Farmyard Chronicle, Dire...
A fun-loving cow-kicking puzzle game!



hacked by

That was very strange.


Offering Detailed Game Reviews (by flap)

Sounds good, fuzziest. I'll play and rank it.


Broken Seal Review

Thank you as well for the submission. I'm glad that you are able to take the feedback so well. See, we're opposites. I have very little programing know how.

The battle system stood out as being much more polished than the rest of the game, even though there were only the slimes. My main suggestion for re-starting this project is to give the player more control. Players notice when they are forced to do things in a purposeless but specific order, such as not being allowed to enter shops until a sequence is over. It helps when you can interact with background graphics too; cabinets can have treasure, the character can comment on bookshelves, etc. And the opening sequence really needs to not have the text close automatically.

I really hope you reboot this one! It's best to see people get motivated and turn around all those downsides to a game.


Offering Detailed Game Reviews (by flap)

@karins: I'll check it out tonight!

Dang, you've got hella downloads for this, but only 1 review! Looks fun :)


Picture Text Creator

I'll share my font after I make my game a bit more. Might be awhile though.

What really helps about this program is that it automatically imports your pictures. No more errors with the bit depth and bitmap size when importing. I've used it just to make RM2K accept the pictures I've tried to import.

Thank you so much for sharing! My project was on hiatus because of the annoying import feature, and now I'm way into it again.


How do you like crafting your items?

Dunno, but I'm planning to implement a pain in the a$$ system where you hire different "crafters," who specialize in different weapon types. It'll be a huge headache for the player, and you'll probably all hate it. ;-)

KH had good crafting systems, I agree.


Offering Detailed Game Reviews (by flap)

@CalmOne: Thank you for all the trouble uploading the RTP. Unfortunately, I really did not enjoy Broken Seal. It has a lot of flaws, and some game design elements that really drag the game down. I've submitted a review, but it's a pretty low score. Just wanted to alert you while the review is still pending. You seem pretty cool, but I couldn't recommend the game. :(


2014 "Official" Misao Predictions/Discussion Thread

Oh, I managed to make the list. That's nice. :3

Congrats. I didn't, but a screenshot of my game did for some reason.


OMNIS - the Erias Line (DEMO) Review

Haha- it was a bit slow (although it picked up after the first dungeon). But I'd say the only really long wait was the elevator descent.

Legacy Reborn Review

Haha. Oh, but I'd love to save-scum that epic drop!

Simple is good :-)