No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane

I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
JB Hairboll in Murder Fl...
When a frog turns up cold in Flirty Bird Park, the fuzz can only call one cat for help...



Would you play a game with HORRIFIC art if the story is REALLY Good?

"good" and "bad" art is subjective. look at heta-uma.

basically, yes, i would give the game a try.

[Poll] Cute little fat guys from RPGs


What is your favorite anime character?

Will you play a pure-text CYOA novel?

Yeah, of course. I'm a fan of interactive fiction. Both text adventures and Twine. Just by limiting yourself to text only, you can probably play a bunch of narrative tricks that you normally wouldn't be able to achieve within a video game.

Controversial Topics In Your Game

how about an elder abuse simulator in the style of shining force 2, that'd be pretty controversial

Good PS3 J-RPGs?

What are they parodying? I don't think their writers are that clever. It's hard to tell when their output is fairly heavy on skeeze. A lot of the writing in Resonance of Fate bothered me.

What've you been up to?

Sup Happy! I'm a composer too. I live with my partner and I too have difficulty making music when she's around. I'm a very solitary creative type in that way. I don't know why that is.

I've just finished my MA dissertation, closing off a two-year course. I can't remember how to relax. I feel like I'm on the cusp of madness.

Kentona, no half measures. You are probably going to need exterminators. We had bed bugs earlier this year and it was a highly traumatic experience for me and my partner. They get into any tiny tracks in walls, they got all over my rare vinyl records, it was just...woargh.

We managed to get rid of them, and then when we moved a month later we didn't take them with us. I don't mean to give you a paranoia trip but you need to be about 10x more thorough than you'd think is enough. They're not impossible to get rid of but they are insidious little bastards.

Good PS3 J-RPGs?

Edge Maverick. What the fuck.


Welp, it's official! That's a lotta dough.

HD Xenosaga

This is just my opinion, but they're really bad games. With the exception of the third game, the battle system is overly complicated and random encounters take forever to beat. Worse still, the writing is shockingly poor. Xenogears and Xenoblade are miles ahead of the Saga trilogy.

but yknow, video games are subjective and i have terrible taste.