a 2.5d explorer/horror game about NEURAL-9, a memory disease that spreads via eye contact



[RMVX ACE] Need a Tile Set Artist and Spriter

I feel like we should have a form reply for these and then they just get locked

The legend come out: Does Liberty is Kentona?

I am actually ALL of the staff

Ah yes, the Brasington Lane approach

My favourite pokemon is Wingull, followed closely by Bidoof, then Zubat and then down my favourite pokemon list. But who is your favourite pokemon?

Zubat?? what

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

Thinking about multiple endings and how to make them flexible.

Basically, my game has three planned endings. And while one of them is a True Ending, I'm aiming to design my game in a way where it's a bit more difficult to lock yourself out of it. The player has multiple opportunities to put themselves back on the path, and I'm actively avoiding things like "don't forget to talk to that one guy" or "kill one monster and the run is over" that take players off of True Ending paths.

Problem is, I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Do people LIKE one-mistake-and-its-over true endings, or is it better to give players multiple opportunities?

I'd take a page from the VN book. There's a pretty common plot structure in branching games with a big common route and then a single point where the plot splits off into individual routes/endings. Rather than having a single choice decide which fork is taken, there's usually a backing variable to determine which path. For instance, in a dating sim, positive interactions with a character would increment the variable, and then at the fork, the player would be put onto the ending for the character with the highest score.

Sounds like you already have some events, so you could potentially have them all increment a true_end variable if the kill the monster, talk to that one guy, etc, and then at the end, decide to take the true ending if true_end > 4 or whatever. That way you should be able to tune the "difficulty" as you like as well.

I personally dislike games where either 1) need a guide to see major content or 2) have to replay multiple times to get to new content.

Would it bother you guys, and girls if I make it so you can't enter houses in towns, but can enter shops?

Map file size is a tiny, tiny portion of the final project size for a tile-based game. Especially if you put multiple houses in a map, as Gredge suggested. If you're only worried about filesize, there are almost certainly much bigger factors.

[RM2K3] The custom sprite issue?

For GIMP transparency, I've found it's usually easiest to create a new layer in the layer creation dialog, set its background to transparency. Then you can cut/paste to that layer, select what you need transparent via the Select By Color tool or something, then delete that area.

Replacing Tanking with Smarter AI

I think RM has always had a shortcoming with AI. At least in the later engines it's possible to script interesting behavior like this, but seeing how much it adds to the game, it's a shame there's not an eventing-like system in place.

[Finished] Kloe the Murderer Mafia

Awww I missed signups while I was traveling, oh well

Faenon has published a book!


This is actually pretty endearing.