

Earthquake in Japan

Yeah, I was wondering when someone was going to bring up the ''I'd rather not give money, (american) companies steal it'' excuse so they can cop out of making a donation.

EDIT: Along the ''I don't have 10 bucks but I have shitloads of videogames, the internet, a ps3, a recent PC...'' That's also a classic of maturity.
i'd actually think more of people who admit they can't be bothered than spouting the old 'i don't even have 1 quid,' shite.
i guess it's just so easy not to donate.
(i did it through british red cross, it seems safe to me - i'm still poor as anything but it's not like my £18 would ever go on anything better haha. i hope we can help as many people as possible)

Booble's art stuff

wow my art topic was saved! i thought it might have been lost in the purge...i'll dump a couple of pictures then, teehee.

ahah...perspective issues...

a watercolour i took the time out to scan! it was really annoying having to fix the problems the scanner presented in photoshop...>: tips for drawing - do loads of random lines and then follow whichever looks like it could be something.

i found out i got into art college yesterday, yaay! :)
the condition is one alevel. i like to think i can achieve this.

Art Fart

Yeah the average head ratio for a teenager is 7 to their height an adult 8 a super-hero 9 but like boobs said
( chuckle... ).
...yeah...don't call me that

Art Fart

looks awesome! i admire your sense of colour.
i don't think the anatomy is a problem to be honest, the head on the second one is possibly a little big but other than that..yeah, it's good! :)

Forum Changes

not really, it's about improving the design/layout of the screenshot so it would go under game discussion/dev., surely.
you're asking for trouble if you put the screenshot topic in moronic haha.


yeah, she was pretty mean. and then she comes crawling back hahah.
brilliant artwork though!

Forum Changes

frustrated english people: brought to you by americans

Forum Changes

you couldn't care less. if you could care less that means you care at least a bit. idk how many times i'm going to explain this but i'll carry on until i stop hearing that saying haha.
i'm not one of those 'stop butchering our language!' people, but you're saying the opposite of what you mean!

anyway, it's a welcome surprise, i like it better this way :)