I am an old school gamer who loves to create bazaar projects and I specialize in themes and game play.

I have also been running the Crappy Game Reviews for over 4 years now. My old channel was hacked by somebody I used to live with and the games were removed. I have a new channel now.

Subscribe if you love watching shitty rpg maker games get reviewed. I have a staff on here but I also review a lot of games myself. I also post videos of the projects I am working on here.




Max McGee's Playlist

author=Max McGee
Okay, I'll review that after I review Edifice.

Sounds good.

Max McGee's Playlist

Max, I noticed you can play VX games again. Have you tried Aftermath VX 0.3? Give it a go (if you want) and tell me what you think.

2011 RMN Summer Games

Do you have to have a partner for this or can you vs all the team games solo?


Tom Riddle? Looks like a potter rip off of Voldemort.


Looks like a metric shit ton of trees there. Probably all character sprites. I hope you're ready for impassibility hell and this game not running smoothly on most computers when you launch a demo. it looks cool but overdone greatly.

AFTERMATH VX - Version 0.4

Hey I just downloaded this and had a couple of things to mention/ask.

First of all I was maybe going to review this gamme in its current state. But not if you're against that ideas as I know you release new versions and fixes often. So I wanted to know what you reckoned to that.

Also. When I started playing this I was actually wiped out by the first encounter in the game (and then ragequit, at least for now). Now usually I'd not complain because this is my usual stance on these sort of issues. However I was playing pretty thoroughly and had examined everything before this. Got myself a shit-tonne of rocks/bricks, three weapons (two equipped) and a lot of edible plants, coins, even some painkillers etc etc. The problem was that the enemy party that attacked me could render me unable to execute any commands (because I was "bitten") and at that point in the game I obviously only had one party member. As soon as "bitten" abated I was bitten again and this happened 3 times in a row whilst I sat there taking damage - unable to fight back.

So in this case I definitely think that's a balance issue because there was no element of my skill level even involved in my getting a game over because it was a random encounter and there was nothing I could do to prevent being killed. Good job I followed your advice and saved often.

Edit: Nitpick, one of the skeletons on the first map (toward the top of the map) seems to be incorrectly referred to as an animal skeleton but the graphic matches a skeleton which is referred to as a person's skeleton lower on the map.

I noticed that human skeleton instead of animal skeleton. My bad on that mistake.

The starved leapers were introduced to give players a hard time. They only bite 3 rounds before they lose their energy to use it anymore, but it's enough to get your ass kicked by their allies. I know sometimes it can be frustrating because you can't kill them first but fast and very fast attack mutations should do the trick. I made their attack damage and health pathetic. They just love to bite your leg. Once you get your party members those little guys won't be much trouble if any at all. I apologize if they gave you trouble. They are easily dealt with if you have fast attacks.

At least I mention before you begin to save a lot. That warrants the fact monsters can sometimes kill you. He's my little stunlocker and I don't want to nerf him because you can already kill the little guy like nothing.

I like your idea of a review. I've been waiting for one. Get your party and it gets much easier.

Let's Play Videos

Dylan plays Aftermath 0.3 - PART 2

Let's Play Videos

I made this video to show the detail I have put into the fights of this game and that all the fights are very possible to defeat. Enjoy.

Watch and learn young ones.

Let's Play Videos

If somebody wants to say the game is the best ever and they truly feel that, it's their opinion. If some people feel the game is horrible that's their opinion too. All I know is I don't spend hours making these games to NOT give people some form of entertainment.

I create them to give people something fun to play. That is a selfless deed. There really is no "FUN" in making a game. It's a job. It's work and it should be stated that most trolls who down-rate games don't know the hardship and frustration it takes to make one. Or they simply are jealous little assholes and honestly should try harder instead of think they are the cool kids by complaining about every little fucking thing.

I'm not sure your views on the game, StarSkipping; or if you even tried it yet, but the fact that Dylan or anybody else got joy out of it is good enough for me.

What are your favorite mutations and why?

My strategy, or first one, was combining superhuman strength with any manipulation I was decided on. Mostly storm and earth manip. I tried fire and ice manip with that, but I seemed weaker, so probably storm and earth are better for me.

I have also tried both storm/earth and fire/ice manipulation combined, allowing more sort of places I can enter for good items. And with these skills I have a harder time killing, and seem extremely weak against the monsters in that place the allies covered up, the place with the dead bodies. I have alot of trouble, even with the healing ally.

But I have not rose in high ranks yet so... from what I have received in those strategies were balanced bad and good. Bad combat with the two manips. but exploration went well, and the beginning area, the pit with first monsters I do just fine with anything. But with strength, I have noticed a better time in combat.

Healing Gene
When I used the healing genes or whatever, I felt weaker, which makes sense, but so weak my healing didn't help much in some situations. But maybe I just need practice to be better at the game.

Thank you greatly for the feedback. See how Rank 4 manipulations line up for you. I know fireball compared to erratic lightning probably needs either a buff or erratic lightning needs to cost much more since it can hit a single target 3 times. Fireballs are good against walking dead though who are greatly weak to it.