Next up is mapping...this might take a while. Why does mapping bore me so, random profile viewer?
To Look Through Her Eyes
Unable to leave the cliffside, Lanessa waits for her beloved to return.



Kel reviews games.

That's perfectly fine by me; the only time I'll only play one is if there are two suggestions very close to each other (usually in the same post), but since I completed and enjoyed Infection; I'll make sure to play through this tomorrow and give your game a review.

What do you think about Harem RPG's?

Harem stories usually suck pretty badly, since the love interest is easy to identify and you know the person with the harem is going to choose that person in question. (especially true in any type of anime)

The rest are just there to lament how they'll never have said person with a harem, or to stir up drama and leave once they realize what the viewer does.

If you can avoid the obvious outcome, it stands to be an interesting story regardless of what gender the lead is. But in order for this to work, you'd have to either give the player a choice, or give every character balanced amount of screen-time and importance. Sadly, even with choosing your own love interest, it's still easy to tell who the developers wanted you to choose.

How do you feel about only one gender as playable characters

Doesn't matter too much to me, each type has its merits.

Being a guy, having a bunch of male friendship bonding moments can be fun if I'm in the mood. This is probably what I'm least in the mood for generally, but I've had fun with all male casts before for the reason I just stated.

Balance is what I usually have the most fun with, since you're usually getting a more diverse characterization per team. Whenever I play games that let me create my own teams such as Etrian Odyssey, I always split the amount of genders down the middle.

All female cast has started to become a trend I've seen a lot of lately in indie circles, and it can be fun if done right. Kicking ass from the other side of the spectrum is interesting so long as these females I play as are actual characters.

Seraphic Blue (English) Review

I mean the place she was taken from was called Minerva, but yes I mean Vene or the Lady in Blue as she's called at that point.

Kel reviews games.

So the dragon that is Seraphic Blue has finally been slain, and what a tale it wanted to tell.

I'm glad it managed to hold my interest long enough for me to be revealed of its mysteries. Breaks are for the weak, rawr.

Kel reviews games.

No problem Max; I hope you'll keep on working on your game!

To everyone else, if I keep playing Seraphic Blue at the current rate I have been; I should have a review up by the end of the 6th.
No Gold for Brigands will be next.

Bow down to our new Libertian overlord

that was totally the idea

I clicked the link well aware of the horrors on the other side, yet here I stand, eyes thoroughly assaulted.

Infection Review

No problem, glad I could make you happy.

I forgot to add in the review, but since the schoolgirl zombie is known as an Infected Girl, maybe the schoolboy zombie should be known as Infected Boy, if anything so no enemy shares the same name as another.

Lionheart Review

She doesn't start out with any BP using moves, so it'd make sense to not give her AP. It definitely would help to point out in-game, or have the script edited to let you use notetags to hide AP results for certain characters who don't actually gain any.

I figure both sides are corrupt at the core, full of members who aren't actually the stereotypical evil on both sides. I do agree that trying to shoehorn the dwarven and elven meetings would be problematic to the main plot you're trying to show. At the very least having them slowly come into view instead of having a racial party balance will be a unique use of the high fantasy elements. Usually, they'll slap one of each race into the main team at the beginning. When you name dropped a specific dwarf and elf, I assumed it would be the same here until I was introduced to Lucan and Lila.

I remember when debating whether or not to use the PVGames tiles, the biggest thing for me was passability, and how you need a two tile buffer when determining whether or not a player can walk under something. You can get a fluid run speed by using full running frames and changing the default run speed a bit so it doesn't look like the character is running in place.

And no problem on the feedback/tips, I can tell that the game will be quite interesting when finished, and I'd love to play through the rest when it is.

Bow down to our new Libertian overlord

That capital Z makes your butt look big JosephSeraph.

Anyway, Liberty sounds like quite the passionate person when it comes to games, and that's exactly what a site that shares our creative works needs.

Also, Deckiller still posts on RMW from what I see, so he's still alive, probably.