Artist, writer, designer, programmer.


CHAIN OF RETRIBUTION - Mechanics designer, Mapping, Co Writer

RUIN FRONTIER 0 - Lead Designer, Story, World Design, Programming

RUIN FRONTIER - Story, World Design, Character Design

Chain of Retribution
A rivalry between sisters threatens to tear down a nation.



Stolen RMN Games on Steam

author=Sgt M
Should this be circulating in the gaming press? Absolutely.

Are gaming outlets going to care enough about RPG Maker games to write about this? Unlikely. And therein lies the challenge.

Yeah that's what sucks about all of this; our side of the industry is so small compared to others that this kind of story would get overlooked for more "newsworthy" things. To put it more cynically, there's not enough money at stake in all this for it to blow up like we'd hope it would. I suppose we'll just have to remain vigilant and try to spread the word where we can, and definitely watch out for all of our projects in case it happens to us.

Stolen RMN Games on Steam

We're aware of it and dealt with it as much as we could, however due to the fact that most of these devs have been gone for years and that Steam doesn't accept proof unless it's given by the devs themselves we can't exactly do much more than we already have.

I've talked to the Steam staff and they are not willing to bend on this, so there's really nothing that we can do except keep an eye on your own games and jump up if any others are taken. I've emailed the devs in question but alas, I doubt we'll see this guy taken down.

Pisses me off to no end.

Based on how it's going for Ocean it sounds like it's a pain in the ass even if the actual developer tries to make a case, since an individual like him can't make the sort of legal threat that would get the attention of someone higher up. I've known for a while now that Steam is pretty awful at managing and taking action on shady games but it's something else when you see it happening so close to home.

Makes me wonder if slapping a negative review on it would help, at least potentially warding off anyone not as well informed of rpgmaker games as we are from buying it. I hardly interact with steam communities and have never written a review so I'm not sure.

Stolen RMN Games on Steam

Hey everyone,

I apologize if this isn't the right board for this, but I wanted to make you all aware of a "publisher" on Steam who is selling some of the games on this site without the permission of the creators. I first saw this when Ocean pointed out that he found his first game, Island Sky, on steam, a game that he of course had no intention of ever selling. We then found another three RMN games being sold by this publisher; based on what happened with Island Sky I'm fairly certain these aren't legit either.

Here are the steam links to the games we found so far:


For convenience, here are the corresponding RMN pages:


EDIT: Some non-RMN games courtesy of Seeric

Infinite Road/Branches:

Energy Nodes:
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/935030/Energy_nodes/
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/US/app/id871041093?mt=8

This is of course extremely scummy; stealing aside, it's even worse when someone tries to make money off of a free game you made for fun as was the case with Island Sky. My friends and I have flagged Island Sky on Steam but I'm not sure how long any kind of action will take, as it's still up after a week. Nonetheless I wanted to make everyone aware of this as this seems like exactly the kind of thing that might fly under the radar on Steam. I'll be sending PMs to the creators of these games to let them know as well.

EDIT: Updated with the additional games Seeric found below

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 88

The slow drawing times continue, and it shows. I continue to get sloppy on these pictures and the lack of constant practice compared to before is making that issue worse. I might need to go back to drawing pencil stuff for a while or maybe even find a way to refine my technique at work so that I can go back to improving myself. We'll see, but as it is, I'm happy enough to be able to even draw.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 87

I've been REALLY bad with updating, or keeping up with my drawing as a whole. This was actually started right after the one of the same character above but I fell off the wagon for like a week and only now finished it. At this point you're probably saying, go color something else that isn't red/gold. I would, but I've only got 24 markers and half of them are grays, so I'm seriously lacking on different shades of the same hue. Of course I should try doing grayscale, that could work.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 86

Work has been slow recently what with stupid things happening at work and Starcraft 2 taking my attention away, but here's some more (of the same). The first drawing is a friend's character but with an outfit based on that familiar aesthetic, felt like drawing her something since she recently drew something for me.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 85

Well I finished drawing all seven as far as these marker pictures but I seem to be on a roll with these sprites. I am definitely fired up to finish the rest of them, and perhaps even sprite up other characters after that.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 84

Here's 2 more, only 2 remaining and then I'll have to go figure out what to draw that isn't these characters again!

Then this happened:

I've gotten rusty since I haven't drawn a new sprite in ages (the RF 0 work was mostly edits). This looks decent enough I suppose, but now I think I'll do the other 6.

HAUS's General Art Thread

DAY 83

Been slacking in the past couple weeks so I got back into it in a big way. I decided I'd do more marker drawings and since these gold-armored ladies are some of the few things I can pull off decently with my limited selection of markers, I went and did more. I didn't do so well on the faces so I actually had to touch their faces up digitally after scanning them.

HAUS's General Art Thread

The "monster" form in that first image reminds me a lot of Kerrigan from Starcraft.

You're definitely not wrong with making that parallel. I honestly tried to not make her look too much like Kerrigan but unfortunately it ended up that way. Not a huge issue, I can always redesign it later when I finally get to making this story anyway.