Artist, writer, designer, programmer.


CHAIN OF RETRIBUTION - Mechanics designer, Mapping, Co Writer

RUIN FRONTIER 0 - Lead Designer, Story, World Design, Programming

RUIN FRONTIER - Story, World Design, Character Design

Chain of Retribution
A rivalry between sisters threatens to tear down a nation.




To all of you who didn't have time to finish the game, I wrote an article dedicated to you people: https://rpgmaker.net/articles/1365/

But anybody should feel free to read it.

Sadly scope was not what got me this time. This was a good article nonetheless.


Congratulations to everyone who made it! You are an inspiration to the rest of us. I will have to make sure that I am able to make up for my SHAMEFUR DISPRAY in the future to honor your efforts.


Unfortunately, I'm going to have to bow out of this event. I couldn't pull a decent game out of this project that I was happy with and what I had was all over the place. I did however manage to create and test a number of mechanics and algorithms I had rolling around in my head so that's absolutely something that will benefit a future project. Rather than give everyone a sub par game I think it's better to take what I've made and learned from this event and apply it to a better project later on.

More importantly, I realized that in my attempts to be clever with the use of sidequests I completely broke the rules of the event by making my game's main story BE the sidequests themselves. I called my team "team Rat Race" because the plot was just that, a bunch of people in a race to capture all of the mcguffins and fight each other for them until one remained, and the "sidequests" were in fact nonlinear main quests that each awarded one of those. Fun idea, but probably not in the spirit of the event.

That being said, if anyone feels like using the two custom battler heads I made for this project in some way, you can go nuts:


@Craze - I was thinking the same thing with the bridges, but my mindset here was that whoever decided to start laying bridges here probably wasn't from this swamp and thought it'd be most practical to put them as aligned as possible because screw nature and it's randomness. I'll see what I can play around with though.

@Versalia - That's a good idea and shouldn't take much time at all. If my time budget allows it I should look into more edits like those.

I decided to go character generator some approximations of my 6 main characters I'll be using for this. I'm relatively OK with them but I'm gonna probably draw my own portraits for all of them (particularly because the skeleton guy's skull is obviously an edit and he lacks a portrait). The weird skin colors are due to all the unusual human cultures in this setting.

I realized that there's a criminal lack of helmets in the character generator, so I decided I had to draw one myself or it'd bug me. I may have gotten a bit carried away though. I threw in a crappy quick sketch but I think the pixel version actually shows more detail, lol.


I'm using this opportunity to try some mechanical concepts I've been thinking up for some time now and put them into action and see what people think of them. This is also going to be my first MV project so it's a chance to get familiar with the engine and its RTP. Unfortunately as a result I'm pretty much budgeting no time to the graphical aspect of this so I'm just going to make do with RTP.

Regardless, here are some maps I made. I'm still getting familiar with MV's RTP so these are probably terrible. These are all small because they are all entrances to dungeons or main areas.

I'm afraid everything else I have are placeholder graphics and conditional branches.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 88

The slow drawing times continue, and it shows. I continue to get sloppy on these pictures and the lack of constant practice compared to before is making that issue worse. I might need to go back to drawing pencil stuff for a while or maybe even find a way to refine my technique at work so that I can go back to improving myself. We'll see, but as it is, I'm happy enough to be able to even draw.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 87

I've been REALLY bad with updating, or keeping up with my drawing as a whole. This was actually started right after the one of the same character above but I fell off the wagon for like a week and only now finished it. At this point you're probably saying, go color something else that isn't red/gold. I would, but I've only got 24 markers and half of them are grays, so I'm seriously lacking on different shades of the same hue. Of course I should try doing grayscale, that could work.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 86

Work has been slow recently what with stupid things happening at work and Starcraft 2 taking my attention away, but here's some more (of the same). The first drawing is a friend's character but with an outfit based on that familiar aesthetic, felt like drawing her something since she recently drew something for me.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 85

Well I finished drawing all seven as far as these marker pictures but I seem to be on a roll with these sprites. I am definitely fired up to finish the rest of them, and perhaps even sprite up other characters after that.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 84

Here's 2 more, only 2 remaining and then I'll have to go figure out what to draw that isn't these characters again!

Then this happened:

I've gotten rusty since I haven't drawn a new sprite in ages (the RF 0 work was mostly edits). This looks decent enough I suppose, but now I think I'll do the other 6.