

Summoner of Sounds

I wish there were some sort of playlist to go through each song without having to click each one individually. Cool contest anyway, some of the songs I listened to were really good.

Devlog 65: Changes Happen for the Best!

Yup, it's commercial.

We all have agreement regarding KS $ distribution/revenue share.

Composer Wanted!

Thanks Liberty, that's a good idea.

I've had 5 different people apply so far with just the ad and when one of them in particular blew my mind. Finger crossed it'll worked out. If it doesn't I'll check out the Summoner of Sounds for sure.

[Music & Sound Effects] Composer Wanted

Hello fellow Toaster fans,

I decided to let go the current composer as we couldn't see eye-to-eye about the music of the game.

This means that I'm currently looking for a new one.

What I need:

-Title screen song; 1 minute
-Toilet Tank Stage: 1:30 (max)
-Stage Select Screen: 15-20 seconds
-Game Over jingle: 5 seconds
-Sound Effects: I need about 20 sound effects. It's also something I would want you to do for the full game as well. This is why I added 5$ an hour for the minute of music.

I want something along the lines of Mega Man, Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden for the nes. In other words, something you could imagine being in one of those games.

I'm not looking for anything experimental or pushing the boundaries. Something catchy and classic is all I need.

This is one of those post-KS paid kind of deal, so if you want to be paid right now, that's not an option. The philosophy of the project is simple: if we earn a revenue, we all get something, if we don't, no one does.

Regarding the actual money and other benefits, I'll discuss those in private with whoever is interested.

I'm looking for someone who's an adult, no children please. This is for legal reasons (work related) and to have someone who's mature and reliable.

I'm looking for someone who's reliable and can stay in touch with me throughout the creation process. You also need to be legit, no stealing from other people, I want something clean.

The project is already well underway (close to a year now) so this isn't some embryonic pipe-dream which'll never happen.

Thank you for reading and feel free to contact me if you have questions, I don't bite (hard).


RMN v4.6 a.k.a. "Backlog"

Well, yeah, I figured it was rhetorical. The thing is, I think it's a matter of taste. What you find annoying I might like and vice-versa, you know tastes and all that. There's really not much to discuss.

I think we can both respect that we like different things and consider different things to be important because we're different people. See for me, I don't hope to have more subscribers because I need more feedback (although it's always nice). It's just nice to see that more people are intereted in what you do. That's why to answer your question. Different strokes for different folks.

RMN v4.6 a.k.a. "Backlog"

@Liberty: Would it make a difference if I told you why?

RMN v4.6 a.k.a. "Backlog"

Getting noticed when you have a new subscriber would be nice.

TPP could make fanwork illegal?

I'd imagine it's used that way because there are probably a lot of people people who don't know that the word "xenophobia" exists. Also, "racism" is such an evocative word that it can easily be misused.

I doubt it. "Xenophobia" is a pretty common word and people who contribute to Encyclopedias about race, ethnicity and society are probably well aware it exists. I'm pretty sure that they are well aware of the various types of racism that exists (which, on the other hand, a lot of people don't seem to be aware of).

If you're interested about this you can find more information here:;jsessionid=54A01997A29815919CBA97501FDDA2B2?jumpTo=R

Just so you know, Xenophobia is in there too:

TPP could make fanwork illegal?

I was actually going to post that, rethought it in case it spawned a tide of "OMG UR RACITSSSS!" and figured I didn't need that idiocy in my life. I am glad someone else brought it up though.

America is made up of many races (just like Australia) and you can call yourself American, but it'd be like saying European was a race. It's not.

You misunderstand Liberty and (with all due respect) are speaking out of ignorance.

Making a blanket statement about the people from a country being a certain way is still considered to be racism (to some) even if it doesn't refer to "races" as such.

Source: "Racism" in R. Schefer. 2008 Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society. SAGE. p. 1113

Correct me if I'm wrong however, in which case I'd be glad to know.

[Art] Achievements

As long as there aren't hundreds! Hehe!

As for smilies, I think you guys should reconsider.

I understand your point of view that the charm of rmn is to stick to the bare minimum.

I think using smilies can sometimes help get the meaning across with some subtle varieties which really helps since we're using only written form to communicate.

Something using the basic colors of RMN would look good too, I'm thinking of squares sort of like on Pixelation.

I don't want to force my view or anything, just my perception. I think it'd make for a nice addition to this place, especially if they're custom made (not the typical bright yellow ones) and adapted to the design.

People who don't want to use them will have the freedom not to while people who like to use smilies will also have the option. I don't think anyone will be penalized for having this addition. I would also do it on my free time (I've done it for another forum before).

This was a while ago however, I'm significantly better now.

I won't press the issue, just thought I'd give my opinion. (smiling smilie)