Love games.. love retro games.
Um, love anime.. art(though not too good at it)
But yeah~
Not much more to tell lol.



How do people in the community handle negativity?

I made this topic to find out how others might deal with things.
And all I keep getting from you is basically "get over it", and no it's not your exact words, but that's what you're basically saying.. is to get over it.
And that's not something I am capable of.
And I refuse to sit here and keep debating things, when this is NOT why I made this topic.

Okay fine!
How would you feel if someone called YOU annoying, and then could not even tell you specifically what you did wrong, and instead runs off and no longer wants to talk about it?
How the HELL do you deal with that?! Huh?
I can't improve myself if all they can say is "your mannerisms bug me" and they can't even say specifically what the hell you did exactly?

Then there is the whiny crap.

"I don't like how you did this, it's distracting, get rid of it!"
And it goes against what you're going for?
I wanna look at them and go "are you making this f*ckin game?! NO! I am! and if you want a game exactly how you f*ckin want it, you make a game!!!!!"

Here is another one "your coloring is horrible" that's it.. nothing else.. just.. it's horrible....
How do you deal with THAT?!

Don't tell me!
I already know!
"your game is not you"

The crap you keep saying makes it sound like you defend the ones who can't be nice in their wordings, they can just say junk.. and not really offer any help at all.
Which to me translate basically to "get over it".

And no I am not mistaking basic criticism for jackassery.
It actually happens.
I would love to prove it..
I just can't... it never happen here is why.. a lot of it happen somewhere else a ways back.
And recently someone set me off....
..I'm just looking for helpful answers... that's all.

How do people in the community handle negativity?

to be frank, I don't trust most of the community to tell actual criticism from "straight up trash talk", for reasons I've already given. it's much easier to pretend someone is being an asshole on purpose than to admit that you might need to make changes.
I have made lots of changes..
Believe me.
And now and then there is trash talk.. maybe you don't see it, but it happens.
I know someone who left this site because of crap from people.
I can't say who they are, cause that's private.. and it's not up to me to discuss it.
But it happens.
I'm not here to keep going back and forth with someone who for all intents and purposes will NEVER agree with me, and who I will likely never agree with.
Now you can keep going, and you can keep trying to convince me of otherwise.
But it's not gonna change anything.
Let's agree to disagree.
And I await others who might respond, who do know what it's like, and can actually tell me how they deal with it.. which is what I'm looking for... not a debate with someone who's never going to agree.

Why does great looking indie games get cancelled?

I can't back it up, for the simple reason that it's mostly stuff that's happen to me, and a few other projects from others that never went far.
And you can sit there and keep going on and on about how your project is not you, but at the end of the day, it's an extension.. and it can make you feel rather shitty, unless you're one of those emotionless types that hardly anything bothers you.. and they do exist.
I keep wanting to point out things you have done wrong with your writing, but I don't.. Why? Cause I respect other people's feelings.
And I don't like upsetting anyone, just like I don't like anyone to upset me.
And for some people, words can cut DEEP.

How do people in the community handle negativity?

I'm going to reiterate something I said in a different thread like a minute ago:

you are not your project.

a lot of people in the community seem to forget this, and so when someone criticizes something they worked on, the critique can seem rude, malicious, even spiteful. receiving criticism is a skill that can be developed, like a lot of things, and one of the things that an amateur developer should work on is the ability to distance him or herself emotionally from the things they produce.

remember that your work is not perfect, and neither are you, and both you and your work are separate things. I've given harsh criticism on games in the past, but only rarely has that extended to the creator himself (and I've been very, very clear on the few times that it has). likewise, I've received some very sharp criticism on things I've shown off in the past, and I can't deny that it stings for a second. the secret, though, is recognizing that that sting comes from your own pride and not whatever nastiness you'd like to ascribe to the person giving the criticism. once you recognize that, you can cut through to the truth at the center of the critique and use that to improve your work.

criticism is not a form of abuse. it's a form of collaboration, and a sign of respect.
Did I ever at any point say anything about criticism?
I mean general jackassery.
I mean just straight up trash talk.
Or whiny crap.
I also asked how people who find themselves in that situation deal with it.

Why does great looking indie games get cancelled?

you didn't even read my post, did you?

show me someone who cancels their project due to "bullying" and nine times in ten I'll show you someone who received perfectly fine criticism but couldn't handle the idea that they'd have to make changes, or didn't think the tone was reverent enough for their magnum opus. all forms of abuse are wrong and people have the right to distance themselves from situations that are harmful to them, but you're never going to convince me that every time someone in the rm community says they've been bullied that's actually what's going on.

I've seen what the criticism here is like, thank you very much, and I'd frankly call it too gentle a lot of the time.

here's the thing that not a lot of people seem to get: you are not yoru project. if someone insults something you're working on, they're not insulting you directly. it's your responsibility as a creator to keep that in mind and avoid projecting your own feelings onto your project, so that you can face up to harsh criticism and dig out whatever nuggets of truth are inside.

No no, I read it.. and I never said it's always the case.
But just some times, and some people.
Also I am not trying to convince you of jack squat.
Believe what you want.
I just felt like commenting and putting my thoughts into this discussion.

How do people in the community handle negativity?

I was just wondering how anyone on here or anywhere in the indie game making community or the RPG Maker community handles negativity?
How do you deal with things that set you off?
How do you deal with just.. bad things that come your way during the course of making your game?
Someone calls you some names that cut deep... or they accuse you of something.. or they trash talk your work.
How do you handle any of those things?
I often wonder this, as I can be rather fragile at times, and tend to just want to scream and give up often times when I'm given crap at any point in time.

I dunno if I am alone on this, or if others have dealt with it, and if so.. so they deal with it.. how they handle it.

Why does great looking indie games get cancelled?

let's be honest here: if the creator is so psychologically fragile that a single rude comment makes them drop a project entirely, it was never going to be finished in the first place. you need a thick skin in a business like this, and you need to know when to pick your battles. trolls make for an easy scapegoat when you need to bail on something fast.
This is why we now have people campaigning against bullying.. the world has a LOT of fragile people and even more people with a lack of understanding and compassion, and something great could have come about if not for people that basically bully.

And in my case, it was not a scape goat, I just really got sick of the crap from people.
The negativity outweighed the positivity.

In the case of this project youngmreezy mentioned, it might have been the fact that the characters and such were copy-write of Nintendo and Square and so forth... Nintendo might have come down on them for sure somewhere in background unseen to people, so they had to stop working on it.

Nintendo is VERY protective of their properties.

Why does great looking indie games get cancelled?

In some cases the people commenting or that come along and say something.. or do something to upset the person working on the game, they could be very emotional people, and because of that one jerk who comes along and says something to set off the creator and tick them off, the game get's canned and they move on and find something else to do.

It happens some times, I know of a few accounts where such a thing happen.

A lot of people in the world just lack compassion and understanding, they come along.. say some crap.. and next thing you know, said game is canned.. and they just move on and stop working on the game.
They feel it's not appreciated.

In fact.. this happen to me once before...
The game I have going right now, I was using RMXP at the time, and a lot of jerks had nothing but negativity.. so i canned the game.... years later I picked up RMVX Ace and went "damn this would be perfect for that game I was working on"
So i went back to it...

The point is... all it takes is some jerk coming along... and it effects someone so badly.. they quit.

I am seeking a script!

I don't appreciate the insult.....
Thanks for the help... I do appreciate that much....
Sorry for "annoying" you.

I am seeking a script!

Draw the name of the map?
I can't do it like that, because i have another script in use that sets the battle backgrounds based on terrain tags.
I need it for the overworld map.
When standing in woods, you get woods backgrounds.
When standing on a beach, you get a beach background... and so on and so forth.
That's why i was asking if there was some way it could just call from the name of the battle back you set for the map, so if i went to the options for a map, and picked a background called Woods, it would look for the array in the script called Woods, and then use that array.
That way the script i am using already that sets the backs based on terrain tags, can still be used.

# ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Terrain Battlebacks v1.00
# -- Last Updated: 2011.12.30
# -- Level: Normal
# -- Requires: n/a
# Modified by MikePj on 2012.11.13
# Comments below.
# This is a heavly modified version of yanfly's Region Battlebacks made to use
# Terrain tags as appose to Region IDs.
# Why did i make this? Well as cool as it is to use regions to tell the game
# what battlebacks to use, i prefer to simply set it by way of terrain tags..
# and i could be wrong, but i THINK that is how it's done in 2K and 2K3..
# but i COULD be wrong. *laughs* i'm wrong a lot >_<
# Some instructions fallow
# Anyhow, it still works basically the same way as Region Battlebacks did
# only now you have to apply the terrain tags you want used in the
# database under tilesets, and then below you assign what battle backs for
# what tags.
# You can also change what battle backs are used while play, by the same
# methods as before, only it's terrain rather than region.
# Anyhow, i hope you all enjoy this and i hope it's useful.
# A very special thanks to Yanfly for doing most of the legwork i know i
# could NEVER EVER do. Also, a lot of credit. What i did to change this
# script was rather yeah lol

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["YEA-TerrainBattleBacks"] = true

# ▼ Updates
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# 2011.12.30 - Started Script and Finished.
# ▼ Introduction
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# RPG Maker VX Ace lacks any kind of a good battleback management system. All
# battlebacks for the overworld are predetermined based on their autotile. This
# becomes a problem when users would like to use different autotiles or when
# users aren't using an overworld tileset. This script allows developers to
# bind certain battlebacks to terrains and have the battleback shown change and
# vary depending on the terrain tag used if no specified battleback is used for
# that map.
# ▼ Instructions
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Map Notetags - These notetags go in the map notebox in a map's properties.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <terrain battlebacks>
# x-y: string
# x-y: string
# </terrain battlebacks>
# This will set the terrain x to change battleback y to the string for the image
# filename. Insert as many "x-y: string" as needed for custom battlebacks. The
# terrain battlebacks that aren't defined will refer to the hash in the terrain
# Battlebacks script module.
# ▼ Compatibility
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that
# it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting.

module YEA

# - Default Terrain Settings -
# This will set the default backdrops for maps without custom terrain
# settings. These settings will always be used unless there is a forced
# battleback or the map specifies certain battlebacks. Note that if your
# party encounters battles while on a ship, the ship battleback will take
# priority over all of these. Adjust the ship battlebacks further below.
# TerrainID => [Battleback1, Battleback2],
0 => ["Field B", ""],
1 => ["Field B", ""],
2 => ["Forest D", "Forest Foliage"],
} # Do not remove this.

# - Other Default Settings -
# These settings will be applied for battleback areas without marked terrain
# battlebacks. They'll appear when nothing in the above hash appears and
# there is no specified battleback.
DEFAULT_BATTLEBACK_FOOT1 = "Field B" # Battleback1 for traveling on foot.
DEFAULT_BATTLEBACK_FOOT2 = "" # Battleback2 for traveling on foot.
DEFAULT_BATTLEBACK_SHIP1 = "ff2_psp_ship_deck" # Battleback1 for traveling on ship.
DEFAULT_BATTLEBACK_SHIP2 = "" # Battleback2 for traveling on ship.

end # YEA

# ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing
# computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or
# halitosis so edit at your own risk.

module YEA
module REGEXP
module MAP

TERRAIN_BATTLEBACK_TAG = /(\d+)([--])(\d+):[ ](.*)/i

end # MAP
end # REGEXP
end # YEA

# ■ RPG::Map

class RPG::Map

# public instance variables
attr_accessor :terrain_battlebacks

# common cache: load_notetags_rbb
def load_notetags_rbb
@terrain_battlebacks = YEA::BATTLEBACKS::DEFAULT.clone
@terrain_battlebacks_on = false
self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
case line
@terrain_battlebacks_on = true
@terrain_battlebacks_on = false
next unless @terrain_battlebacks_on
rid = $1.to_i
@terrain_battlebacks[rid] = ["", ""] if @terrain_battlebacks[rid].nil?
case $3.to_i
when 1
@terrain_battlebacks[rid][0] = $4.to_s
when 2
@terrain_battlebacks[rid][1] = $4.to_s
} # self.note.split

end # RPG::Map

# ■ Spriteset_Battle

class Spriteset_Battle

# overwrite method: battleback1_name
def battleback1_name
elsif $game_map.battleback1_name

# overwrite method: battleback2_name
def battleback2_name
elsif $game_map.battleback2_name

# alias method: normal_battleback1_name
alias normal_battleback1_name_rbb normal_battleback1_name
def normal_battleback1_name
$game_map.terrain_battleback1 || normal_battleback1_name_rbb

# alias method: normal_battleback2_name
alias normal_battleback2_name_rbb normal_battleback2_name
def normal_battleback2_name
$game_map.terrain_battleback2 || normal_battleback2_name_rbb

# overwrite method: default_battleback1_name
def default_battleback1_name

# overwrite method: default_battleback2_name
def default_battleback2_name

# overwrite method: ship_battleback1_name
def ship_battleback1_name

# overwrite method: ship_battleback2_name
def ship_battleback2_name

end # Spriteset_Battle

# ■ Game_Map

class Game_Map

# alias method: setup
alias game_map_setup_rbb setup
def setup(map_id)

# new method: terrain_battlebacks
def terrain_battlebacks
return @map.terrain_battlebacks

# new method: terrain_battleback1
def terrain_battleback1
return terrain_battlebacks[$game_player.terrain_tag][0]

# new method: terrain_battleback2
def terrain_battleback2
return terrain_battlebacks[$game_player.terrain_tag][1]

end # Game_Map

# ▼ End of File
I use that script to set battle backs based on terrain tags.
It won't work with your script.