No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane

I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
JB Hairboll in Murder Fl...
When a frog turns up cold in Flirty Bird Park, the fuzz can only call one cat for help...



What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

I've bought a copy of Twilight Syndrome off of ebay. When it arrives, I'm going to try and flex my Japanese studies by translating/transcribing as much of it as I can.

Games you love but everyone hates.

I just played through Killer is Dead and I can't say I enjoyed it very much. BUT, it's given me a newfound appreciation for Flower Sun and Rain, Suda51's Kafkaesque Groundhog Day Math Adventure. That was pretty panned when the DS port was released in the west, but I'm finding it very witty and enjoyable.

Games you love but everyone hates.

SaGa Frontier. It was universally panned when it came out. Everybody I knew personally was saying "I rented it and it sucked". Maybe it was riding too close to FF7's coattails.
Granted, it has a cult fanbase now.

But then there's SaGa Frontier 2 :D That one's just straight up universally panned except by me.

SaGa Frontier got a lot of stick, but it was one of my favorites during its time of release. I seem to remember SaGa Frontier 2 got a positive reception though--it was a beautiful game and it addressed some of the mechanical problems that 1 suffered from.

I really enjoyed 2, but I felt Gustave's scenario was cut short a bit early, especially compared to the three generations of the Knights family. I saw it through to the end, but I must admit that I lost interest by the time Ginny took center stage. I'll take political intrigue over MacGuffin-hunting any day.

[Poll] Which Final Fantasy had the best character development system?

Character development? In Final Fantasy? Surely you jest ;);)

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Now that's lookin' slick. Well done!

Harrison Ford...Seriously

Just for posterity.

Popular Games

Well, I noticed Moga's Ghost Suburb games are on Gamejolt with a good reception.

Final Fantasy III "Remake" Coming to Steam (With Cards!)

Interesting for its time, FF3 laid the groundwork for Final Fantasy 5 and that's about it. There's no plot to speak of. Even the remake is pretty hard to play, due to its marathon dungeons and inability to save anywhere except the world map.

[Poll] Super Nintendo Vs. Sega Genesis

Sega Genesis did have the better sound chip: the incredible Yamaha YM2612.


Games based on World Cultures

Have you played Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2? The world in those games is heavily based off Aryan architecture and mythology. Aryan as in Indo-Iranian, not...y'know. I know you haven't expressed an interest in this particular culture, but the setting really makes it stand apart from the crowd.