Brazilian, psychologist, game making lover. I make strange games, but I'm not a strange person.
The Lonely League
The Lonely League is a superhero Tactical RPG.


The top five RPG Maker games

It's actually "top 5 RMN games".

I'm so proud of that list, especially because of Professor McLogic (which is the second game I reviewed here, giving it 5 stars).

[rm2k3] GUI bar

I'm trying to think of a decent way of making a bar visible on the screen to display some value. For example, if this value (a variable) is 50, the bar is 50 pixels long. If it's 100, bar is 100 pixels long.

But I don't know how to change the length of an image, or any clever way to work around that.

Something like these bars

Except those are charsets, and they only work cause the screen is static. I couldn't use that in a moving screen.

Americans are stupid?

I believe many of you guys have seen this video:

It's a bit old, and it's quite scary and amusing. Though it makes it look like American people don't care about anything outside their backyards, it's most likely a selection of the worst answers gathered from a much larger pool of material from interviews with random people on the street. I thought I should make a topic about it and ask the opinion of people (especially Americans) on this, I wonder how representative that video is, and maybe a topic would give a better impression than a 5 minute video.

I was uncertain as to whether I should make this topic or not. But after I posted the video on and got reactions like the ones below, I thought I should.

<> it's like people expect us to be just as familiar with some 90-odd significant nation governments, histories, and cultures as they are with what they are taught about the united states
<> that is just being channelled into retarded things
<> and i can't speak for every american
<> but i genuinely don't give a shit
<> i have enough fun doing things like 1) working 2) paying my bills 3) coping with a government that wants me to be broke
<> the chick that asked if we were in the vietnam war should probably be executed
<> yeah but others
<> who cares, really

[RMVX] Displaying a variable on screen

I'm using a script Liberty gave me to display the value of a variable on the screen. I just want to know how to change the font of the number displayed.

Here is the script:

# Variable Window Snippet
# By Jet10985
# Help by: Piejamas, BigEd781, Mithran
# This snippet will allow you to show 1 variable in a window at the top-right
# of the screen. Edited by Liberty. XP

module VarWindow

VAR_NAME_1 = "Score:" # The name for the 1st variable shown. You can change it
#to anything you want, but keep the name inside the quotation marks or it won't

VARIABLE_1 = 1 # Variable shown for VAR_NAME_1

ALLOW_TRIGGER = false # Let the player hide the window by pressing a button? if
#you do want for the player to be able to toggle the score on/off then set this
#to true instead.

HIDE_WINDOW_BUTTON = Input::CTRL # If true, what button? You can change what
#button you want to use to toggle the score to be hidden.

SWITCH_TO_SHOW = 5 # This is the switch that needs to be on to show the window.
#Just change the number to match the corresponding switch.

OPACITY = 0 # This is how transperant the window is. 0 is fully transperant.
#If you want it partly transparent try about 160 or so. 250 is fully opaque.


class Window_Variable < Window_Base

include VarWindow
#the line with the numbers are the positions. Number 1 is X (across),
#number 2 is Y (up/down). The other two mess with the box itself, the first
#beign width and the next being height.
def initialize
super(400, 0, 145, 60)
self.opacity = OPACITY
self.visible = false

def refresh
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 222, WLH, VAR_NAME_1 + " " + @var_one.to_s)

def update
if @var_one != $game_variables[VARIABLE_1] |
@var_one = $game_variables[VARIABLE_1]

class Scene_Map

include VarWindow

alias jet5830_start start unless $@
def start
@var_window =
@var_1 = $game_variables[VARIABLE_1]
@first_switch = false

alias jet5839_update update unless $@
def update

alias jet5299_terminate terminate unless $@
def terminate

def variable_update
if @first_switch == false and $game_switches[SWITCH_TO_SHOW]
@var_window.visible = true
@first_switch = true
if Input.trigger?(HIDE_WINDOW_BUTTON) && ALLOW_TRIGGER && $game_switches[SWITCH_TO_SHOW]
@var_window.visible = !@var_window.visible

Where are you?

People I haven't seen in a while, I wonder where they are:


Solitayre? (never seen him after he quit staff)

Silviera? (Soli's alterego)

Lysander? (wasn't him supposed to be back?)

Have you heard of them? Anyone else you're missing?

Action Figure Photos

I'm showing the work of my friend.

That's a really cool photo of Makinami Mari from Evangelion, it was chosen Picture of the Day yesterday, and it's running for picture of the month. You can also see more work from my friend in his profile on this myfigurecollection site.

I'll give you a candy if you can guess how this picture was taken. :D



Marry me!

The Jersey Shore RPG

Everybody start making games like this. Now!

"Customer is always right" - taking feedback

There's a saying in sales that goes "The customer is always right", which basically means that in sales your goal is to get money by selling, and the customer is the one paying, so whatever makes him pay is the right thing to do (or something like that).

Although we can make a direct comparison to commercial games (in which case players ARE customers), let's talk about indie games. What can we say about the idea that "The player is always right"? when dealing with feedback?

For instance, you're making a game where you want, for some reason, a certain area to be difficult and somewhat frustrating... you achieve that, but all players complain that they didn't like that area because it was frustrating. I mean, ALL OF YOUR PLAYERS DON'T LIKE THAT PART. Do you necessarily have to change that? If not, why not?

A more concrete example, speaking for myself... I deliberately slowed down the movement speed in Dungeoneer for mood purposes, but almost everyone hated it. My players hated that part of my game. Does that mean I should change it? Why/why not?

Question is: when should the game maker give in to players' demands, and when should he stick to his original ideas DESPITE the players' demands?

Lowering your standards and finishing your game


So we were reading this article about finishing games and talking about it on There's been a lot of articles and topics on how to finish games, how to be strong-willed and smart and plan ahead etc.

But I believe one of the things that helps the most finishing games is LOWERING YOUR STANDARDS.

After working for some time in your game, you notice that doing what you wanted to do is harder than you thought, takes a lot more time than you expected. So you have two options: doing LESS than what you originally wanted, or sticking to the original plan, but risking never to finish it (which is usually what happens). I believe everyone who's ever finished a game had to lower its standards at some point and make sacrifices.

If that's your case, tell me how. Did you give up on using only custom graphics? Did you lower the number of characters? Of items, skills, monsters? Did you remove side quests or cutscenes?