I make and play games - playing games I use as a reward for reaching specific milestones within my various development projects. I've played a wide variety of games, having started at the tender age of three and worked my way up over the years so that, at one point, I was actually going out of my way to find the original games (cartridges, CDs, whatever) to play.

All games I elect to review must be 'Complete' status (though games still in the process of clearing out bugs are fine and will be noted in the review itself). These games must have a download on RMN (as I pass them to my Dropbox queue) and need to be self contained - everything I need to play should be in the download, without needing to install anything (including RTPs; we aren't living in the days of slow connections anymore, people). You should also have any fixes in the download, not something I have to look through the comments for - I'm going to be avoiding them like the plague until I've finished the review.

When I review a game, I try to play as much of it as I can possibly stand before posting the review - I make notes/write part of the review as I'm playing, so a lot of what goes into the review is first impressions of sections. I'm also not a stickler - things don't have to be perfect - but I've seen many examples of things not done perfectly but, at the same time, not done horribly. I rate five categories on a scale from 1 to 10: Story, Graphics, Sound, Gameplay & Pacing, and Mapping & Design. 5 is average to me, so it's not necessarily saying that category is bad - it's saying it's middle of the road. Games within the same editor are compared to one another, not games across editors (I'm not going to hold an RM2k game to the same standards as a VX Ace game due to system limitations, but I won't let it hold back the RM2k game's rating) - unless the game is part of a series across multiple editors.
Legion Saga X - Episode ...
A fan updated version of the RPG Maker 2000 classic



Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

Working on building the party change system for LSX - always a fun thing to do. It's not something I intend to have available from the game any time soon, but I'd like it done all the same.

A melody of clashing swords.

Discussing the title of the next book of A Song of Ice and Fire?

character tile set sizes for rpg maker xp

As long as the dimensions are divisible by 4, I don't think there is a limit to the size of a character set - the game will just begin to slow down and potentially lag if the character set is too big.

How can I make my character die when not in a battle?

Checking the box that says 'Allow Knockout in Battle' should work, looking at the Change HP script. Basically, if that isn't checked, it bottoms out your HP at 1. If it's checked, it lets you set the value to whatever you want, including possibly killing the actor.

If that doesn't work, check the script Interpreter 6. On mine, it's around line 119, command_311. That's the script that runs when you use Change HP in an event. Line 127 in mine reads:

if @parameters == false and actor.hp + value <= 0
actor.hp = 1

After that, add before the else:
elsif actor.hp + value <= 0 and $game_temp.in_battle == false
actor.hp += value

That'll add a second check to see if you're not in battle and if the value change will set your HP below 0.

Goodbye, Mister Anderson. Hello Cartridge.

... it took me a minute to get what was going on.

Poor kentona, no love for you, yet again. ;_;

Lighting by Lotus Games

Yep, but I disregard everything you said about RM2k's engine being poorer than the SNES. The userbase? They do it for hobby, not for profit. Of course there'll be My Rtp Adventures.
But it's quite obvious that SNES is more limited in a lot of stuff than 2k, starting straight down with the resolution, wich is a big, big deal.

I just said that you can pay a little more atention and not blame it on the engine hahaha

The main difference between RM2k/3 and the SNES is the power of the machine it's running on. Run on the same hardware as the SNES, RM2k/3 would be subject to the same graphical limitations before lagging. But as any computer put out in the last 10-15 years greatly dwarfs the power of the SNES, RM2k/3 can do things that the SNES couldn't dream of doing for fear of lagging out the hardware. Between creative eventing and good use of exterior graphics programs, RM2k/3 can make games that look BETTER than the SNES' games - and on par with some of the early Playstation games (ever played Beyond the Beyond?). Is it easy? Not necessarily. Can it be done? For sure.

Goodbye, Mister Anderson. Hello Cartridge.

Welcome, welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay and uhh... well, if you have any questions that the tutorials can't answer, feel free to ask. =)

Help me making clock,run/sprint,and custom menu

For the timer:
Create a common event, doesn't matter the name - set it to Event Start Condition - Parallel Process

First, have it wait 1 second.
Then have it increase a variable, Seconds, by 1.
Next, have it check if Seconds is equal to 60
If it is, set Seconds to 0 and increase a variable, Minutes, by 1.
Then, have it check if Minutes is equal to 60.
If it is, set Minutes to 0 and increase a variable, Hours, by 1.

That common event will take care of making the actual event that keeps track of your current time in game.
To display that information in a text box, you'll need to use the \v command, where x is the variable number you want to display.
Now, to actually display it in the menu is another story - you'll have to be using a custom menu that you've built yourself, with event graphics keeping track of displaying the timer.

As for running, that can be done by another common event that checks if you're holding a particular button and increases the move speed when you are (and probably changes the character graphic), and sets it back to regular when you're not. I've never done it, so someone else would have to help more with the specifics.

Honestly, given the questions you've asked, it's probably better to put off making a custom menu in RM2k/3 for awhile until you've got a better grasp on the program.

Help me making clock,run/sprint,and custom menu

The most important thing we need to know: what maker do you want this to be in?

RPGs, balance of power and difficulty

I always do ignore defense because otherwise magic does stupid stuff like dealing 0 damage just because you equipped an armor, when you definitely want it to deal something, just a bit less.

As an extension on having magic avoid defense/interact with armor in RPG Maker games:

In the systems with scripting, it's ridiculously easy to change how magic interacts with defense. In those without... well, I'll use RM2k as the example:

Make an attribute called 'Magic' under Attributes, setting A to 100%, B to 75%, C to 50%, D to 25%, E to 0%.
Select it as your Attack Attribute in the skill, select Defense ignore.
Make sure it isn't selected under Defense Attributes on the armor.
Set all characters to have A effect on Magic Attribute attacks.
You can now make armor that also reduces the effect of incoming 'Magic' attacks simply by selecting Magic under the armor's Defense Attribute.
It can also be used to make characters who are generally resistant to Magic attacks without relying on special armor/items... and the same with monsters.

... ok, this might've been off topic but, it was brought up?