally refers not to your primary attacker, but to the character with high Defense and/or HP. They're armored, like a Tank. They are generally slow and useless for anything but being meat shields. A lot of you seem to be confusing them with your primary physical attacker, who is often going to be character with well-rounded stats that put them into top or second tier.

In Fire Emblem terms, your Tank is your General, not your Lord or Paladins. In Pokemon terms, it's your Blissey or Rhyperior.

Sometimes Tanks have decent attack: this is generally because the game designers didn't know what else to do with the character. They need to have some sort of action to take during battles, but their role is mostly to act as a wall.

If you want good tanks, you need to focus on abilities that make them keep enemy attention, recover their own HP, take damage for allies, that sort of thing. Like I said when discussing Mog and Gau with the Snow Muffler: maybe give them some revival abilities so they can keep the whole party alive. Their job is not to hurt the enemies, it's to keep the enemies from hurting your Nukes, Strikers, Healers, whatever, who are often Squishy.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (FE10 for the wii)

I didn't have any of those in Path of Radiance. Is it only on the lower difficulties there, too? Or is it a new feature for Radiant Dawn?

High Power=Low Tier?

I read it a long time ago, but Bricky's just wrong in this one on several fronts. The FF6 one is a major one. I didn't comment when I read it months ago because it seemed like splitting hairs about an otherwise good article. But yeah, his take on FF6 is just wrong. The only character-ability that makes any difference in FF6 after about the midway point is Morph. "1000 damage per attack with eight attacks per round" is crap considering even without an economizer or powerlevelling, Relm can be doing dual-9999 damage attacks each round with very little consideration for MP (using Osmose every once and a while, maybe), often to every enemy. And this is not Ultima, I'm talking about, Relm can easily pull it off with the level three elemental spells. Sabin can output maybe a little more than 10,000 damage per turn split amongst every enemy (with no ability to target), Relm can easily do 19,998 damage per enemy, for about 40 MP total.

Meanwhile, thanks to Sabin's equipment choices, he can't raise any of his stats that matter to a signficant degree other than through Esper-spamming (his Magic is always in the crapper, so not only does he suck at Magic, which is a cardinal sin in FF6, but his Blitzes become less and less impressive, for example). And I'd count Esper-spamming as powerlevelling anyway. As for fighting...ven his most powerful claws are pretty awful compared to the selection for Sword users, so he sort of sucks as an attacker, too. And he's nowhere near as good a tank as Mog or Gau because he can't wear the Snow Muffler. You can totally use him to beat the game (it's not that difficult), but he's far from top-tier.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (FE10 for the wii)

No, Suspend states get erased as soon as they're loaded.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (FE10 for the wii)

author=harmonic link=topic=1182.msg17785#msg17785 date=1211834114
Don't even attempt it first on hard mode. Most people barely squeak by on Normal mode, and HARD MODE TAKES AWAY YOUR BATTLE SAVES.
You mean you can't even Suspend play? That doesn't make sense....Suspend states don't make the game any easier, they just make it so you don't have to leave your system running if you have to go do something.

High Power=Low Tier?

It's an issue of growth rates, too. Dungeons and Dragons is a classic example. For the first five to ten levels, Fighters dominate. They have a huge selection of Feats, dish out plenty of damage and can take a lot of hits. But growth rates really change things up. By the late game, spellcasters outclass fighters by a ton. The basic explanation is that fighter growth rate is arithmetic while spellcaster growth is geometric. A spellcaster can't take more than a single hit in the beginning, but by the endgame, he's challenging gods.

Let's take a look at Sabin specifically here (and Kentona, I'm sorry, but this is where I show why you're wrong about Sabin). Sabin starts out pretty cool. He's got access to some free techniques that deal quite a lot of damage, including some that can hit every enemy. That's pretty sweet. Unfortunately, he has just about the worst equipment selection in the game, and just about nothing he can equip will up his magic stat....which is bad, because all of his techniques are based on his Magic stat, not to mention how utterly dominating Magic is in Final Fantasy 6.

Meanwhile, Relm (who has a nigh-useless special technique and whose stats aren't all that great in the beginning) has the best Magic stat in the game, and access to some freakin' sweet equipment for taking it even higher. A lot of people write off Relm as useless because they try to make tiers apply across the entire game, and in an RPG that's just ridiculous. Sabin is top-tier at....until you get out of the Magitek Factory. He just sinks lower and lower after that. Relm is mid-tier at best when she first joins, but becomes top-tier in no time flat.

There *are* some pretty awesome bruisers out there, though. It's just that most of the ones I can think of are in Tactical games, and only work well because you've got other units to back them up. Which is really what Tanks are *supposed* to do, though--they're supposed to be meat shields. To that end, you've got characters like Mog and Gau, who can easily hit the Defense cap and become almost untouchable in FF6 because of their awesome equipment. Give 'em Phoenix Downs or Life2, and they'll keep your party alive no matter what gets thrown at you.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (FE10 for the wii)

Huh. I just picked up Radiant Dawn, and apparently I was playing Path of Radiance on Maniac Mode, according to Radiant Dawn. I suppose that at least partially explains why I lost so many units in the final battle. Now to decide whether to go "Normal" or "Hard."

Maybe I'll go Normal first, since you guys say it's so difficult.