I'm simply a guy with ideas and opinions who enjoys playing video games. Enough said, right?



World's Dawn

I can't wait for more of this game! It looks and sounds like it'd be up my alley.


This game looks extemely interesting. I can't wait to see more development.


Subbed! I LOVE Persona, so this seems like it'd be up my alley!

Story of Innocence

I completely played through the demo and must say that I was impressed with the presentation. Slave girl bought by mysterious warrior? I can dig that. Don't see that too often. Once I got a few levels under my belt (first few fights were HARD) the game opened up to be a fair level of coolness. Especially in how you control the stat growth--good call. Please continue with this as I want to see the game flush out!

RAD Is the New Black

Got bit in the arse at the end there. lol.

Looks niffty, good sir.

Forever's End

Actually, it looks like this site won't be shut down after all. Holbert has saved us all. Look at the Site Announcement in the upper right hand corner of the website.

Also, once you've finished, I'd love to hear some feedback from your experience.

Hello there! I finish the demo that was available and must say that this is one of the better RPG's I've played so far (Ascendence being the first, this one being the second). I figured I'd share my experience, as you've put it.

First and foremost--the mapping is fantastic. Hardly cluttered except for when you play as Lee and are near the end of the demo--but that was just looks wise, it wasn't truly cluttered. Only seemed it.

Secondly--the audio. It's was a nice touch to hear tracks from games I recognize and adore (Shadow Hearts!) though I had a problem where the music would play just fine but the sound effects would cut out. I'd exit the game and reload and they'd be there again. Not a game killer but it certainly made story

Which leads me to three: The story. I kept playing, wanting to know what was happening so hopefully I get so much more of the characters and backstory. Characters had depth to them--which is hard to do with the limitations the RPGmaker system puts on it's user.

There were a few gripes but my main one being that when Goldo used his pilfer ability, his menu stayed up and then the game forced me to use a Scan Crystal from his bag after his turn was over. It was odd, but not a game killer.

Overall, I enjoyed the demo. :P I can't wait for more.


I'm hoping to see something from this! Subbed!

Chronology of the Last Era

Man, I'm looking forward to this being completed. It looks fantastic.

Myth Xaran

Might have to redownload this one and play it through--make a review on it. I remember enjoying it. Might give ya some constructive ideas if I sloooow down to play it thoroughly.

Liberated Arms(remake)

Hello there! I've had my eyes on this game for awhile--mainly how it's described as a "Suikoden type" of game. Suikoden is my absolute FAVORITE rpg, so naturally this projects holds my interest. Subbed for more news on this one. :)

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