Title Source Info
Item Crafting
Craft items/weapons/armor from other items
08/12/2013 10:47 PM
Physical attack skills, or any skill you configure, use the weapon animation
07/29/2018 02:47 PM
Hot fix patch to permit escape sequences in map display names
08/29/2018 12:10 AM
Make the "disable dashing" setting available to events via a switch
09/09/2018 11:50 PM
Display enemy actions in combat
01/20/2019 07:29 PM
CC move route animation for VX Ace
XP style individual frame picking
04/03/2019 09:56 PM
CC move route animation for MV
XP style individual frame picking
04/03/2019 10:21 PM
Extra state overlays
Use more than 10 animated state overlays in sideview battle
02/17/2020 08:56 PM
start faded out
Start the game as if you had run a "fade out screen" command
02/17/2020 09:39 PM
MV Battlers for Battle Symphony
Use MV format animated battlers in VX Ace
04/09/2020 10:46 PM
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