

Looking Back: Legion Saga Series

I played all three Legion Saga and I though they were pretty good at the time, but the third done was full of bugs and missing some RTp stuff (probably use a different one than mine). These games were?are awesome in their own right.

Rejoice! Santa may leave little something under your tree

Hope you still working on this ^^

Community Contest: Map and you could win $25 and other prizes

This seems interesting I will give it a try maybe

An Official *English* Version of 2k3 Approaches!

Well I think it would be great if they fixed all the bugs rm2k3 has now.


I don't understand this map at all. IS like the perspective is all wrong...

Demon Slayer

If she's not latina what is she?

Love and 24

Hahahaha that was awesome.

Short games, yay or nay?

As long as it has an end, or better yet if the game is complete I would play it.