Escalia The story of Escalia follows Fayhe Corin, Olivia's magically gifted daughter, and her friends Lumia and Seyfer as they find themselves in a series of unfortunate events that could spiral out of contro
Qui Domi Fight monsters under the bed to save a dying world.
Warriors of Ardia The once slain evil is now spreading throughout Ardia once again. You a well known warrior has been chosen to lead Ardia's forces into battle. Can you rid Ardia of its curse of will you too fall prey?
Realms of Arcanum: Gener... Uncover the secrets of the realm of Septria in a fantasy role-playing game with an extensive class and battle system and a rich storyline.
The Logomancer A JRPG without killing, where words are your most powerful weapons.
Catharsis Intertwining storylines in a land of steam and broken dreams