Tear Harvester Rhyme
you saw my profile

now you have to add +10 to all your enemies' parameters.
Subterranean Starfield
~kawaii style dungeon crawler~



~ alter perfect ~

what is the answer to the second riddle about what a poor man has & what a rich man wants nut if swallowed will kill I cant figure out that answer can anyone help I cant bprogress further without solving it will someone please help that's the riddle im stumped with please

Wrong game there ;w;, this game doesn't have riddles.

~ alter perfect ~

icm sorry nut I cant seem to solve tn anyone help he second riddle in the tomb with ca alec can someone please give me a cluemme vby the way really enjoying this game otherwise

There are no riddles in this game though, which part are you referring to?

The Featured Game Thread

Homework Salesman needs more attention. Seriously saying it considering it's one of the most advanced RM games as of date.

Give this some consideration! (for the record even if i wasn't listed developer i'd still push for it. I don't even do much on hws)


40000th image!

Dragon's Crown?

Once online multiplayer is unlocked, find friends to play with. The fun practically quadruples by then. You can also go with a random room and play with random players. (Since it's released recently, the online multiplayer is far from dead! it's also cross-region, so you can meet US/EU/JP/Asia/etc players)

The PS3 version allows up to 4 players on the same couch play together locally (i don't actually know how well it works, since I don't own the PS3 version ;-;), and the Vita version can ad-hoc to play with others~

Regardless, a single player run is still pretty fun to play!

Dragon's Crown?

me :D
You learn skills by skill points, and it's not that hard and not that easy. Depends on how well you do since it's more a brawler as opposed to an RPG.
VERY fun. Can be difficult if you solo but you're probably not meant to solo it.

It's fun working on a kawaii style dungeon crawler~

Very kawaii

~ alter perfect ~

Is anyone aware the pages on this game are ALL upside down and there is a HUGH scroll bar on the bottom ?? :)

Can this be fixed ??

S-should I fix it?

RPG Maker VX Ace Lite Cook Off!

>:D I eagerly await the tears of frustration!

It does not disappoint :D

(thanks for enduring, Liberty!)

Homework Salesman

I'm really annoyed that I'm not playing this. Why couldn't I have discovered it AFTER it had a download added?!

I'm gonna be real excited all day now. I hope you're happy. >:l

We are :D