Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
RMN's Most Humblest!

Prayer of the Faithless
On the brink of the apocalypse, two friends struggle to find what is worth saving



Hymn to the Earless God

Yoooooo this looks sick! I can't wait to see where this project goes!

'Leafko - Chapter 5' is available now!

Awesome! I can't wait to try it out!

I really love how different and varied the supporting cast has been so far, and Kazar is no exception. I'm excited to see what he gets up to in this chapter.

How to make an unpopular RPG Maker game (real)

Step 1: You can make up for this by yelling really REALLY loud.
Step 2: Refer above when this occurs.
Step 3: Check!
Step 4: Check!
Step 5: Check!
Step 6: In PotF, the dogs pet you. With claws. Does that count?
Step 7: Have heavy dialogue in the intro
Step 8: Check!
Step 9: Same
Step 10: Hi
Step 11: Oops
Step 12: participate in any IGMC with RTP only
Step 13: Instructions unclear, got my head stuck in a ceiling vent

Bringing Back a Potential RM Renaissance

I'm in full support of any avenue that can pump fresh blood into the RM community, so I say sure, bring in the 2K3 newbs.

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

Testing tile priority. Fun fact: The square knobs on the front corners are to hide the transition between priority levels so the MC's hands don't clip through the railing.


Time for the newcomer to earn her place alongside the vet!

How to make an unpopular RPG Maker game

Make a decent game and then cause drama for no reason.

It occurs to me that I should probably change my title

It occurs to me that I should probably change my title

I thought it'd be funny to set my title to whatever someone calls me whenever they get in trouble, but y'all have been too nice to me and I only have one example from years ago.

Kinda drawing a blank here though...

Speaking of pokeymans, i never did the voting for Kids Design 3. But then again, it never got the critical mass of submissions needed to facilitate a voting round. Oh well.

There was an event for poking men?