I'm a french computer science and matematics student, and I love to create video games when I have time to spare. I'm interested in all parts of game making, and particulary in game programing. I also do many graphics, but it's not my favorite part.
RPG Paper Maker
A 3D game editor based on a 3D universe with 2D sprites and 3D objects.



RPG Paper Maker

What is your current version? You can see it on the main window title. The last version is 1.2.2.

I just tried to download on Windows with this link and I have nothing like you described (but options in tabs are still disabled because the software is still in huge development!).

RPG Paper Maker

Thank you for your feedback. Could you tell me what were the steps to make the engine crash please?

Here are the guides for using resources: https://rpg-paper-maker.github.io/basics/manage-your-resources/. I think that you didn't check the "Show available content of ..." option to see the complete list of available assets.

RPG Paper Maker

Ahah I need to give more feedbacks to updates here! I'm back. :D


Thanks! Fonts will be customizable of course.

For sure, having some beautiful games would attract a lot of people! There also are a lot of free assets available that I could use to demonstrate different games possible designs. I could start with something like that first.

Update 13 : Here we go again!

Yup next week I'll get all what I've done in Ruby version! And this looks so much more professional.


Nice Rito! :)

APRIL UPDATES : Slowly recreating the engine!

Hey thanks! Yep this shouldn't be so long to go to the ruby version step. At the end of that month I will pass my final exams and I will be free for coding all the time I wish. ;3

(the witch is Kate, this is a part of my self image 'cause I'm a daaaamn ginger :v !!)

IMPORTANT : RPG Paper Maker RUBY unstable version, and rebuilding

Ahah thanks! In fact I wanted to put grayed texts for unavailable options, but I was was so tired and I just wanted to move on to something else. xD

Another thing is that when I started to tinker with the map editor, I was a little lost on how to place tiles, and how to move the camera around.

Yep, I'll indicate it somewhere for next versions. At least a small alert when first using it!

Thank you for testing!

IMPORTANT : RPG Paper Maker RUBY unstable version, and rebuilding

Thank you! I don't especially recommend people to download this version. I put it mainly in order to present the source code if people are interested in.

Update 12 : how to draw/delete elements

Ahah I hope I'll get something trully awesome to present you soon. Thank you. ;)
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