No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane
I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
Densetsu no Kusoge
How do you feel about profanity in RPG Maker games?
heh, Shadowrun's infamous "hey drek-head" always just made me feel embarrassed for whoever wrote that.
How do you feel about profanity in RPG Maker games?
The line about Arche kinda tickled me to be honest--if I recall, that's the only bit of inappropriate profanity in that translation (correct me if I'm wrong, it's been over a decade since I played that version). If the characters continued speaking like that, I would've been annoyed and probably would've stopped playing. Moderation is key!
How do you feel about profanity in RPG Maker games?
The same way I feel about profanity in other art forms: if it is used sparingly and appropriately, it can be effective. If it's overly profane for no reason, that's just lazy writing.
Anybody ever play any of those terrible Final Fantasy romhacks that didn't edit much except having Kefka say 'fuck you bitch', etc.? Yeah. Or the sister on Dexter--I always had to roll my eyes whenever she opened her mouth.
I would *love* to see a game with a foul-mouthed axe-swingin' hard-drinkin' priestess.
Anybody ever play any of those terrible Final Fantasy romhacks that didn't edit much except having Kefka say 'fuck you bitch', etc.? Yeah. Or the sister on Dexter--I always had to roll my eyes whenever she opened her mouth.
A priestess isn't likely to swear often (if at all) and if she did, it would most likely be soft swearing - damn, hell and the like.
I would *love* to see a game with a foul-mouthed axe-swingin' hard-drinkin' priestess.
Are any of you guys in a bad financial situation?
Furthermore high-school dropouts have no business in college.
Those are strong words. I dropped out of high-school. Through no choice of my own--I was moving from one country to another with my family and I was unable to re-start high school because of this. I've got a Bachelor's degree with honours and I'm writing my Master's dissertation now.
Making a game that's purposely "bad"(YMMV)
I just heard about this the other day and it sounds hysterical. Anybody played it?
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The Screenshot Topic Returns
The mushroom sticking out might be due to its size compared to everything else.
Anyway, I'm messing around with the Futuristic and here's what I came up with.
Seedy but cute. I'm reminded of Arc the Lad 2.
Corpse Party: For Another Day
I like what you've got here so far. I like Corpse Party a lot, but I dislike most of the fan games as I've found that they're little more than carbon copies of ReBuilt; plot, graphics, music and all. You're doing enough differently here with enough original resources that your game stands apart from the crowd.