ENG: Games displayed here aren't in the rmn database, so please, if you want to see all my library, check out "Play Lists" in the top right corner of the screen as well.

SPA: Los juegos que aparecen aquí abajo son los que no están en la base de datos de esta web, así que para ver el registro completo de mis juegos por favor, échale un vistazo a la opción "Play Lists" en la esquina superior derecha de esta página!

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Currently playing:

Last Played:
STYGIAN (2023/10/31)


>赤異怪段 -アカイカイダン-
>Ao Oni
>Amayado Bus Stop
>Behind the Nightmare
(real translation: The world behind eyelids)
>Corpse Party -Rebuilt
>Corpse Party ZERO
>Corpse Party 0 -DEMO-
>Deruna 「出るな」
>El Chat Escolar
>El Crítico
>Es Navidad, ¿no es así?
>Forest of the Drizzling Rain
>Go To Sleep
>Hand In Hand
>Hello? Hell...o?
>Hope, Abandoned
>Infectious Nightmare
>怪物館:実験版 (Kaibutsukan: Trial Edition)
>Kyofu Hoteru 「恐怖ホテル」
>Mad Father
>Mahou Shoujo -DEMO-
>Mama ni aitai
>Mermaid Swamp
>Metamorphosis Zero
>Mikoto Nikki
>Night mare (プロローグ)
>Nira Oni
>Not gonna Die
>Oyadori No Ko
>Paranormal Syndrome
>Pitch Black-DEMO-
>Red World
>Red Book
>Ruki no Zetsubo
>Subsitute Sacrifice Girl
>Shuutai Headless (Prisionero sin cabeza)
>The Boogie Man
>The Crooked Man
>The Dark Side of Red Riding Hood
>The Desolate Hospital
>The Mothman-DEMO-
>The Sandman
>Trampled Flower

****未完の仕事/Unfinished Bussiness/Pendientes de terminar****

>Killer_C (para recordar)
>Yotsuno Hamura (atascado)
>Seventh Night (Oshichiya)(lo dejé por aburrimiento, aunque está interesante)
>The HangedMan (hay que echarle tiempo)
>Shadow Seeker (lo he tenido parado mucho tiempo, hay que rejugarlo desde 0)

---遊びたい/Want to Play/Quiero jugar----

>Paranormal Syndrome 2, -R-

****面倒くさい/Dropped/Ni con un palo****

Unfinished & boring af games that won't play nor continue with my progress. Die, you fucking piece of shit. Main Reason: Unbearable

>Forest of Animals (A total kusoge, nothing makes sense, gigantic areas and a VERY bad English translation)
>Hidden in the Shadows
>Reaper (Full of bugs, unplayable)


>赤異怪段 -アカイカイダン-
>Ao oni
>Corpse Party 0 -DEMO-
>Corpse Party -Rebuilt
>Deruna 「出るな」
>El Crítico
>Forest of the Drizzling Rain
>怪物館:実験版 (Kaibutsukan: Trial Edition)
>Mahou Shoujo -DEMO-
>Mama ni aitai
>Paranormal Syndrome
>Pitch Black-DEMO-
>The Boogie Man
>The Crooked Man

****勧めない/Not Recommended/ No Recomendados****

>Conan Room
>El Chat Escolar
>Metamorphosis Zero
>Night mare (プロローグ)
>The Desolate Hospital


>Amayado Bus Stop
>Corpse Party ZERO
>Es Navidad, ¿no es así?
>Go To Sleep
>Hand In Hand
>Infectious Nightmare
>Kyofu Hoteru 「恐怖ホテル」
>Mikoto Nikki
>Nira Oni
>Oyadori No Ko
>Red World
>Subsitute Sacrifice Girl
>Trampled Flower

****DEAD END/R.I.P.****

>Eyes Without a Face by Team Cascade 2010
>Werewolf by AMoonlessNighte 20XX
>When THe Bell Tolls by Minnow 2013


-Full of bugs-




Ravenwood Horror

I don't know if it's one of the most, but certainly, it's a must-be in the "very underrated games" list.

First, It's not a survival horror game although some tracks used in-game are from Resident Evil or Silent Hill franchises, so if you're looking for this kind of game, do not play this. Secondly, most of the people here complain about shit. I think that either they are jealous or they didn't understand the story cause "2 much 2 think" or whatever.

This game was made by a badass to badass people, just as simple as it is. If you don't enjoy a horror game with a high level of riddles, do not play this, but if yes, you are welcome. Ravenwood Horror has the best of both sides: difficult af puzzles (everyone under 100 IQ must quit asap) and a great (but soft at the same time) horror experience.

Although at a first glance, the plot could be simple, at the same time it has the scent or "magic" to catch you and spend hours playing this. The same scent or soul you felt while playing classics horror games. As a horror fan, you love that sensation, and this game will give it to you. Every puzzle you solve, every door you open, everything is part of what Ravenwood is.

It's more of an adventure than a pure horror game, but this combination is, again, very well-formed. Overall, is a unique game, recommended of course, and a must-play to the horror games lovers.

8/10. E.T.A.= 4'50H (no walkthroughs)


Since the last comment is from 2017 I don't really know if all these people from above played another version of the game but, the last version (v1.1) downloaded from this site its bugged or at least, that's what it seems.

Fully explained:
Once you managed to take the String and the magnet, there is no possible way to use the "String magnet" where it's supposed to be, on the sink in the female restrooms. The only thing available is a dialog window with the "discard?" option. So, it's impossible to continue.

Taking this in consideration, my review so far is that it's really a tough game, very very difficult, which i personally love but, i think it might be too difficult for casuals. I don't know if this could be a bad point for the game, i don't think so, but at least some objects or at least, some clues, could be better "explained".

One Night

A very good game that obviously was influenced by Resident Evil and the idea of a survival game established in an abandoned facility in the middle of nowhere.

Did you ever imagine to be Chris Redfields, but without the guns and only a calculator? No? Welcome to One Night. All puzzles are solved by pen, paper and maths. It's not a bad thing at all, because at least, One Night has better puzzles than RE, but sometimes the only thing you want to do is to continue.
Well armed story, "find & continue items" as the inner engine of the progression in the game is very, very well developed and you are easily inmerged into the most pure Survival Horror thing. As the limitations of a rpgmaker made game, this is all what we have, and It is very good.


Personally, the idea of having the dragon universe is quite shitty cause is very unbelievable, not for the fact of being dragons (even if they are unicorns, I don't give a damn), but It seems to have been planned so quickly for only having something that had to explain the experiments made in the complex. Not to say all that "physic stuff" that were possible to create the merge of different realities, not only is fantastic af, but It feels so dull. If you are inspired by something, at least, make your thing a little different. It seems that you had the survival thing in your mind (very well prepared) but seeing no way to continue, It was better to introduce some "explanations".

And about Tiffany, well, She is a good character for nothing, sometimes she will help us, but only 1 or 2 times. She acts so artificial or unnatural, the same as the villain in the base. Who is that guy? Ok, later dragonBoss will tell us that was one of his subordinates, but, that's all? Oh boy, the characters in this game are simpler than to open a door. Nigga, put more effort in the guys I'm gonna kill later or, to fall in love with, like Tiffany, god damm that fucking drama at the end....

Gonna mark this with a 7/10 cause if you don't bother about anything more, the game itself is well made.
E.T.A: 4-5H


"Five friends"
"One House"
"Tag: Horror"
Oh, yes

A very well planned game that correctly fits with all It says. Altough the story isn't original at all, the rest, and I mean, the action, was deeply developed. That's what I really liked

By the way, I don't what happened, but when you needed to listen to your m8, if the sound come from the left, you had to move to the opposite direction, to the right. If not, It won't work.

Not bad dude, good job.
E.T.A: 1H
P.S.:Goddammit, the spanish translation...


Very interesting game tbh. Pretty cool the atmosphere in all moment. Since the very start of the game you are interested in what is going on and you may have an idea of that too. The best part, is when all messes up and the party starts.
Good scenarios that are well designed that show properly the mental problems, or, more accuracy, the inner frustations and fears of Sophia.

It's very short and It is very good, but It also lacks of more... let's say, "action". The end isn't very satisfying, not in the sense of not having a happy ending, but an answer of what will happend to the woman.

Maybe that's not the point of the story, and It's just the reflection of a depressed woman in her daily routine.

7/10 Good
ETA: 30 mins.

P.S.: Loved the visuals and the expressions of the characters. Very realistic!


If I played this game, It was by mistake. I wasn't expecting anything tbh but It wasn't that bad. That's it. Overall the game is OK, you have a great time playing something very childish with a fanzy and entertaining atmosphere. 100% dedicated to kids.
It is a good work, very well designed all the stereotype characters and the all-made-by-us visuals. Really nice.

The story, the most important part, is enjoyable and well executed, but it is dull at the same time.
Not recommended to those who look for something more serious.

ETA: 1'50H

P.S.: For God's Sake, the Spanish translation is as bad as every time Jack does it. Normal people do not speak like in-game scripts.

Castle Red

Good-in-general-survival-horror-game that for me it was a curious mixed bag of feelings. For this I'm gonna divide my humble review in 2 parts:

With what the creator wrote some comments above he seems to be a into the horror thing. I love the "trapped with strangers somewhere and need to escape" sub-genre, and the author too. How you have the control of all your actions and also the way some characters may address to you. The idea of a conspiracy or some kind of bizarre cult going on and how you get into that. And sympathizing even more with your character, Jonathon, by reading his personal thoughts. Immersion at his best. Also the idea of from being at first in a gigantic castle but at some point seeing yourself killing dogs in hanging gardens. And of course, the space-and-time manipulation clearly viewable when some guys tell you "hey, It was a while since we met". I really really liked the idea of that surreal atmosphere in all the game.


I remember when I started and there were those guys with the bloody eyes and I was like, what the hell? It's so sudden.
The scenarios are so damn huge, corridors, rooms, empty rooms with nothing than boxes... I don't think those things were made to make a horrifying atmosphere. It was so tedious.
I have some problems with my character:
-Why does he wear an armor?
-Is it necessary to listen to the sounds that he makes wherever I go?
-Is he a granny by some reason? Because he walks slowly AF
I've read about this last point that was made for making the player feel vulnerable. But to be honest the only thing that was vulnerable was my patience.

You seems to be a good guy with a clearly defined and well structured story ready to be fitted into a game, but honestly, I don't think that the "rpgmaker" engine would make that possible. Maybe if you try... I don't know, Unreal Engine or Unity It will work. And believe me when I say that Castle Red, into a TV-Show format would be marvelous! It would be awesome to see those parasite zombies.

Total Time: Almost 4H

P.S.: Now I'm looking for the secuel. I've seen some images and It looks very cool!

P.S.: I'll drop this for anyone interested-

Ghost School

Well, well what we have here?

It had to be the second try that could put me completly into this game. Personally I am in love with all that classic japanese horror elements such as the dark long hair girl ghosts, cursed houses with a vengeful spirit or similars. So this was a Must Play for sure! It has all you are looking for if you are into this kind of things: an abandoned old school with a terrible curse, a terrorific atmosphere, some young guys here and there and a mistery that claims to be solved while Dead walks through corridors. But most importantly of all, It's difficult af that's for sure!

The place is gigantic and without a map you will get lost after 5 minutes if you don't do a hard work of memorisation. Good thing this boy is a badass who has already gone for the hell of the first resident evil games several times.

Putting that apart, yeah, this game is a hard one. There will be many times where you will have no idea of what to do or where you have to go to continue. Solution? Explore! That's it, there is nothing more than go back where you previously were and check if something new did appear. Secondly, if you are going to play this, be sure to have much free time or at least, play a little everyday. If not It will even more difficult to continue without getting tired of visiting the same corridors again and again.

But on the other hand, some dialogs just don't make much sense in its context. Manabe for example, has a "unique" way to treat with spirits that want to kill her. And I thought that there will be more deaths in the true ending, aren't we in a living hell full of dreadful ghosts?

Anyway, very grateful for bringing us this game, MemoriesOfFear! Will be looking after others projects-

Total Time: 5'50H (no walkthoughts were used!)

Around me, crimson-stained leaves

Hey, gracias por jugar "Around Me" y espero estés disfrutando Octubre.(...)

¡Hola! Con lo que has dicho, tengo ganas de probar algo tuyo sin limitaciones de tiempo. Quizás tus planes futuros estén relacionados con tu foto de perfil (?)

He visto que tienes más juegos (¡y además de terror!) colgados en la web. No dudaré en jugarlos en breves.

Gracias por responder, y mucho ánimo en tus proyectos.

Feliz Spooky Scary Skeletons


Thank you for the review, cherub_enjel and daenius.

I hope you look forward to Purgatory 2 when it comes out.

Indeed It come out: https://www.freem.ne.jp/brand/4136