Was deemed by the Arishok as one who commands a great deal of respect. Was recently thrown out of a wheat field for going against the grain. Once conquered Rhode Island using a can of lima beans, a yo-yo, and a used copy of Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 on Blu-Ray. Is a founding member of the band Bladder Failure, whose hit single "Flushed From the Bottom of My Heart" spent nearly six minutes atop the Canadian Top 10 (until the software glitch was corrected). Invented the word "zfaifnv" while trapped in the back of a UPS truck with a flatulent snapping turtle.

ALSO: Does not tolerate use of the word "when" under any circumstance.
The Legend of Blake
Embark upon a journey to become a legend. Or not. It's up to you.



The Screenshot Topic Returns

I feel like it needs more STUFF. It doesn't look bad or anything, but it just seems sparse to me. When I make a map, I like to have as much crap on the screen as possible (without going overboard). Makes everything look nice and lively. I also cheated, and doubled the size of all my sprites so they take up more room on the screen...

Some examples from my game... I wouldn't expect yours to be quite as dense, as it looks like a little village in the middle of nowhere, but you get the idea.

And here's the whole map...

What are you thinking about right now?

I'm thinking, "Man it would be nice if The Sims 3 didn't run at 1,500 FPS." I'm afraid it's going to destroy something... like my video card.

The Ban Game

I ban UnknownMessiah for being unknown to me.

What are you thinking about right now?

Well, if it's cold outside, I wouldn't want any windows open.

What are you thinking about right now?

I live alone, I don't have a roommate or a girlfriend, no one has a key to my condo. All my windows are closed. I do not share AC or heating with my neighbors, I have my own private ventilation.

I don't smoke weed or own weed.

Why did I just get home from a three hour work shift to find that my condo smells like weed? A mystery most dank.
I used to have neighbors who loved nothing more than to grow copious amounts of weed and then smoke copious amounts of weed. Even with the windows shut (and with my awful allergies), I could still get a whiff of it sometimes. Same thing with skunk. Ugh.

And a three hour work shift really doesn't seem long enough to even bother, unless you're making the big bucks (or like... need/want the money that comes from said shift... ...). Where I work, four hours is the bare minimum. Of course, eight hours of grueling, thankless work is where it's at, yo.

The Ban Game

I ban MajoracanKing for hating on dear, sweet baby kittens!!!!! They're so tiny, soft, and cute! How can you even think about maligning them, you big meanie. You should be ashamed of yourself. And in addition to banning you, I'm also taking 50 points from Hufflepuff for that travesty.

Only this time I'm taking 100 points from Hufflepuff.

The Ban Game

I ban MajoracanKing for hating on dear, sweet baby kittens!!!!! They're so tiny, soft, and cute! How can you even think about maligning them, you big meanie. You should be ashamed of yourself. And in addition to banning you, I'm also taking 50 points from Hufflepuff for that travesty.

The Ban Game

I ban pianotm for revolting me with that dangling participial phrase the other week. Ugh.

[Poll] Best rts on the DS

Of the three choices, I've only played Heroes of Many and Revenant Wings. Like Kylaila said, neither game is very great. It's been so long since I've played them, I can't really remember the finer details, but I do think that I enjoyed Revenant Wings more.

Also, I seriously thought there was a bug on my screen when I saw that avatar and almost screamed.

Super Smash Bros for WiiU

I was being dramatic. I'm 21; I just have the soul of a 90 year old sometimes. Though I don't actually remember much about 1999. First grade, I think? Barfed on a teacher... I remember that. Other details are hazy. And off topic. But yeah, I totally didn't even play video games until like, 2002. Melee was my the first game I got to go into my shiny new GameCube on that warm summer day. Ahh... would've been even better if I had a memory card to go with the system.

And I like the stickers. I just don't think that I, personally, would deface my system with them (but that's just me). I also didn't know that the San Jose Sharks were Nintendo related. :P