A person that Let's Plays and reviews RPG Maker games.
Goku Jrs RPG Adventure
An old fan game made by The1stDragon based on the only DBGT movie.



Distilled Opinions Review Jam

I'm pretty sure I've got a review that should have met the requirements for week two. Albeit, it's still stuck in the queue at this point.

Distilled Opinions Review Jam

You might want to check the dates for the second week. Since, at the moment their the same as the first week.

Week 1 theme: Gin
Week 1 dates: July 4th to July 17th

Week 2 theme: Rum
Week 2 dates: July 4th to July 17th

Distilled Opinions Review Jam

Well hopefully I managed to get my review submitted in time.

Stat Man & The Wasp

To be fair, this site is still more active then the guild I'm associated with on Neopets.

Let's Play: Blue Skies 2 - Parts 10 - 12

In the Castle Review

"such as a hexagram you couldn't get to in the slider puzzle,"

You can get to the hexagram in the slider puzzle. All you need to do in order to reach it is go right at the initial entry point instead of up or left. Though, I'm not sure why you'd want to reach the hexagram considering all it does is warp you back to your starting position within the room.

Eat a Cactus Review

Someone is a fan of the AVGN.

Isn't everybody?

Some of the glitches were done on purpose such as the dragon, I mean it says "the biggest glitch in the game joined your party!"

I'm aware that some of the glitches are on purpose. There's a reason I don't talk about the one impassable flame in that one house.

Oh, and the battles are supposed to be easy.

My point is that the battles weren't easy enough. After all, if the enemies are meant to be a joke. You may as well throw in an attack that allows the player to do absolutely absurd amount of damage.

Eat a Cactus Review

Are we absolutely certain that it's a dragon? After all, it seems to be at the heart of a lot of game's glitches. So maybe it's a glitch gremlin in disguise.

Eat a Cactus Review

And then minus two points for the fact that the dragon is the main cause of most of the glitches in this game.

And, I'll take off another point because the dragon isn't like Ryu in Breath of Fire II. Seriously, we need more games where guys turn into giant lizards that breath ice, fire, and lightning.

Eat a Cactus Review

Who says I'm taking it seriously. I just dropped it by a whole point because of all of the glitches.