

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Just add this below / above the Armor(Slot#2) QuickPatch:
Do not replace any of those numbers. And don't use Armor(Slot#2+4) by itself.

And don't forget to remove the Accessory(Slot#4) from the QuickPatches.

Or else the resulting glitch will promptly be turned into something useful:
And no, helmet type equipment won't fit into Slot#5 anymore (that would conflict with shield / armor / helmet asking if they fit into #2 / #3 / #4).
If you want to rename Slot#4, just remove the " 49EF72,20, " from Armor(Slot#2+4)

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Fixed a bug with self-destructing enemies when using the RPS[+] patch:
download RPS[+]

it has that cool feature to write your own damage formula.

I planned to do just that, but that RPS-thingie is slowly turning into a patchwork / mess.

I'd like to know if there's ever gonna be a proper callback, before adding something that imitates it.
From my experience, people tend to not like pure numbers / won't be improving onto those kind of plugins.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Oh, I noticed that helmets could not be equipped. Delete the old one and replace it with this:

Do not replace any of those numbers.

As far as Armor / Shields are concerned:

Do not replace any of those numbers.

Yes, I know that it wouldn't make sense putting on armor on top of another armor (worst offender would be if both were the same item).

it's just theoretical, but can the basic attack formula be customized?

Theoretically, yes. But I'm not gonna go around customizing stuff for everyone.

Ask me again some other time. Preferably when there's an actual callback onDamageCalculation. Or rather when I don't have to add one myself.

[RM2K3] Trouble with Hyper Patcher 2 and Resource Hacker

There's actually an .ips version of the betterAutoEnterPatch right here. For easier mixing of different patches and such.

Any help or assistance from people who have experience with the Hyper Patcher

I have nigh to none experience with it.

download RM2k9
download DBX.ini (instructions within the file)

swap the overlay priorities so that pictures appear above battle animations

download dyn0.20 (if you haven't patched DynRPG onto your RPG_RT already)

Open the DynRPG.ini (config file) inside your project folder and copy & paste the following below the line [QuickPatches]:

[RM2K3] Character won't step back in place during battle

I'm having another problem

Are you sure you have used dyn0.20? Take a fresh RPG_RT.exe that didn't have DynRPG on already.
I thought the transparency issues were fixed, but don't quote me on that.

Apparently removing the file and replacing the RPG_RT isn't enough to reverse my game to a more functional state, lol.

Might be because that bug is not related to the bugfix I posted above at all. But thanks for finding yet another bug native to RM2k3 that's a pain to track down, anyways.
I'll search for a solution, or better yet find one.

[RM2K3] Character won't step back in place during battle

Specifically, it comes [...] where I give a condition to characters [...] and then gets stuck in the position

download StatusAnimationFix[+]

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Or: don't touch the hpa patch and open the DynRPG.ini (with notepad or whatever's the default for txt files).
Copy & paste the following below the line named [QuickPatches]:


Ideas for plugins in dynrpg

Now that wouldn't be "flexible" if you assume the exp formula wasn't altered (or alternate exp charts weren't used).

You don't actually need to calculate it:
download ExpDetectBug-in

@exp_detect [1], [2]
[1] = Hero_ID (from actor/hero tab in F8-database)
[2] = Var_ID to store the required experience into

@exp_detect_alt [1], [2], [3]
[1] = Hero_ID
[2] = Level to get required experience from
[3] = Var_ID to store the experience needed into

Yes the exp will be the "... / exp" thing in the default menu. Subtract current exp to get the exp difference.

#include <DynRPG/DynRPG.h>

bool onComment ( const char* text,
const RPG::ParsedCommentData* parsedData,
RPG::EventScriptLine* nextScriptLine,
RPG::EventScriptData* scriptData,
int eventId,
int pageId,
int lineId,
int* nextLineId )
std::string cmd = parsedData->command;
if(!cmd.compare("exp_detect") && parsedData->parametersCount == 2
&& parsedData->parameters[0].type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER
&& parsedData->parameters[1].type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)
int a = parsedData->parameters[0].number; //Hero_ID
int b = parsedData->parameters[1].number; //Var_ID
int DBActorAmount = ( *reinterpret_cast<int ****> (0x4CDDC8) )[0][2][2];
if(a > 0 && a <= DBActorAmount)
int eax = ( *reinterpret_cast<int *****> (0x4CDDC8) )[0][2][1][(a)-1]; //pointer on RPG::actor
int edx = ( reinterpret_cast<int *> (eax))[61]; //get current level
edx ++;
int out = 0;
asm volatile("call *%%esi"
: "=a" (out)
: "S" (0x4B6B74), "a" (eax), "d" (edx)
: "cc", "memory");
RPG::variables[b] = out;
} else {RPG::variables[b] = -1;} //error message: "invalid Hero_ID"
} else {
if(!cmd.compare("exp_detect_alt") && parsedData->parametersCount == 3
&& parsedData->parameters[0].type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER
&& parsedData->parameters[1].type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER
&& parsedData->parameters[2].type == RPG::PARAM_NUMBER)
int a = parsedData->parameters[0].number; //Hero_ID
int b = parsedData->parameters[1].number; //level
int c = parsedData->parameters[2].number; //Var_ID
int DBActorAmount = ( *reinterpret_cast<int ****> (0x4CDDC8) )[0][2][2];
if(a > 0 && a <= DBActorAmount)
int eax = ( *reinterpret_cast<int *****> (0x4CDDC8) )[0][2][1][(a)-1]; //pointer on RPG::actor
int edx = b;
int out = 0;
asm volatile("call *%%esi"
: "=a" (out)
: "S" (0x4B6B74), "a" (eax), "d" (edx)
: "cc", "memory");
RPG::variables[c] = out;
} else {RPG::variables[b] = -1;} //error message: "invalid Hero_ID"
return true;

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

If I combine the two, what's to stop it from becoming 16 (star) and invalidating the combination?
The " O " passability isn't one of the things that can be combined.

A tile gets the O-symbol if at least one of the directional passabilities is true (and not square/star). 1+2+4+8 = 15 is what would be considered "passable on all 4 directions". By default, 15 is set by the editor if you change a tile from X(0) or square(0+48) into O(15) or star(15+16).

Aaaand it can only be either star or square (don't try to combine those). If you try to anyway... well, no gaurantee on how the game will poop itself.

Since people will mostly just read stuff instead of writing new values into it (that would override stuff for an entire game session and will not be present any more if the game application is closed and restarted) you shouldn't worry too much about values that invalidate themself.

[RM2K3] Plugin: If Monster Present is...

Must've missed something, but I'm not sure what
It's called the "windows administrator rights issue".

Either create a new folder in C:\ that is outside of programs or programs(x86) and transfer all rpg maker projects there. Or have all your own stuff outside of C:\ if possible.

Or right click the codeblocks.exe (or its shortcut) and select 'Run as administrator'.
Or search through the internet how to give an executable administrator rights in Win8.1 without having to right click every damn time.
Or ask on the other rmn forums. I reckon people had similar issues with RM VXP being in C:\programs(x86) leading to the same admin rights issues, so they might have some useful advice.