A person that Let's Plays and reviews RPG Maker games.
Goku Jrs RPG Adventure
An old fan game made by The1stDragon based on the only DBGT movie.



Eat a Cactus Review

Yeah, this game is definitely unpolished. In fact, when I was doing my Let's Play for this game I managed to stumble into a glitch that turned the party invisible. As you can imagine, this made it a royal pain in the @#$ in order to get back into Marrend's tent.

I also found a glitch that allowed me to skip over an event mentioned in the walkthrough as well.

Let's Play: Grimps - A Christmas Puzzle

Honestly, I'm not sure if that's much of achievement. Since, I seriously doubt there'd be a lot of competition for something like that.

Let's Play: Einherjar (2017 IGMC Version)

Stats: Ragnarok

Well, I didn't make my goals last month, but I'll try to continue work on a few projects I currently have open. Though, I've been largely focusing on entries in the 2017 Indie Game Maker Contest at the moment.

Let's Play: Rainbow Vale

"At one point, I had the shop upgrade it's inventory as dungeons are cleared. Maybe I should have kept that?"

Honestly, the lack of difficulty in this game is only a problem if you didn't intend for this game to be super easy.

Let's Play: Faxanadog and Lobster Quest Deluxe!

"First of all, I must say that you seem to have missed the true gameplay of the Lobster Quest Collection."

I'm aware, but I was trying to record as many Let's Play episodes as I could when I did these. So my efforts were more focused towards getting the job done quickly then on through exploration.

I also found one object in Faxanadog that has cut-off text when you view the item from certain sides.

Stat Runner 2049

Well, I've finished my Let's Play for A Traitor's Hold. And, I'm hoping I'll get around to doing a short video review for it later in the day. Though, I imagine the bulk of the video will be spent discussing two notable glitches that I found.


I've finished my Let's Play for Demon Hunter. I suppose on the bright side the battle with the final boss did present a reasonable challenge. Which was something I had been complaining about for a while now. On the downside I wish the episode was a bit shorter. Since, I'm not particularly fond of doing 40 minute plus episodes at the moment.

Additional Update

I've put together a video review for A Traitor's Hold which takes care of at least of one of my five reviews for the month.

Stat Runner 2049

Goals for Next Month
1) Begin closing the gap between me and Archeia_Nessiah in order to get into the top 5 for MS.

2) Submit 5 Reviews

3) Finish Demon Hunter, A Traitor's Hold, Dungeon Crawl, Party of Four!, and my re-visit for the polished version of Dream Quest

Golden Guard (Speedrun)

Your welcome. And at least it's problem that doesn't impact the game in a meaningful way. Unlike the mess I've found myself in with Souls 2 and Phantasia Remake.

Let's Play: Golden Guard - Parts 01 & 02

Well you could also make a video and submit to the site for the maker score.